Damn That Was Fast: Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Already Leaked


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Apr 23, 2008
Houseman said:
At first I thought "Isn't that song an original Pinocchio song?" And then I remembered "Oh yeah, Disney owns everything now."

But I'm not really sure where the song comes from, actually.
No, no, that really is 'There are no strings on me' from Pinocchio, where he sings it during Stromboli's play. So you're right about that. It's supposed to reenforce the notion of a creation that broke free from its' shackles.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?

Well they had Iron Man's "Hulkbuster" armor developed in the last Iron Man movie, and since he made it to fight The Hulk if he got out of control we should have guessed this was coming. What's more it's not definite that Iron Man is actually *IN* that armor since it looks a lot like Ultron has control of Iron Man's technology for at least a little while.

That said, as far as the article goes and the speculation on "Agents Of Shield" I have heard rumors that the show is basically "ratings proof" for all intents and purposes, which is one of the big things Joss Whedon insisted on before he even got involved in this project. The intention of tying "SHIELD" into an ongoing movie franchise means that by definition the show can't be expected to cater to what is popular at the moment and respond to criticisms from network executives and the like. Supposedly the guys doing SHIELD actually have a pretty good map of where the movies are going for the next few years, and allegedly the show is pretty much indestructible for six seasons as they are working to set things up way ahead of time that aren't going to fully pay off until the end. The hopes for "SHIELD" being that at the end of it's run, the sum will be greater than it's parts once everything plays out. Basically, even if nobody turns in for the next few years chances are the show will continue, it's an experiment, and it remains to be seen if it will pay off. Supposedly if it does, it will change a lot about how TV works and the influence moment to moment ratings can have on a show's development. I've been hearing things about it here and there for a while now, along with comments about how even the hosting network doesn't have an idea on the long term plans, and more specifically on casting. Supposedly one thing Joss insisted on before he got involved in any of the Marvel stuff was that he would get to choose which people to use in anything he was even vaguely attached to, and be the final deciding factor on the storyline. Something which makes sense, even if just a rumor, given what apparently happened with the last season of "Buffy" when he decided to end it, pretty much the network told him he absolutely had to bring in minority actors and give X amount of screen time and at least one fully contained subplot around a new minority character, leading to that whole "go nowhere" thing with a demon hunting principal whose claim to fame was an eventual fist fight with Spike. If you were left wondering "what exactly did any of this have to do with the price of tea in china?" that's pretty much why Joss did it under duress, but also ended the series. Joss not being a racist (as you can tell by his overall casting) but someone who refuses to sacrifice creative vision for politics.

At any rate, we'll see if the rumors are true, at the end of the day though I doubt the trailer being leaked is going to be any big deal for "SHIELD". The plan is probably that they expect viewership to wax and wane based around the release schedule for upcoming movies and cinematic universe events, with long term viewers being rewarded in terms of a greater understanding of what's going on and the various ongoing dramas. Supposedly if the plans about ultra-long term planning are true, half the point is also that they expect the show to become better retroactively in people's minds when the eventual reveals get people to look back over the show and go "you know, I can't believe they actually seeded it like this" similar to what they tried with "Babylon 5" but were never able to pull off because of moment to moment concerns over cancellation.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Overhead said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
At the end of the trailer it shows the Cap's shield is broken.

You can't just break Captain America's shield. That's physically not possible.
It isn't meant to be possible, which is why it seems to break constantly in the Marvel Comics whenever they need to show SHIT JUST GOT REAL because man someone just broke Cap's shield!

Here's a picture from the (bad) Age of Ultron comic event of a year or two ago where you can see a bit of his broken shield:

Here is The Serpent breaking it in the (bad) event before that:

Here is Thanos breaking it in the Infinity Gauntlet event which is the basis of Marvel's current overarching plot:

If Captain America isn't about they will usually settle for the new villain beating up Galactus instead, which has the same connotations of faeces becoming factual.
Another good example would be Wolverine's claws/bones and similar things, as a general rule almost everything that is supposed to be impossible just means it's going to happen whenever they need to sell the power level of some bad guy. :)

That said, as Cap fans will point out, he's also periodically had to use temporary replacement shields, such as an adjustable force field disc on his wrist, or whatever else, when his shield has been destroyed. Inevitably he always gets the original back, or a duplicate of it. I've always suspected they smash his shield when artists decide they want to draw him with something else for a while. :)

As far as I'm concerned when they brought Bucky back they pretty much did away with the only real "rule" that had existed in comics, after that there weren't any more left. :)


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
LordMonty said:
In a trilogy they're got to go dark for the second for the arc to complete so they're trying for the empire strikes back mage, we'll see :) looking forward to this!
Well Marvel has always been the darker of the two major comics companies. It's actually kind of odd to see Marvel going the lighthearted high camp route, while DC has been going for all the grimdark angst stuff in it's movies. That's a role reversal from the comics. As a general rule DC characters are supposed to be the guys with silly names both in and outside of costume (where a guy calls himself "Captain" for no good reason) and even sillier enemies, where things occasionally get really serious. Marvel characters are supposed to be the more "realistic" flawed guys grappling with angst and serious problems like alcoholism and actually having it do serious damage. Heck in Marvel one of the main avengers was a wife beater... that's right Doctor Pym used to beat up Janet Van Dyne, and spent years disgraced for it. There was a also a bit when Ms. Marvel as Warbird was self destructing and Tony Stark was actually trying to counsel her about alcoholism. Marvel has also done some truly gruesome things over the years, especially through the vintage X-books, Mutant Massacre, Inferno, etc...

