Topical Tuesday: Create Your Sidekick


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
Sure, why not. I could always do with a sidekick... though I don't exactly think of this one as a sidekick, more of an equal.

1) Name of sidekick: Alarielle Vance
2) Sidekick powers: Knows numerous styles of martial arts, is highly acrobatic, can pick locks. She also knows how to convince someone to agree to her requests, and can deflect bullets with her katana.
3) Sidekick Motto: "All it takes is a little persuasion... one way or another."
4) Sidekick costume/tools: Alarielle wears light combat armour and carries a butterfly knife and a katana. The sheath of the latter is attached to the back of her armour. Tools she carries include a lockpick/skeleton key and a pocketknife.
5) Sidekick background: Born into a wealthy Japanese family, Alarielle grew up living a life of luxury. However, she got into constant feuds with her family, and took up martial arts at an early age to vent her frustrations. Soon enough she realised she had a talent for the fighting arts, among other things, and went on to defeat numerous world-champion opponents, though she did not claim their titles for her own. She does not believe in competitions; simply defeating them is enough without stripping them of their glory. These days she fights by my side as both hired help and trusted friend.
6) Other:
- 6a) Appearance: Alarielle is Japanese, and has brown eyes and medium-length black hair, which is always tied back. She stands at about 5'8", and is currently 23 years of age.
- 6b) Personality: A quiet person by nature, Alarielle usually maintains silence unless spoken to, and even then she is reluctant to answer. Though she will occasionally chip in to a conversation if she deems it necessary. As stated, she does not believe in competitions resulting in personal avarice; contests of strength and martial prowess are her specialty.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I can't do this. I try to be original, but every attempt ends up with a discription of Bubbles.

He's my perfect sidekick.

Omega V

New member
Apr 21, 2010
one that is young, sexy, and capable in all situations if you know what I mean....


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Omega V said:
one that is young, sexy, and capable in all situations if you know what I mean....
CINN4M0N said:
I can't do this. I try to be original, but every attempt ends up with a discription of Bubbles.

He's my perfect sidekick.
I believe these two posts are related. Bubbles, you tease.

# Name of sidekick: [unknown] No matter how long I've spent adventuring together, I've never quite learned his/her name. Or gender.
# Sidekick powers: Being able to produce the most basic of components necessary for a given situation. ("I'm so hungry." *sidekick hands me a seed* "Here you go." *years of tending the seed and watching it grow into an apple tree teaches me meaning of hard work and also gives me apples*)
# Sidekick Motto: "Here you go."
# Sidekick costume/tools: Depending on the situation; he/she could be wearing a beekeeper's outfit when he/she gives me honey, or be dressed as a librarian when handing me a book about counter-revolutions. Tools are whatever is needed at the time.
# Sidekick background: He/She has always been there in my life as far as I can remember. Maybe I should worry that I have yet to question his/her existence and background?

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Name of sidekick: Peter "Omega" Maximillian
Sidekick powers: Professional Sniper with training in stealth and assassinations.
Sidekick Motto: "Mercy: Something I never show. Your pathetic groveling for life falls on deaf ears."
Sidekick costume/tools: Black visor with night vision, state of the art combat suit, hood with mouth cover, goggles, serrated knife, custom-made pistol with silencer, custom-made sniper that can be adjusted for any situation, and attachments for said sniper rifle.
Sidekick background: Worked in SAS, Special Forces, Para-military, Spetsnaz, and other various elite groups. Only survivor in each mission he went on. Bodies of comrades not found. Psychological exam states he is emotionless and heavily conditioned to ignore pain. Background beyond military service is unknown.
Other: 6'1, black hair, dark brown eyes, scar over right eye, and very muscular due to requirements for said military groups.

Insert Comedy Here

New member
May 22, 2009
Name of sidekick: Mark the Mallow

Sidekick powers: He's a pretty good damage sponge, built like an Easter Island head.

Sidekick Motto: "Hehehe, MY TURN."

Sidekick costume/tools: His fists, and a hammer.

Sidekick background: Picked this big fella up from a tavern. There weren't many survivors.



Nov 8, 2008
Name of Sidekick: Jack of All Trades
Sidekick Powers: He can do a bit of everything. He can fight adequately and is equipped with a number of weapons.
Sidekick Motto: Imma Gonna Beat You Down (In A Variety of Ways).
Sidekick costume/tools: Dressed in sporting attire. A football jersey and shorts. He also has a construction tool belt thing. In it there is a hammer, one of the measuring tape things and a bunch of nails (with a nailgun). Finally he has a fire-axe.
Sidekick background: Once a regular guy he got the crap kicked out of him before he finally said SCREW YOU. Then he trained a lot in order to become strong and joined me to defeat evil.
Other: Has the ability to talk multiple languages. Also can McGyver a lot of things. Finally his nailgun is rigged so he can fire it from a distance at high power.

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
1. Name of sidekick: Jaranja
2. Sidekick powers: Eyebrows
3. Sidekick Motto: /licks
4. Sidekick costume/tools: t-shirt/stange fan
5. Sidekick background: School
6. Other: Awesome


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Suki the Cat said:
1. Name of sidekick: Jaranja
2. Sidekick powers: Eyebrows
3. Sidekick Motto: /licks
4. Sidekick costume/tools: t-shirt/stange fan
5. Sidekick background: School
6. Other: Awesome

1. Name of sidekick: Suki
2. Sidekick powers: Powerful Seduction
3. Sidekick Motto: "We'll See"
4. Sidekick costume/tools: French maid outfit/Cat ears
5. Sidekick background: School
6. Other: Hawt


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
CINN4M0N said:
I can't do this. I try to be original, but every attempt ends up with a discription of Bubbles.

