Dragon Age: Inquisition Contains 200 Hours Of Single Player Content


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Dragon Age: Inquisition Contains 200 Hours Of Single Player Content

BioWare's Cameron Lee says the studio wants "to give our players a real world to explore" in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

If we had to pick one word to sum up what roughly a month away, the studio has revealed new details about just how much time players can plan on spending with <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/dragon%20age%20inquisition>Inquisition.

Including side quests, gamers can expect to find between 150 and 200 hours worth of single player content in Inquisition. And while BioWare stressed that most of that will be optional, the developer hopes its mere presence will help to craft a richer experience for players regardless of whether or not they participate in all of it. "We want to give our players a real world to explore - we want to give them a BioWare story," said Inquisition producer Cameron Lee. "A really vast, epic BioWare story. That's what we do, and it normally takes 20 to 40 hours anyway to tell the story we want to tell."

The extra 150 hours outside of that main story, according to Lee, will be used to help players "see your decision have an impact and take shape in the world." Lee wouldn't go on to specify exactly that means, but it would definitely be interesting to see some of the decisions players make playing out in more grounded ways around the game's reportedly huge world. Just speaking personally, if Inquisition manages to incorporate even a little bit of that sort of smaller scale cause-and-effect, I'd be a much happier camper than I was while playing Dragon Age 2 which kind of didn't do that much at all. We've reached out to EA and BioWare to see if we can find out more details.

Source: <a href=http://www.polygon.com/2014/10/9/6951425/dragon-age-inquisition-long-game>Polygon



New member
Jun 29, 2013
After Dragon Age 2, you don't get the benefit of the doubt, Bioware. I'll believe it if I see it.

Also that doesn't mean said hours are fulfilling one. They could be fetch quests and collectathons for all I know.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Most of it will be optional? I await the dlc merchants hanging around your keep/house/camp.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Quality over quantity, please. I mean, how many of that content are gonna be fetch quests and that sort of stuff?
Thorn14 said:
Also that doesn't mean said hours are fulfilling one. They could be fetch quests and collectathons for all I know.
Oh, ninja'd.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Quantity isn't necessary. Quality is.

Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall wa rather short, but very fulfilling. It also wasn't riddled in blatant DLC like Dragon Age or Mass Effect 3; nor was it a regressive step backwards in gameplay like Dragon Age 2.

Any game can slog a ton of backtracking and pad out a game. Wasn't that the main complaint of Skyward Sword? Padding is what harms MMOs. Grinding is what artificially lengthened older-style JRPGs.

Skyrim's longevity was not its empty world. It was the gigatons of mods you can shove into the game and make the world your own.


EA's DLC Quest: Fantasy Iteration is promising a bunch, but between Destiny and Titanfall and Watch Dogs and others, this year has been full of disappointments.


Best to wait until after the reviews.

Oh? There's extra content that you're missing out on if you wait for reviews and don't preorder?

Best to wait until the complete version of the game goes on sale.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011

Ok, I could be cynical about this but then I thought about it and it's been a really long time since I was actually excited for a game coming out, so I'm just gonna sit over here being excited.
It feels like it's a rare thing recently, the gaming community can be a downer, and I'm not exempt from that.



New member
Feb 22, 2011
200 hours of single player content. 150 of which are locked behind DLC, each ranging from 5-10 hours I bet. I wanted to get the free Origin copy of Dragon Age, but then I realized that it still has DLC missing, which roughly costs up to 20 bucks, and I think the awakening thing is separate content in and of itself, for another 20 bucks. it's better to get the full package then try to gather the DLC on it's own. and I won't even go into Sims Territory.

When EA promises something, I ask how much DLC is it buried under, and how much could have been on the disc at launch.


Aug 25, 2008
dragongit said:
200 hours of single player content. 150 of which are locked behind DLC, each ranging from 5-10 hours I bet. I wanted to get the free Origin copy of Dragon Age, but then I realized that it still has DLC missing, which roughly costs up to 20 bucks, and I think the awakening thing is separate content in and of itself, for another 20 bucks. it's better to get the full package then try to gather the DLC on it's own. and I won't even go into Sims Territory.

When EA promises something, I ask how much DLC is it buried under, and how much could have been on the disc at launch.
I got the ultimate edition of DA:O, new from my local GAME store for £2.99

Try the shops dude xD


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Im guessing most of those side missions will be meaningless fetch quests etc. But atleast it gives you something to do while your mid mission. An to be honest its better to have them and not ues them that to not have them at all. Helps with leveling up. lol


New member
Nov 29, 2012
must have. now.
I don't even mind the useless sidequests "collect x things for x person", I just want to keep playing Dragon Age forever.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Apparently there won't be any healing spells. I balked at that at first but it sounds interesting. I always hated having to have a healer with me at all times in both games at the higher difficulty.

