Mother Finds Kidnapped Children On Facebook

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Mother Finds Kidnapped Children On Facebook

Thanks to Facebook, a mother was able to find her two children that were kidnapped fifteen years ago.

Believe it or not, Facebook can be useful for more than inane status updates about bacon and hassling people to give you virtual gifts. A California mother was able to reunite with her kidnapped children after successfully searching for them on the social network.

The mother, who was not named, lost contact with her 3-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son when they were kidnapped by her husband Faustino Utrera 15 years ago. She never gave up the hunt, and discovered that the now teenagers were living in Central Florida when she searched for and found her daughter on Facebook. I guess we know who the favorite child is.

After first finding her daughter, she requested a FarmVille ostrich topiary in exchange for an apple tree. After receiving the topiary, she contacted police, who were able to locate Utrera and the children in Florida. Did you really expect a Facebook story without a FarmVille mention?

Utrera is now in jail, and the children are back in custody of the mother. Sadly, even though proper justice was served here, it'll likely be tough for both parties involved to rebuild the relationship that was severed for 15 years. Facebook and other social networks have plenty of downfalls, this situation shows the power that they have to do good in this crazy world.

Source: Gizmodo []



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2009
Oh, oh wow...

Facebook, I think you deserve a cookie, for once...


New member
May 17, 2008
They probably bonded with the father more by now, well, good job destroying that relation Mrs.

Sir Kemper

New member
Jan 21, 2010
Warms my heart a little.

Best of luck to them and hopefully they'll be able to rebuild they're family.

Also, isin't a bit odd that the father would let his two KIDNAPPED kids on facebook?


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
So farmville does do some good. I always wondered. I thought facebook was a site for people who like to tell other people that they are having their morning coffee, having a bad day, or posting supid pics of your kids, and for nobody else. I hate facebook.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
inane status updates about bacon
That. Hurt. I demand an apology!

But yeah, I don't really know how good this is, I mean the kids were allowed Facebook and were obviously happy enough to not be searching for their mother, so now she just got rid of their main role model and took his place, with no choice for the kids to stay with the guy.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Sir Kemper said:
Warms my heart a little.

Best of luck to them and hopefully they'll be able to rebuild they're family.

Also, isin't a bit odd that the father would let his two KIDNAPPED kids on facebook?
I assume that he thought the mother would give up by then. I mean 15 years is a long time. And plus I bet the children had the facebook without the father's knowledge.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Frankly, stories like this give us no information to go on. Hooray I guess? Did the Dad kidnap them for a good reason and now the two teenagers are gonna go through living hell, legally justified living hell?


New member
May 24, 2010
cainx10a said:
They probably bonded with the father more by now, well, good job destroying that relation Mrs.
What? It's the fault of the woman who lost her children, not of the father that kidnapped them? What should she have done, washed her hands of them? That's like blaming the cop that arrested you for ruining your life, not yourself for committing the crime.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Sir Kemper said:
Warms my heart a little.

Best of luck to them and hopefully they'll be able to rebuild they're family.

Also, isin't a bit odd that the father would let his two KIDNAPPED kids on facebook?
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Also, both kids would be into their late teens. I think it's reasonable to assume that they, if the father hadn't thought he was in the clear, gotten an account without his permission. Computers aren't hard to access, after all.

Anyway, I think Facebook deserves a salute or something for once. I wonder if the kids realised they were kidnapped before then?


New member
Nov 10, 2009
MGlBlaze said:
Sir Kemper said:
Warms my heart a little.

Best of luck to them and hopefully they'll be able to rebuild they're family.

Also, isin't a bit odd that the father would let his two KIDNAPPED kids on facebook?
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Anyway, I think Facebook deserves a salute or something for once. I wonder if the kids realised they were kidnapped?
I guarantee that if they were taken when they were very young, then they probably had no read idea what happened.


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
Yeah, this story is really grey for me. The father and mother were split, adn the father ran off with the kids, denying his former wife's custody.

But he was ostensibly a good father who cared for the kids, and raised them.

So now this woman, who holds a legal claim, finds them and takes them back after 15 years, severing their relationship with their father, and leaving them in the custody of a woman they probably don't even remember, and have no relationship with?

If I were the kids, I'd probably be furious with her.

So yeah, legal justice was served, but are the kids "better off" for it? Unlikely.



New member
Jan 25, 2009
The Husband had an Awesome name, how dare she take those children away from a man they can tell there friends is called Faustino!.

Also..from Florida to California?.. ouch.. In my opinion, bad trade.
But thats a tourist opinion.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The Dad kidnapped the children when they were so young that they couldn't even remember their mother...

He has been their father for their entire lives, and have bonded and loved his father. Now this women that is apparently their mother has sent their father to jail, and are forced to live with the mother.

I can't actually see what is the bigger evil. It'd depend on the circumstances as to why the father took them, and the father and childrens living conditions, and we already know that they kids were in an average living condition, if they have time to waste on Farmville, it means they have power, a working computer and not under chains.

The Law was served.

And has shattered a family.

This mothers a bit of a ***** in my opinion.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
To all the people who are wondering about the guy and how she probably ruined their relationship, etc, etc...

The guy is a kidnapper who took the children illegally. How much of a decent guy can he be?