Dragon Age: Inquisition Contains 200 Hours Of Single Player Content

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
It only really counts if that content is interesting. 200 hours of watching paint dry might technically be content, but it isn't very fun.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
ecoho said:
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it
Battlefield: Hardline

OT: I'm gonna wait until I can see a review or two before I buy this one. My pre-order/hype days are long gone.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I have a hard time believing it, when Mass Effect and the like averaged out at 40-50 hours with all the side quests completed.

So is it going to come on five discs like Baldur's Gate? It would be amusing if they end up coming full circle with this...


New member
Apr 8, 2009
It'll be interesting to see if it lives up to those claims. It may all be fetch quests, but it may not. They've had a lot longer to work on this than DA2, and I think as long or longer than Dragon Age Origins. The amount of dev time alone does give me a bit of hope the game will meet expectations.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
200 hours of choices and at the end....... "Ok Dragon Shep you need to pick the red, the blue, or, the green potion to determine what ending you get."

Yeah sorry Bioware after all the shit you have done under EA, IF I get this game it will be MONTHS after it comes out and only if I do not see a massive wave of people screaming "what the fuck was that?" at your end game.
You will never get another full price sale(maybe none at all) from this guy and others like me again.


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
I don't like this news. It is not indicative for quality.

Dragon Age: Origins was already too long.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
obviously how that time pans out depends on the player and certain subjective factors

that said I'm glad I didn't give in to the temptation to get isolation or Shadow of mordor

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
One more point in the 'must-buy' box for me.

I'm excited about this game. I'm one of the rare people that enjoyed Dragon Age II despite its huge flaws, and I saw that the team behind it listened to the criticisms and did their best to address them in the DLC. I also greatly enjoyed Mass Effect 3 up until the ending. I also understand that this is a different team working on Dragon Age than the ME one. So I'm still super excited about this game and will be picking it up at launch.

But God help you if you fail me like you did with the Mass Effect 3 ending, BioWare, because then I will jump on the bandwagon and be done with you. But from everything I've seen, read, and heard, it does sound like they are trying their absolute best to make sure that doesn't happen and that this game does become epic.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
ecoho said:
always fun to go to a thread and see the first page of post littered with uninformed people who work so hard to see both EA and Bioware fail..........

DA2 was rushed and the ending of ME3 had issues nether though validate the constant hate spewed by people.
EA is trying to change and doing a fairly good job at it so why cant people just give it a rest, maybe go after ubisoft for their blatant bait and switches and bullshots?

OT: cant wait for the game got to play it and its every thing I wanted.
Best not to even pay attention to posts like that. If people want to irrationally hate on a company that has been steadily improving their image I say let them.

On Topic: After reading the article I can't wait to get Dragon Age: Inquisition. I think it is going to be awesome.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
dragongit said:
200 hours of single player content. 150 of which are locked behind DLC, each ranging from 5-10 hours I bet. I wanted to get the free Origin copy of Dragon Age, but then I realized that it still has DLC missing, which roughly costs up to 20 bucks, and I think the awakening thing is separate content in and of itself, for another 20 bucks. it's better to get the full package then try to gather the DLC on it's own. and I won't even go into Sims Territory.
Thats a daft attitude, you're cutting off your nose to spite your face here. Dragon Age: Origins is a long fulfilling game without any of the DLC, the DLC doesn't really make difference either. Most of the in game ones are chances for loot and a short quest that doesn't really affect or change anything, the rest where completely separate campaigns you launch from the main menu.

One was some foreshadowing for the events in later games, one was the origin story for NPC that was already well explained except you get to play as them in a separate mini campaign instead. Another was an "alternate ending" where the bad guys won and you get to play as the bad guys, fun but not necessary to the game itself.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
small said:
the_maestro_sartori said:
BaronIveagh said:
Not buying it as long as Origin is attached.
Origin is more progressive than Steam, these days.
at least origin give away free games and have a return policy
I can only speak for my personal experience, but Origin also has better customer support. I had an issue with one of my games and using Origin chat support I had my issue fixed in under a hour, but after two months I gave up with Steam support trying to get another problem fixed. I also prefer how Origin handles DLC, for when I buy it and since BioWare games are generally the only ones I buy DLC for its something I appreciate.

Origin is still missing a few things, one thing I really like about steam is the ability to create a backup installer for it, especially with the new games going to become bigger. The other thing that I dislike about Origin is their storefront and I am really surprised they haven't made any changes to it yet, then again I dislike Steam's as well its just easier to use. I know a friend of mine would also like to have the ability to gift games, but I never did that on Steam, so its a feature I wouldn't use.

Origin is also missing a backlog of games from publishers besides EA, but that took time with Steam as well, so I can only imagine that will be something that changes over time.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
EA ruined Bioware long ago, its an empty husk of what it once was and when something an EA Zombie company says sounds too good to be true it very likely is.

After the shitfest that was DA2 I'm gonna take a lot of convincing that EA haven't just made another overblown DLC filled pile of fail