51 yr old actor marries "16" yr old model/singer... wtf?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
She must have a serious ageing disorder, or I'm getting fucking old (I'm 22 btw).


New member
May 28, 2009
It's like in sitcoms how people who are supposed to be a teenager are actually in the twenties.

On google she doesn't look quite as old.

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Kinguendo said:
She is NOT 16... also, I live in Britain and our age of consent is 16 so y'know.
In Iceland I think it's 15.


Anywho, this is kinda weird? Because if I was her father I would put her into my cupboard and feed her scraps, until she sees that well, she's kinda stupid.
But that's just me, wouldn't I be a great father?

Btw. WHERE IS HER DAD IN ALL OF THIS?! (Her mother signed the forms)


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
Ye gods she's hideous.

Like seriously looking at those pictures is wigging me the fuck out, I mean I keep feeling that 'Uncanny Valley' weirdness looking at her and she's supposed to be a real person? Something about her face just plain doesn't look right to me. AND she's supposed to be 16?

What has the world come to?
The wedding thing is pretty much 'meh whatever' yeah kind of weird but far from the most fucked up thing I've heard, but those pictures are seriously wigging me out. Its like she's wearing someone else's face and it doesn't quite fit right.

I don't even want to know what she's going to look like when she actually ages.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
now a days its taboo and frowned upon but back in the day (when the average life expectancy was much lower I'd imagine) it was normal for older men to marry girls far below thier own age. Thats now compared to then though. But I still can't get over those fucking pictures man...I mean who the hell lets her get or wants her to have botox and breast implants!!!!!! I mean really thats fucked up! I've been debating for along ass time the legality of asking a girl whos at best only 3 or for years younger than me(Im 20 shes 16 or 17) if she wants to go on a date! And this little girl whos 16(looks like shes already over 25) is marrying a man more than 3 times her age!!!! WTF!!


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Out of curiosity I went onto youtube to see if I can find any other pictures and yea she really does look 16 in her videos. Here though I agree I would guess late 20s early 30's.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I find it difficult to believe she's 16. But, maybe it's some kind of new mutation? I mean, if people didn't spend so long being kids, that'd have to be beneficial, right? We wouldn't have so many damn kids wasting our tax-moneys and whatnot.

Someone clone that woman! Wait, scratch that, just shove her in a meatgrinder and we can get the genes we need out of the mushy paste. That's how biology works, right?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
She isn't 16. Her mum says she hasn't had anything done, she's fucking lying - you can see in that girl's face. Her eyes are shut in one picture and open in the other and her forehead and eyebrows are EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME.

The tits are implausible, but possible, but the face? No fucking way.

As for the pair (of people), and if she really is 16, its weird, but then it won't last.

There are a few girls I know who could probably pass for 20, but she looks about 35. There is no fucking way.


New member
May 1, 2011
So a guy who is 51 marries a woman who is going to look 51 (or 91) in about 5 years. O_O

No really you an't put that much plastic into your self and expect things to stay put...also the fake tan....

Even if I was straight I'd never...just...ugh...my eyes are bleeding >_<

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!? I'M 17 and that chick looks like she's 25 at least! How the? What the fuck? I...But..the...thing...*facepalm* you know what? I don't care. I'm staying out of this one. This is just *sigh* humanity. What. The. Fuck.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Means nothing in the UK, at 16 you can have sex, be married and live alone. Cant drink/smoke or be photographed nude until 18 though, but whatever. Anyway 16 y.o marrying is no big deal, even if the guy is old enough to be her Grandad, heh over here a typical 16 year old has 3 kids and her own free house from the government...Also look at Hugh Hefner with his 18 y.o bunnies, no-one seems to care about that and he's over 80 isn't he? so whatever floats your boat i guess.

That girl though, seriously...eyebleach required, she looks like some kind of plastic doll

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
Oh my god, no please, n- du-- please man, i'm beggin-- just STOP-- fucking NO, man, STOP IT!
My Zero Punctuation Imp doll looks more human than THAT.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
The first thing I'm gonna say is that that....thing is not sixteen years old.

Seriously, she looks old enough to be my mother (for the reccord, I'm twenty).

I guess it's great and all that they married, found happiness together, blah blah blah but this still raises the question of how the hell does she even remotely look like a sixteen year old?

I'm pretty certain that even plastic surgery couldn't do that much damage to you.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Are we sure she just can't count and she's possibly two to three times older than she claims to be? She looks terrible for a 16 year old.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
I have to admit I'm more shocked by the fact that guy is 51, which means he was 39 when he did The Green Mile.

I always thought Percy was supposed to be a youngish lad, early to mid twenties. I'd never have pegged him for nearly 40. Jeez how time flies.

As for the girl. I wouldn't go near her with someone elses genitals, let alone my own, yet I know alot of guys who would think she's hot. Strange, but if they are both happy, who are we to judge?