Damn That Was Fast: Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Already Leaked


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Damn That Was Fast: Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Already Leaked



Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Marvel have officially released it now, by the way.

And with it, I'm certainly hyped for it. That Spader voice especially.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Andy Shandy said:
Marvel have officially released it now, by the way.

And with it, I'm certainly hyped for it. That Spader voice especially.
YEP, I saw, and I've already updated the post. Just refresh. And thanks of course.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Advertizing stuff like trailers or production photos from press kits aren't "leaks", it's marketing.

They release that stuff on social media under a fake name and call it a "leak", expecting it to make the rounds on the internet.

REAL leaks would be footage from filming, clips from the final product, or scripts, and Marvel wouldn't be giving a joking "oh shucks, Hydra!". The corporate giant would use its money and government influence to co-opt anti-terrorism laws in order to avoid due-process again as they hunt down the leaker and copies, shut down sites, and grind the offenders into paste with their pack of attack lawyers and Homeland Security lapdogs.


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Nurb said:
Advertizing stuff like trailers or production photos from press kits aren't "leaks", it's marketing.

They release that stuff on social media under a fake name and call it a "leak", expecting it to make the rounds on the internet.

REAL leaks would be footage from filming, clips from the final product, or scripts, and Marvel wouldn't be giving a joking "oh shucks, Hydra!". The corporate giant would use its money and government influence to co-opt anti-terrorism laws in order to avoid due-process again as they hunt down the leaker and copies, shut down sites, and grind the offenders into paste with their pack of attack lawyers and Homeland Security lapdogs.
Ordinarily I'd agree, but Marvel/Disney spent a lot of money advertising the fact that the trailer would debut with Agents of SHIELD. So it doesn't make sense to undercut the investment like this. Still, either someone was a dick, or the whole company was a dick. Either way, AOS got screeewed.


New member
May 13, 2013
Nurb said:
Advertizing stuff like trailers or production photos from press kits aren't "leaks", it's marketing.

They release that stuff on social media under a fake name and call it a "leak", expecting it to make the rounds on the internet.

REAL leaks would be footage from filming, clips from the final product, or scripts, and Marvel wouldn't be giving a joking "oh shucks, Hydra!". The corporate giant would use its money and government influence to co-opt anti-terrorism laws in order to avoid due-process again as they hunt down the leaker and copies, shut down sites, and grind the offenders into paste with their pack of attack lawyers and Homeland Security lapdogs.
Uhhhh ok. A bit over the top, but ok.

Pretty sure it was an inadvertent leak. As Ross mentioned in the article, it would have been worth a LOT more to them to boost SHIELD's ratings with this trailer. Don't think this was press, though I reserve judgement if a sudden "new" trailer appears next week for the episode.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
RossaLincoln said:
Nurb said:
Advertizing stuff like trailers or production photos from press kits aren't "leaks", it's marketing.

They release that stuff on social media under a fake name and call it a "leak", expecting it to make the rounds on the internet.

REAL leaks would be footage from filming, clips from the final product, or scripts, and Marvel wouldn't be giving a joking "oh shucks, Hydra!". The corporate giant would use its money and government influence to co-opt anti-terrorism laws in order to avoid due-process again as they hunt down the leaker and copies, shut down sites, and grind the offenders into paste with their pack of attack lawyers and Homeland Security lapdogs.
Ordinarily I'd agree, but Marvel/Disney spent a lot of money advertising the fact that the trailer would debut with Agents of SHIELD. So it doesn't make sense to undercut the investment like this. Still, either someone was a dick, or the whole company was a dick. Either way, AOS got screeewed.
Yea, but they also know a lot of people won't force themselves to watch a TV program they don't normally like just for a movie trailer, so I still say it's strategic marketing.

You don't even have to watch the show really, because even if it played when it they meant it to, it would immediately show up on the internet anyway.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Eh? Second verse, same as the first really. Who wants to bet it starts out okay, then things get progressively worse, an Avenger(most likely Black Widow) says something about having underestimated Ultron, Captain America gives a speech, they all fight as a team again, one or more of the Avengers is thought dead, Ultron is defeated in either a comically simple way or an overly dramatic explosion/emp blast, and in the end all the Avengers go their separate ways again.



New member
Jan 19, 2014
Well, Ultron looks bad ass.

As for the rest of it? Meh, looks a lot like the same. Maybe broodier than usual for Marvel. We'll see how they handle that, though. Maybe it won't be so bad.

Don't think they'll be able to top Fox's Quicksilver, though. He was just awesome.
Jan 12, 2012
That Hulkbuster armour made me extremely happy for two reasons:
1) Tony doing what he did at the end of IM3 was totally stupid and unnecessary, and it's nice to see Marvel running full-tilt away from that.
2) It means that steps are being taken in the MCU to defend the world from the Hulk, which means a Planet Hulk movie must be only a few years out. (No it doesn't, but a man can dream)

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I forgot how creepy Spader is when he's let loose. Ultron, still a favorite among the Avengers enemies and they seem to do it justice. Plus moar Hulkbuster. Please.
Disney, Marvel... sucking money out of my pocket at every turn...

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Silentpony said:
Eh? Second verse, same as the first really. Who wants to bet it starts out okay, then things get progressively worse, an Avenger(most likely Black Widow) says something about having underestimated Ultron, Captain America gives a speech, they all fight as a team again, one or more of the Avengers is thought dead, Ultron is defeated in either a comically simple way or an overly dramatic explosion/emp blast, and in the end all the Avengers go their separate ways again.

I bet you're super fun at parties.

OT: I'm fucking pumped. James Spader is perfect for Ultron.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
Leaked, not leaked, don't care.
The animation on Ultron at the end of the trailer is frakking amazing!


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Silentpony said:
Eh? Second verse, same as the first really. Who wants to bet it starts out okay, then things get progressively worse, an Avenger(most likely Black Widow) says something about having underestimated Ultron, Captain America gives a speech, they all fight as a team again, one or more of the Avengers is thought dead, Ultron is defeated in either a comically simple way or an overly dramatic explosion/emp blast, and in the end all the Avengers go their separate ways again.

Either you're the most underwhelmed/hard to impress Marvel fan ever or you're secretly flying DC's flag and hoping they'll get their act together and beat Marvel. Either way you're kinda killing the good vibes/hype.

Michael Tabbut

New member
May 22, 2013
My body was shivering at the end of the trailer. This is gonna be good (I hope). However the trailer does leave me with a question, why is Andy Serkis live acting at the 1:33 mark in the trailer, and who is he playing?

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Yeah, this seems appropriate...

Nice twitter reply from Marvel, even though the person(s) behind the leak is gonna have Disney's lawyers riding their ass like a deranged jockey mounting a donkey.

As for the trailer... Dear lord, this is definitely shaping up to be The Empire Strikes Back of this franchise. Spader's take on Ultron is fucking creepy as hell. His early forms are unnerving and his final version is seriously wicked. Not gonna say this may be the end of the Avengers, but merely this incarnation after the smoke clears from Age of Ultron (Do I hear Cap's kooky Quartet plus new members from upcoming films?). May 2015 cannot come sooner for me.

Also, someone might wanna call Moviebob and tell him to ready a few Big Picture episodes. Mainly one that dissects the new trailer and another to explain who or what Ultron is to those who don't have The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe memorized. ^^;