The point here is that characters getting beaten down to the point of despair, and even inwardly broken is not uncommon in Marvel. Ultron in particular has done a serious job on them in the past, and has a tendency to defeat the entire team regularly only to be beaten by some last second gimmick.

I'm guessing after a campy start, now that they have established the characters they are going to want to get into some more Marvelesque story telling. This could be important given that one concern I always had with the upcoming "Doctor Strange" movie was that I wasn't sure the current tone of the cinematic universe would be able to do Doctor Strange justice, since he's an entirely different style of camp.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Overhead said:
tdylan said:
Yeah, it is honestly just lazy and detracts from the mythos for the characters for a short-term "wow-factor" to some villain who half the time will never how up again.

I was hoping they would save breaking the shield for Avengers 3, because it getting broken by someone with total control of reality thanks to the infinity gauntlet is one of the few times it makes sense for the shield to break.
Well, strictly speaking Ultron tends to build his bodies out of Adamantium (the stuff Wolverine's Claws are made out of) making him immune to pretty much everything. Typically some gimmick is needed to beat him, like say The Vision using intangibility to mess with the internal components, or finding ways to vibrate Ultron to achieve a similar effect. They haven't really introduced the concept of Adamantium yet, so I'm guessing if they go with Ultron's usual "invulnerability factor" he will probably be made out of Vibranium himself and thus when he hits cap's shield it will be an unresistable force meeting an immovable object, albeit resolved in this case by the shield just being a sheet of metal while Ultron is much heavier and backed by servos.

We'll see what happens, it's possible they might also want to have Cap use a different shield for a while, so he can bring the original one out for a climactic moment later on.

I'll also say I'm expecting the Infinity Gauntlet thing to be a psyche out, with the directors toying with us, or planting seeds of a potential threat. The reason why I say this is that as things stand now they simply could not do that story anything like the comics, where the whole point is that Thanos defeats himself. Unless they are going to do a whole movie all about Thanos ahead of time (a movie with a villain protagonist) to get into his head, it will make little sense to see him defeat himself. What's more given that he's not running around showing actual romantic attachment to Death, I can't see what his motivation for wanting to destroy reality is. The more I think about it, the more I've started to wonder if there is some bait and switch in order here, which will annoy some people, but probably not as many as if they did an "Infinity Gauntlet" movie and then arse pulled the resolution for all intents and purposes.


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Jun 17, 2011
Therumancer said:
Well, strictly speaking Ultron tends to build his bodies out of Adamantium (the stuff Wolverine's Claws are made out of) making him immune to pretty much everything. Typically some gimmick is needed to beat him, like say The Vision using intangibility to mess with the internal components, or finding ways to vibrate Ultron to achieve a similar effect. They haven't really introduced the concept of Adamantium yet, so I'm guessing if they go with Ultron's usual "invulnerability factor" he will probably be made out of Vibranium himself
This is my biggest "thing" since the reveal that The Klaw "may" be in the movie.
- I don't think they can use "adamantium." I think that is owned by Fox and X-Men, like the word "mutant." If that's the case, and if Klaw really is present, they may adjust the properties of Vibranium to make it cover for Ultron's adamantium.

That said, needing to obtain Vibranium probably brings Black Panther into the mix, if only tangentially. And while you need some "deus ex" for defeating a villain composed of an indestructible material like Vibranium, there are two types of Vibranium - The Wakandan variety, and the Antarctic. The Antartic variety being "the anti-metal." If they go the Wakandan Vibranium route for Ultron, Antartic vibranium may be their deus ex for defeating him.

Was anyone else hoping that Ultron was built from "The Destroyer" that Thor defeated after Loki sent it to earth? I was really hoping they would do something like that to tie the movies together: like maybe Stark was working on the remnants of the Destroyer and something, something, dark side, leads to the Destroyer becoming sentient.

Anja Bech

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Mar 20, 2013
I know this isn't really important or anything but... Pinocchio? Really? Ultron is quoting Pinocchio? I guess it makes sense in a way but, oh lordy, that's corny. :p


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May 21, 2014
Breaking Cap's shield is easier than breaking his back just to emphasize heavy shit, its getting tiresome. I'm personally not that hyped yet for Age of Ultron. The comic was honestly crap imho and based on the trailer it smacks of a repeat of the first Avengers movie. Banner wandering in the wilderness, the mandatory hero vs hero before killing big bad, the ideology banter between Stark and Rogers again. I hope they really build up the villain in this one rather than the usually one note crap they're doing in Thor or GOTG. The dance number and human chain nonsense just annoyed me in GOTG. Humor and jokes are fine but when there's no real danger or tension the victory lap at the end feels cheap.


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May 21, 2014
lee1287 said:
Don't shout at me, but why are iron man and the hulk fighting? Aha
Heroes beating the shit out of each other before coming together to kill Big Bad is tradition, especially in the Mighty Marvel manner.


New member
Jun 17, 2011

Does anyone else think Ultron appears to be made from The Destroyer in this pic? Don't know how legit it is though.


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May 21, 2014
tdylan said:

Does anyone else think Ultron appears to be made from The Destroyer in this pic? Don't know how legit it is though.
Looks like someone photochopped it to me.

Spaceman Spiff

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Sep 23, 2013
tdylan said:
Does anyone else think Ultron appears to be made from The Destroyer in this pic? Don't know how legit it is though.
That doesn't look like Ultron from the trailer. I'd guess it's a fan made image/speculation or early concept art.