He's my perfect sidekick.
Something similar for me, but I end up with HK-47... An arrogant snarky misantropic sociopathic hunter-killer droid is all anyone needs.


New member
Aug 25, 2010

Name of sidekick: Silence
Sidekick powers: Blends invisibly into any shadows, expert in Parkour and general acrobatics.
Sidekick Motto:
Sidekick costume/tools: Covered head-to-toe in a one-piece, chameleonic jumpsuit which augments speed and agility.
Sidekick background: Silence was found at the bottom of an abandoned mental hospital which had collapsed in on itself. Roughly 4 or 5 years old at the time, Silence showed an eerie sense of intelligence and agility for his age, and was adopted and raised in secret to be a useful spying tool.
Other: His weakness is syringes. Whenever he sees one he becomes paralysed with fear, hinting at a dark moment in his past.
Picture (optional): Silence cannot be photographed, as you can't snap what you can't see...


New member
Jul 24, 2009
1. Butler.
2. Great Strength, fades into the background, indifferent.
3. "..."
4. Butler outfit.
5. He's my butler. I hired him for a large amount of money.
6. He's a bit like Charon (Fallout 3) he does whatever his employer says, no matter what.
He's also mute.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2010
1. Blades
2. He holds a sword in his mouth (he is a dog). He also has the ability to transform into shadow form. When in darkness for he turns black and his eyes turn red. Also can travel though the air and possess enemies.
3. Bark Bark?
4. Blades is a dog with a smoky gray coat and black stripes and when he is in darkness form he is all black with red eyes.
5. Abused as a puppy he was rescued by me and I taught him to fight with a sword in his jaw. During one of our adventures I was almost defeated by my arch nemesis and he was about to finish me off when Blades sacrificed himself to save me. After killing Blades my nemesis was still going to kill me but Blades came back from the dead with the ability to go into shadow form and we defeated my nemesis.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Name of sidekick: Bobafett! (yes, the exclamation mark is part of the name)
Sidekick powers: Popping up at inappropriate times to shout its motto, before mysteriously fading off screen
Sidekick Motto: Bobafett!
Sidekick costume/tools: The exclamation mark
Sidekick background: A crossover fan-fic gone horribly wrong, the original aim of creating an R2-D2 and pokedex slash fic somehow resulted in a mandalorian bounty hunter of repute impregnating a pokemon. It wasn't pretty. The end result was this... thing. Abandoned by its parents (who have long since separated, I believe) I found it whilst I still had one pokeball left, so decided to catch it. This was a mistake. Despite my best efforts, it's still following me around.
Other: Green, 4'3" tall, loud and annoying. Occasionally seen wearing a top hat.
Likes: Pizza, recognition, hugs and bad fan-fics
Dislikes: Sarlaac, bitter foods, being asleep (or confused, paralysed, burned or poisoned)
Picture (optional):

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009

Name of sidekick: Yumi-chan.
Sidekick powers: Being a little anime girl and behaving like one. This includes getting a hammer out of nowhere and acting in a typically goofy anime manner.
Sidekick Motto: Kawaii, desu ne!
Sidekick costume/tools: School-girl dress-kun
Sidekick background: Is a secret princess-kun from the land Aavalon-kun
Other: Futari de nigebasho sagashite hashitta tenki ame no naka!
Picture (optional)


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
Hmm..i have quite an idea about my sidekick.

1. Name of sidekick: Arnond

2. Sidekick powers:
- Mac Gyvering (To make gadgets out of unlikely things for me to use)
- High Endurance to physical abuse.

3. Sidekick Motto: Creativity!

4. Sidekick costume/tools: He always bring his utilities belt around,in it,there are various tools to make things for my use.

5. Sidekick background: Arnon is a son of a Clock Maker who always love tinkering stuffs.

His father owe a Huge debt to me but can't seem to pay it off so he offer his son to work for me to pay off his debt,i accepted,since then Arnond has always been my slave...errr...sidekick for my mischievous adventures.

6. Other:
-Catchphrase: "Worst job ever. *cries*"

7. Appearance: Simply put: a Steampunk boy.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Ashsaver said:
Hmm..i have quite an idea about my sidekick.

1. Name of sidekick: Arnond

2. Sidekick powers:
- Mac Gyvering (To make gadgets out of unlikely things for me to use)
- High Endurance to physical abuse.

3. Sidekick Motto: Creativity!

4. Sidekick costume/tools: He always bring his utilities belt around,in it,there are various tools to make things for my use.

5. Sidekick background: Arnon is a son of a Clock Maker who always love tinkering stuffs.

His father owe a Huge debt to me but can't seem to pay it off so he offer his son to work for me to pay off his debt,i accepted,since then Arnond has always been my slave...errr...sidekick for my mischievous adventures.

6. Other:
-Catchphrase: "Worst job ever. *cries*"

7. Appearance: Simply put: a Steampunk boy.
That's just like something I might have dreamed up as a kid.
*sigh* The things I used to dream up...