Damn That Was Fast: Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Already Leaked

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Well, I'm obviously going to be seeing this, but I'm not getting the same levels of 'OMG Need to see this now!!!11!" as I did when I saw the Guardians of The Galaxy trailer the first time... Maybe it needs more Raccoons... and Blue Swede...

God this movie spoiled me...

C. Cain

New member
Oct 3, 2011
softclocks said:
You shouldn't make assumptions like these, since they make you look like an idiot.

Your taste in movies is suitably terrible.
I, unlike you, didn't make any assumptions whatsoever.
What I did, my presumptious friend, was the following:

A) I criticised you for making sweeping, franchise-defining assumptions based on the spectacular sample size of a single film and a single trailer. Or in other words: irrespective of whether or not the Avengers was bad, you're basing your opinion on insufficient data.

B) I challenged your notion of Marvel taking the safest option possible by pointing out that they made a $170 million film about a rather obscure comic book series.

Now then, would you kindly tell me how any of this relates to my taste in movies? I didn't say a word in support of either film, or the trailer. I'm frankly baffled that you could form such an opinion on my tastes.


New member
May 8, 2013
Looks generic and boring as shit, just like the first one.

How this gathered such a large fanbase is beyond me.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I dont know, at least the trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy was better cut and edited.

This one, for the event that is supposed to be looked rather meh, especially when it seems that it has multiple villains that the movie will waste time on.

All the Marvel movies seemed to always disapoint, not that they are bad, they are still fun to watch but there is always the feeling that they could have tried a bit more. Its like all the Marvel movies are like Iron Man 1 where it started great but then had a terrible villain and it had a really crappy climax. The first Avengers movie managed the ending better since it was a lot of fun to see all the heroes kicking ass but to see the same thing again? They already did the "horde of robots/aliens/etc..." so many times that they end up feeling like canon fodder and loose weight in battle.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Amaror said:
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?
Banner loosing control of hulk? I think it's much more likely that ultron is taking control of Iron Mans independent suits or armor and hulk is fighting against them. We already see that Ultron looks sort of like an iron man suit and in the trailer he says themselves that they have to fight what he has created or something along those lines.
If you look close at the part where the hulkbuster is out, it's clearly Ironman's head.

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
Amaror said:
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?
Banner loosing control of hulk? I think it's much more likely that ultron is taking control of Iron Mans independent suits or armor and hulk is fighting against them. We allready see that Ultron looks sort of like an iron man suit and in the trailer he says themselves that they have to fight what he has created or something along those lines.

So why are the police shooting Hulk from behind cover waiting for Iron Man to suit up?


New member
May 25, 2011
Silentpony said:
What, you think Marvel is going to kill off one of their multimillion dollar characters?!
Well yes. We already know that Captain America is going to die, that Iron Man is not going to be a main character for much longer, that they're setting things up for a Civil War storyline, and that a replacement team is about to have their own individual films to introduce them. Chris Evans has one more film after this one so he's not going to be killed just yet, but you'd have to be going to quite an effort to ignore all Marvel-related news to find the idea of a main character dying quite so incredible.

FakDendor said:
Just because you knew they weren't going to kill off Han, Luke, or Leia in "Empire Strikes Back"
Pretty sure you didn't know that, given that they fully intended to kill off Han.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Granted I'm not the biggest Marvel movie fan, but this trailer felt more lackluster than blockbuster. It was like I was watching another Thor: The Dark World trailer. Maybe it's because of the way the trailer's been edited, maybe it's because I'm fresh off of Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe it's because of the stereotypical children's song used for creepiness, maybe it's because the prospect of Aaron Taylor-Johnson sucks out any excitement I might have.

Or maybe it's because The Avengers had set itself apart as the colourful superhero party where everyone's invited, and that this trailer leaves none of that intact. I really believe it's this fun-loving 'hanging out with the gang' aspect that made the first Avengers so well received. Without that fun factor, all we're left with is Joss Whedon's rather mediocre almost TV-like directing style. And now, dispite these characters having become friends at the end of that movie, this sequel is going to throw in conflict just so we can see the Hulk fighting Iron Man and Thor fighting Rogers or whatever. I don't know, maybe this is all in line with how the comics went, but it feels like going around in circles.

But who knows, this movie could end up surprising me.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Yo dawg i heard you like iron man suits, so we put an iron man suit in your iron man. Also no matter how much time has gone the guy playing Ultron will always been that guy from Crash lol fucking pervy crash.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Looking good! For some reason the dude at 1:55 (who I assume is Ultron) reminds me of Saren from Mass Effect, especially from the ending. XD

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Silentpony said:
Eh? Second verse, same as the first really. Who wants to bet it starts out okay, then things get progressively worse, an Avenger(most likely Black Widow) says something about having underestimated Ultron, Captain America gives a speech, they all fight as a team again, one or more of the Avengers is thought dead, Ultron is defeated in either a comically simple way or an overly dramatic explosion/emp blast, and in the end all the Avengers go their separate ways again.

