Microsoft: Mass Effect Not Ideal On PlayStation 3

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Microsoft: Mass Effect Not Ideal On PlayStation 3

Microsoft doesn't think gamers should play Mass Effect 2 anywhere else but on the Xbox 360.

PlayStation 3 owners might be getting Mass Effect [] franchise.

The ranks of console exclusives have dwindled in the current generation as developers realize that they need to squeeze as much money out of their products as possible. Mass Effect was a notable jewel in the Xbox 360's crown as a highly rated action-RPG developed by BioWare, which is no longer there. That is to say, half of the jewel is no longer there, because the original Mass Effect was published by Microsoft and will remain an exclusive to the Xbox 360 (and the PC, which Microsoft seems to have forgotten about).

Microsoft told IGN: "With both Mass Effect titles launching first on Xbox 360 combined with the wealth of available paid downloadable content on Xbox Live today, Xbox 360 remains the best place to experience the Mass Effect franchise. And the original Mass Effect is absolutely an Xbox 360 exclusive, making Xbox 360 the only place to get the full Mass Effect experience."

Microsoft does have a bit of a point, as Mass Effect's strength of carrying over every decision from previous games becomes a weakness for PlayStation 3 owners that don't get to take advantage of that. Though Mass Effect 2 is said to have an introductory portion that will help gamers understand what's going on at the beginning of Mass Effect 2, it's not going to be quite like playing the first game. Still, this is more of a positive for PlayStation 3 owners than a negative.

BioWare has told VG247 [] that Mass Effect 3 coming to PlayStation 3 is a "good guess," so Microsoft looks to have lost the exclusive franchise for good. As I had to switch from Xbox 360 to PC when playing Mass Effect 2, I can attest that neglecting to carry a game save over to the sequel isn't that big of a deal, and the original Mass Effect had enough annoyances that I'm not sure PS3 gamers will care that much. Or everybody could just play the entire series on the PC, too.

Source: IGN []


Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
This was to be expected. Microsoft wasn't going to let go of that little bit they still had


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Why would porting a game like Mass Effect be worse on a console with more blu-ray disc space? Surely they can cram better graphics, more extras etc onto a blu-ray!

I will still get this despite not playing ME1, if it mattered THAT much about carrying a save over then they would have made a ME1 for the PS3!

EDIT: Ok! Stop quoting me saying I'm an idiot and don't know what I'm talking about! It's a personal opinion!


New member
Mar 19, 2009
It hardly matters to me. I SO want to play Mass Effect, but I came late to the party. You can't find a copy of Mass Effect on any store shelves, they haven't(And I don't expect them to ever) release a dual pack with ME1 and 2, so this has absolutely no incentive for me. They are right, it is a bit silly to port the game to the PS3 while ME1 remains xbox only.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Without the carry-over, ME2 feels...incomplete. It's still more than playable. But there's a lot of little things...And it just didn't feel right when I started over without an import character.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
That makes me have a slightly lower opinion of Microsoft. Even if that's true and it doesn't run as good it just bothers me hearing it come from them instead of an online or magazine review.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
TimeLord said:
Why would porting a game like Mass Effect be worse on a console with more blu-ray disc space? Surely they can cram better graphics, more extras etc onto a blu-ray!
Better graphics has nothing to do with total space available on the disc and everything to do with available system memory. It doesn't matter how many pretty textures you can cram onto the disc if you can't handle it all during runtime.
Jun 26, 2009
TimeLord said:
Why would porting a game like Mass Effect be worse on a console with more blu-ray disc space? Surely they can cram better graphics, more extras etc onto a blu-ray!
Plus not so many FECKIN' DISKS!
Sorry about that...
'Course they're going to say that this is Micro(Dare I put $)oft!
People don't put $ony for a reason or Nint?ndo!


New member
Aug 9, 2009
No mention of the PC MS? I thought you were bumming us every chance you got now?

Anyway, of course it's not the ideal way to play it because there's no Mass Effect 1 - to be honest, I can't really imagine ME2 without me having played ME1. It'll affect ME3 too, since some threads were left in the first that we won't see until the third.

[small]And the PC version is the definitive one.[/small]


New member
Nov 17, 2008
For once I agree with the corporate bashing...except that it's best played on PC or 360 not just 360. If you're going to play ME which is story heavy get it on a system that has the WHOLE story not just maybe cliff notes.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Without the carry-over, ME2 feels...incomplete. It's still more than playable. But there's a lot of little things...And it just didn't feel right when I started over without an import character.
Who's to say you won't be able to craft a character? The PS3 version is going to have what Bioware calls "a special introductory experience." Perhaps you'll make your choices there?

I'm not surprised by this. Microsoft just lost an important console specific IP. All they have now is what? Gears, Halo and Fable? Super slim pickings for the RPG crowd.


New member
May 21, 2010
I like the 360, but I'm going to go with what everyone else has said here, just in a less eloquent and more direct way.

No shit.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
And the original Mass Effect is absolutely an Xbox 360 exclusive, making Xbox 360 the only place to get the full Mass Effect experience."
Lol at a microsoftemployee not knowing about computers.
no the 360 is not the best platform to expierience mass effect as the 360 lacks companion control and hotkeys.
Though the game is pretty identical doesn't mean the pc isn't as good or doesn't exist.

Also 360 is the only version that needs diskswaps (;

Still had a great expierience beating mass effect 1 on 360 and later on pc in preparation for mass effect 2 (finally had a gaming pc yeah) but claiming your platform is the best by pretending that the most widespread and best (for the game) doesn't exist is weak/ hilarious^^