I finally got around to trying Kingdom Hearts for the first time the other day and my GOD that's the most bored I've ever been in an RPG. Beautiful design, absolutely average and uninteresting cast. I get the feeling I might have liked it more if I had been a bigger Final Fantasy fan or something because the few hours I gave it seemed to have a lot of shout-outs, but I absolutely could not muster any interest in the story and whining whatsoever. I think I would have liked it more if it HAD featured Mickey and crew as the sole focus and stars in a fantasy setting. As it was, after two to three hours of my husband and I sitting on the couch mocking every line of dialogue and over-dramatic scene, I had to call it quits.
Of course, part of it is probably due to my own changing tastes. I can fully admit that if I'd played it when I was fourteen or so I'd probably have loved it, since there was a period of time when I refused to play a game that wasn't a Squaresoft or Zelda RPG title, but those are the days of yore. You know what started my change in attitude? Harvest Moon for SNES. Once I played that and realised that I actually really liked it even though I thought it sounded stupid, I started taking more chances on games and genres. Now I've got Grand Theft Auto, Silent Hill, Persona, and Fallout all sharing shelf space.