Atkinson Expects "Criminal Activities" From Gamers4Croydon


New member
Mar 30, 2009
"I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers," - Micheal (douchebag) Atkinson.
It's almost like he's asking to have his knee caps busted and teeth kicked in.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Criminal activities and dirty tricks like slandering the opposing party? Oh wait...


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I don't know, I mean here in Massachusetts a Republican won a U.S. Senate seat, I suppose anything could happen. People like this are so annoying, and their people that have never played video games. Their like PETA, except against games, and that's saying something.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
". . . will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers"

... Wow... Just... My god... I want him stripped of any power he has.

Make the right choice, Australia; don't support this hateful, judgmental bigot.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
TexaNigerian said:
One can not use FAQs and cheat codes in politics, so I don't see what Atkinson is worried about.
Honestly, though, I don't know why the Gamers4Croydon haven't tried to get Ben Crowshaw to be their candidate.
What, is he too busy making that mad Maddox money with his book and Zero Punctuation to be bothered with politics?
I've thought of this, too. While Felgy76 does have a point, Yahtzee would still be exactly what they need. He's spoken out against Atkinson a huge number of times, he's an international internet celebrity, and he is one of the people having to put up with these retarded laws. I'm not saying he would accept the position, but he's certainly one of the best suited for it.

He'd still be a good spokesperson though. Actually...he'd probably be better off that way, really.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
teutonicman said:
"I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers," - Micheal (douchebag) Atkinson.
It's almost like he's asking to have his knee caps busted and teeth kicked in.
Well, that would give his side a lot more credibility. I don't think he's sane enough to have that specific intention, but just because you're crazy, doesn't mean you're an idiot.

OT: I have to question how he managed to stay in office this long and hope the new party the best of luck.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
yeah...we gamers are a sketchy breed, half in love with death, gobbling up danger like ordinary men eat peanuts...of course thats only in our spare time in between our criminal activities such as baby punching, stabbing the elderly, and to a lesser extent drowning kittens. we live on the very edge of insanity, clinging desperatley to the precipice of reality.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Actually, I think this might have an outside chance. I'm not sure what voting is like in Australia, but if turnout is as low as it tends to be in the states, particularly for elections where a candidate seems to be a shoe in, then there's not all that many votes they need to get. Big issue is that as long as they are tired entirely to Video Games, there chances drop greatly: Make it a party that focuses more on not treating all adults as immature man/children that need nannying, and I suspect it would be a real threat. Keep the pure video gamer association, and you have a novelty at best.

Also, I have a feeling that plenty of people who sent mail to Atkinson were likely not very...professional. To anyone who sent mail that was threatening, rude, or condescending, I would like to thank you for giving this idiot credibility, and a reason to take him seriously. You have done more to help his thought police-esque policies then any speech he could ever give. When someone is a bigot, the correct response is not to justify his beliefs.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
This might not be much, but it's a start, arrogant men like Atkinson have one weakness, they assume nobody is to their standard, and maybe they aren't, but it doesn't mean they wont catch up eventually.

Gamer4Croydon is the begining of Atkinsons downfall.

Or hell, maybe violence would just be as effective.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Wow, this guy seems like a tremendous asshole. Gamers can't be the only demographic that want him out of office, can they? I'm sure there are larger groups that want him out just as much; like relatively intelligent people for instance?

Ok, heres some advice for Gamers4Croydon- watch Fox News. They have what they're doing down to a system. Just say that what Atkinson is doing is destroying Australia. Then go on down to a mental institution, pick the most controllable person there, then announce him as your candidate and act like he's the second coming of Christ.


Rogue Commentator
Jan 13, 2010
PhunkyPhazon said:
"Personally, I see no evidence of local support for their party."
Odd, I could have sworn Atkinson just got his his inbox flooded by the 'support' a few weeks ago when somebody posted his e-mail address on a popular website. So how can he say there's no evidence for support?
He's talking about local support -- "local" being the operative word. Thousands of emails from around the world mean little to nothing about how the people in his area think, and may even convince him that he's doing the right thing (especially if those emails are inappropriate or threatening). At the very least, he might see it as gaining notoriety and prestige for him, his platform, and his home district. Remember, just like with Jack Thompson, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Though Thompson lost because he let that get to his head.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Yeah us gamers man. Will slit your throat if you look at us the wrong way. But seriously they have no chance to win. The people that don't play video games won't care and will still vote for him. I am interested however in how many votes the Gamers4Crydon party will get. It would be very funny looking back in a history book to see a political party spelled with a 4 and then get a considerable sum of votes.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
As it has been proven before, all his statements that he makes to support his claims are completely unproven and no supported in any way. I am sure that G4C will win because they can actually make logical arguments.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
ActionDan said:
Goddamn, I hope they kick Atkinson's ass so hard that his rectum comes out of his mouth.
I can see Atkinson twisting your words into being a death threat!

Sir Kemper

New member
Jan 21, 2010
Brilliant there on to us, alright, guys were going to need to push our Heist Night to Saturday, and our Election Rigging planning night to monday.


Rogue Commentator
Jan 13, 2010
Sparrow said:
I don't see how this is any different from racism.

Man, this guy makes me angry enough to want to stab him. With a fork. And I tell you now, that's pretty fucking angry.
I'm not certain that I would go so far as to equate it with racism -- in fact, I would stop well before making that association. His comments are unfair, insulting, and (mostly) unjustified, but it is far from the kind of bigotry and injustice that is the hallmark of racism. Remember, people who are racist (and sexist, and... ethnic-ist?) want to relegate whole groups to second-class status (or lower) based on factors that are not only irrelevant, but also uncontrollable (skin color, eye shape, country of origin, birth parents, etc). Gaming is our hobby, and for some of us, our art-form (like literature and film, game designers and players can create social commentary), so a better comparison might be if certain knitting needles were outlawed, due to their ability to skewer people through the eyes (those things are scary!), or violent books and films (which, of course, happens all the time).

The kind of attitude that you are espousing when you say he makes you "want to stab him. With a fork" is controllable, and probably should be controlled -- if not for common decency, then for the benefit of the argument and our position that gamers are not violent, criminal people.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I'm worried G4C may split any votes against Atkinson if they try and role out an actual candidate.

But why do they even NEED to make a candidate when they could just find one that is already running and ISN'T supporting censorship.

I think they should stick to the job as a lobbying group, they just need to educate and enable the constituents to encourage them to - well - basically vote for ANYONE but Atkinson, preferably the closest rival so all their voting power is focused in one candidate.

Make it a freedom of speech issue.

make it clear that what gamers are suffering is only the beginning, he has already gone after videos (EVERYONE watches videos) and you're next!

Just make it clear a Vote for Atkinson is a vote for censorship, a referendum against freedom.

Don't muddy the water with a special interest party.