Atkinson Expects "Criminal Activities" From Gamers4Croydon

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Atkinson Expects "Criminal Activities" From Gamers4Croydon

South Australia Attorney General Michael Atkinson has lashed out at the new political party Gamers4Croydon [], saying that he expects it to resort to "criminal activities and dirty tricks" in its campaign because that's just how gamers roll.

Atkinson has held the Croydon seat for the Labour Party for the past 20 years, making it the party's second-safest riding in the state. Nonetheless, the upstart Gamers4Croydon party plans to challenge him in the upcoming election because of his long-standing refusal to allow an R18+ videogame rating in Australia. While most established politicians might be inclined to ignore single-issue opponents, Atkinson appears quite happy to wade into this fray and he's not pulling any punches.

Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's taking the Gamers4Croydon threat very seriously. "It's 60 days until the election and they [Gamers4Croydon] don't even have a candidate yet," he told GameSpot []. "Their website is full of memorabilia but not much else. This electorate has some 24,000 people to talk to and convince. Personally, I see no evidence of local support for their party."

Atkinson expects the party to take a different tack in lieu of any grassroots support, one he feels is more befitting the average gamer: Sleazy tactics. "I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers," he continued. "Regardless, I think they will struggle to get even 1 percent of the votes, and their campaign will actually discredit the public campaign in support for R18+ rather than enhance its chances."

Despite his dismissal of the group's chances, he said the challenge has had a "good effect" on him, pushing him to bring his campaign up to speed earlier than he would have otherwise. "I've been door-knocking hundreds of homes around Croydon and I find I'm doing everything more thoroughly and earlier than I normally would," he said. "I'm out there working on the basis that this is a real contest."

Gamers4Croydon leader David Doe dismissed Atkinson's comments as "completely ridiculous," saying, "This is a serious issue and we're running a serious campaign. We don't need to use dirty tricks."

"What's more, I know the party is picking up momentum because more and more people have heard about us when we approach them," he added. "The more I speak to people, the more people are aware of our aims."

The problem for Doe, and Australian gamers in general, is that there are less than two months to go before the election is held, yet the party, as Atkinson noted, hasn't even announced a candidate. Furthermore, Doe admitted that the party cannot afford television or radio advertising, severely limiting its reach across the broad electorate. With two decades in Parliament, meanwhile, and no major mainstream issue working against him, Atkinson could probably get re-elected solely through the power of inertia. This effort against Atkinson is worth undertaking if only to draw more attention to Australia's laughable state of game ratings, but I suspect that anyone hoping to bring his political career to a close is going to be deeply disappointed.

Thanks to ahiddenfigure [] for the tip.



New member
Jan 17, 2009
Yeah, its not like he's doing his best to discredit any competition no matter the intentions. Even then, gamers4Croydon have got more than just the R18 aim going on for them.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
The pirate party in Sweden is doing well, so I don't see a reason why this party shouldn't.

Atkinson is just a bigot.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
There are two Croydon's? Jesus...

[small]I kid.[/small]

OT: They won't resort to violence (duh), but he'll resort to petty comments even though he's in the blatant minority.

Says it all really.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
"I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers,"

Uhh I need some help here. What gave him the idea gamers are mostly criminals?


New member
Oct 29, 2008
This guy is getting more Jack Thompson every day. They're even starting to look related, to me.
Feb 13, 2008
Missing links to the comments page again Maly.

You really have to start worrying about Atkinson. If I was his therapist, I'd already be asking him where he gets the feeling that other people are willing to do criminal deeds to him (paranoia), why he is rushing to knock on doors (OCD), taking a job seriously for once (Quixotism), believing he is better than any other candidate before they're announced (megalomania).

What it also brings to light, apart from Atkinson's state of mind, and the state of ratings systems, is the state of parliamentary voting; if a man that deliberately incites and goes against the will of thousands of voters is allowed to stay in power.

If Atkinson is right and he has 24,000 voters to talk to: all 24,000 of them will be being denied media which they have a right to see - as well as the recent backlash against videos.

Now, we've already got basic figures that say that 1/6-1/7 of the world's population are gamers, and with normal voter turnouts - 4,000 could be enough to shake Atkinson's castle in the sky.

Let's hope so.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
If G4C only have a single policy, then Atkinson risks upsetting his supporters by wading into this battle and thus it could damage his credibility. If G4C have proper policies in addition to the gaming issues, then they stand a decent chance of ousting him. Either way, this could prove very beneficial on all counts, and damage Atkinson in the eyes of the voting public. Which can only be a good thing :). Either way, it works for us gamers...
Mar 16, 2009
How is Atkinson outside of the whole video game deal? I can't imagine he is a beast in every aspect given his career history.

Hubilub said:
The pirate party in Sweden is doing well, so I don't see a reason why this party shouldn't.

Atkinson is just a bigot.
The Pirate Party had nine months to prepare for its first election (which they lost). These guys, while noble for actually taking action, have acted too late. If they keep up their game, they should be ready for the next election.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
DND Judgement said:
best of luck to them... but i doubt it'll make much of a difference sadly...
What he said. I don't even doubt that these guys will pursue their agenda with the appropriate level of seriousness, but unless a big, established party running against Atkinson tackles these issues, I don't see big changes coming any time soon.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Wow, this Atkinson is quite an idiot. He expects gamers to be respectful and all nice to him while he constantly insults them - and not just a bit, but seriously.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
The more I learn of Michael Atkinson, the more I wish to see him de-seated. Although he really does cling to his ideas of people doesn't he?


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
If the opposition was smart, they would take that sentence right there, and broaden it to include anyone who owns a game system. How many Wiis do you think there are in South Australia? If every family thinks that Atkinson expects them to be as sleazy as the guys on downtown Melbourne street corners, that might sway a few votes.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Well Atkinsons's assumption isn't completley unjustified. After all, there is always a handful of people saying that they want to kill him. He's just judging all gamers based on the foolish comments of a few of them.

And while I doubt this new party will be able to do much before the election, there's no reason for them not to try, even if all they do is raise public awareness about video games. You have to remember that if Atkinson is the only one talking about video games then people are probably going to believe him.