You missed the part where there will be another round of side movies where everyones in danger of being killed and the whole world/universe destroyed but the rest of the Avengers are having a day off or an extended coffee break or whatever it is that stops them showing up to lend a hand.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I'm interested in seeing the movie regardless but this trailer failed to hype. It doesn't have the lighthearted fun feel of avengers at all. It's like they are trying to make things gritty again just like with the next superman movie.

The trailer implies a complete tonal shift which is concerning. Trailers can be misleading though and I'd be lying if I said this trailer would stop me from seeing the movie.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Johnny Novgorod said:
Seems unusually broody and grim for Marvel.
Well it's the end of Phase 2 of the whole Marvel spiel, aka Marvel's Empire Strikes Back. Classic story structure. They're probably going to off Cap and make Bucky the new one (look at the contracts of Evans and Bucky's actor) as the biggest dramatic moment and end on a relative downer to keep us hooked for Phase 3.

But heej it looks pretty rad, I'm never expecting too much from these movies. Hulk vs Iron Man though? Yes please. Makes me hope that in a way this Avengers film might be a little more personal, with more focus on the characters and a little less on saving the world. Though of course, they'll still save the world. Sorta, probably.

Also, captcha:
the nightman cometh

How the hell does it know I've been watching a lot of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia lately?!

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
Sweet. It's nice to see the seriousness of Winter Soldier resurfacing. I think this will be MCU's The Empire Strikes Back, and judging by Thor and Hulk seeming at odds with Stark there will be some kind of fissure in the group. Can't wait.

Edit: The Pinocchio song was kind of creepy.

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
Shanicus said:
It looks good, but... why Hulk? Do they really need to fight the Hulk after the 'best friends forever' ending from Avengers 1? It also seems highly unnecessary, since there's Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch AND Ultron as the antagonists already, so... yeah.

Hydra + Evil Robot Army does not need a Hulk to be a threat.
I think it's just Stark fighting Hulk. Thor didn't look too pleased with him either. The band is likely splitting up and each side will get a few new members.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Looks grand to me! I'm curious as to why people think this is somehow the safest option available. Ultron is hardly a well known antagonist and The Vision is anything but an A list hero, even among the The Avengers motley crew. The plot seems like its a bit generic, but generic plots do not a bad movie make. I they can make an awesome movie out of Guardians of the Galaxy, they have my faith in any and all movie projects going forward.


Aug 25, 2008
Rednog said:
Amaror said:
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?
Banner loosing control of hulk? I think it's much more likely that ultron is taking control of Iron Mans independent suits or armor and hulk is fighting against them. We already see that Ultron looks sort of like an iron man suit and in the trailer he says themselves that they have to fight what he has created or something along those lines.
If you look close at the part where the hulkbuster is out, it's clearly Ironman's head.
It is possible that this Hulk Buster suit needs the other iron man suit to become operational, which would make sense as the Hulk Buster is fucking huge and wouldn't be able to fit a person in it like the normal suits can. Ultron could easily take command of both if thats the case

P-89 Scorpion said:
Amaror said:
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?
Banner loosing control of hulk? I think it's much more likely that ultron is taking control of Iron Mans independent suits or armor and hulk is fighting against them. We allready see that Ultron looks sort of like an iron man suit and in the trailer he says themselves that they have to fight what he has created or something along those lines.

So why are the police shooting Hulk from behind cover waiting for Iron Man to suit up?
Maybe the police don't know it's Ultron actually controlling it, and the police think it's the Hulk that is the bad guy in this? Wouldn't surprise me.

Could be wrong, but i wouldnt rule it out.


Aug 25, 2008
babinro said:
I'm interested in seeing the movie regardless but this trailer failed to hype. It doesn't have the lighthearted fun feel of avengers at all. It's like they are trying to make things gritty again just like with the next superman movie.

The trailer implies a complete tonal shift which is concerning. Trailers can be misleading though and I'd be lying if I said this trailer would stop me from seeing the movie.
Dude it's a teaser trailer containing 2 minutes of the film, Marvel have had funny moments in all of there films, and after Gaurdians of the Galaxy, they will not stop.


New member
May 17, 2010
All I'm saying is this:

I don't know the ramifications of this leak or what Disney is really doing behind the scenes as a result, but their response to what is essentially theft and disruption of their business is the classiest, level-headed thing I've seen a major corporation do in a long time. I know it's Disney and they'll probably end up enslaving the earth at some point, but for now I'm impressed.