Granted I'm not the biggest Marvel movie fan, but this trailer felt more lackluster than blockbuster. It was like I was watching another Thor: The Dark World trailer. Maybe it's because of the way the trailer's been edited, maybe it's because I'm fresh off of Guardians of the Galaxy, maybe it's because of the stereotypical children's song used for creepiness, maybe it's because the prospect of Aaron Taylor-Johnson sucks out any excitement I might have.
Or maybe it's because The Avengers had set itself apart as the colourful superhero party where everyone's invited, and that this trailer leaves none of that intact. I really believe it's this fun-loving 'hanging out with the gang' aspect that made the first Avengers so well received. Without that fun factor, all we're left with is Joss Whedon's rather mediocre almost TV-like directing style. And now, dispite these characters having become friends at the end of that movie, this sequel is going to throw in conflict just so we can see the Hulk fighting Iron Man and Thor fighting Rogers or whatever. I don't know, maybe this is all in line with how the comics went, but it feels like going around in circles.
But who knows, this movie could end up surprising me.