Anyway, I was really disappointed at the companions, but I'm still looking forward to this a lot.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
Having allot of stuff in the world to collect or discover isn't so bad. I like the notion that it'll be like Red Dead, where you're on the way to a quest, but then you see one of those flowers you've been collecting sitting off the path behind a rock...

Yeah, I'm looking forward to DA:I, like the good little Bioware drone that I am.

Upbeat Zombie

New member
Jun 29, 2010
I want to believe this. But after Dragon Age 2. For me personally Bioware's games have went from Must-Buy, to wait for the reviews first. Don't get me wrong DA 2 wasn't a bad game. Just disappointing.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........

DA2 was rushed and the ending of ME3 had issues nether though validate the constant hate spewed by people.
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it so why cant people just give it a rest, maybe go after ubisoft for their blatant bait and switches and bullshots?

OT: cant wait for the game got to play it and its every thing I wanted.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
While I have to wonder if the number is inflated a bit, after seeing the recent youtubers play through an area at an EA event, I guess I can see why it would be so huge. I think its going to be one of those, "Ooh, what's that over there? I found 1 of 30 X? Guess I'll keep an eye out for-Ooh! Another one is right over there! And whoa, I found a secret area that wasn't on the map. But to get further, I have to solve this puzzle by crafting Y, but damn, I need a little more of Z. Think I saw some enemies over at that creepy satanic church on the hill a ways back. If I kill them, I should get-Ooh! Another one of X! Wait, did 5 hours just pass? Should probably do the story again".

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Those kinds can usually be the most fun. Considering how large the areas are and how you will slowly unlock fast travel at only a few places, even your mount can only get you so far sometimes. All that exploring will undoubtedly affect the playtime.

Should obviously wait till the game comes out of course, even if this number is really just a completionist playthrough. But hey, if I could get 120 hours in a 100% run out of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, I can see the same thing happening here. Very much looking forward to this game. Can't wait!


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Riiiiight, just like how the game totally has "40 unique endings." Please, I'll believe it when I see it. And too often, I don't see it.

On the other hand... I am not looking forward to the slew of naive Tumblr posts throwing parties over this fact. Honestly, the people on that site really need to learn to see through PR double speak.

ecoho said:
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........
I don't want to see BioWare fail. Quite the opposite, I'm excited about Inquisition. I just wish they'd stop with the bullshit claims and let their game stand on it's own merits.

Ark of the Covetor

New member
Jul 10, 2014
ecoho said:
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........

DA2 was rushed and the ending of ME3 had issues nether though validate the constant hate spewed by people.
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it so why cant people just give it a rest, maybe go after ubisoft for their blatant bait and switches and bullshots?

OT: cant wait for the game got to play it and its every thing I wanted.
I know this is a struggle for some to grasp, but people with critical faculties are capable of recognising the faults in multiple different entities at the same time; we don't need to stop pointing out the flaws in EA's behaviour to also point out the flaws in Ubisoft's.

As for "working to see [them] fail", eh, naw, they just lost the right to expect a lot of us to default to "squee" fanmode the moment they announce something. We're talking about corporations here, we don't owe them anything, they are not entitled to our money or our benefit of the doubt, their job is to create something we want to buy. DA:I may turn out to be that something, but given their recent track record I'll wait and see.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
ecoho said:
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........

DA2 was rushed and the ending of ME3 had issues nether though validate the constant hate spewed by people.
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it so why cant people just give it a rest, maybe go after ubisoft for their blatant bait and switches and bullshots?

OT: cant wait for the game got to play it and its every thing I wanted.
And what, exactly, has EA and/or BioWare done to earn back my trust, exactly? Maybe this will be it. Maybe it won't. Maybe it'll be a return to form. Maybe it'll be the final nail in BioWare's coffin. You'll excuse me if I let other people spend their money first in order to find out.

I actually hope is good. I hope EA lets/gets BioWare back on track on making games I like again. Dragon Age II was happenstance, Mass Effect III was a coincidence. Let's hope Inquisition won't be considered enemy action.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
ecoho said:
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........

DA2 was rushed and the ending of ME3 had issues nether though validate the constant hate spewed by people.
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it so why cant people just give it a rest, maybe go after ubisoft for their blatant bait and switches and bullshots?

OT: cant wait for the game got to play it and its every thing I wanted.
I think its because bashing EA has become the normal accepted thing, for people are complaining about Origin when EA is giving the base copy of Dragon Age: Origins away for free until the 14th.