Topical Tuesday: Create Your Sidekick


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Sure, why not? Should be kinda fun...

Name: Ellaglas, the Wood Elf.
Abilities: Skilled woodsman, pretty decent archer, alright with a sword, loyal to the death (what a bloody death we seek!).
Sidekick motto: "I call you my brother, where you go, my sword will follow."
Clothing: Worn, but well cared for, scale mail. The scales are a greenish gold, shaped like oak leaves. He wears a green cloak to cover his gear, black trousers, and turned-down kneeboots. His hair is kept back with a golde circlet.
Background: Right now, all the reader knows about him is he hates the White Knight with every fiber of his being, and is more than willing to put aside racial differences to get the job done. I'm sure that as the story continues, his background will grow and evolve right alongside Diego Shadowbane (yes, my moniker is based on HIS character) and the rest of the group.
Other: Carries the Sword of the Guard of the Wood Elf King, and his bow is slightly better quality than that of the Royal Archers. There may be more to him than meets the eye, if you follow me... (my collection of original stories and poems)

Read "Legend of the Fallen Prince: The Knight," for more info on the world this guy comes from.

The Journey

New member
Jul 12, 2010
An immortal, eternally youthful, beautiful, sexy female friend (though not in the 'friend zone') loyal only to me. Sure I might never have a meaningful relationship with any other woman ever again but with the life of a superhero that isn't terribly likely anyway.

Also if I ever died, she would probably turn into some sort of bitter, twisted anti-hero and become like an attractive female Punisher.

What? I'm shallow? In this I definitely am and I certainly won't apologize for it either.

Reality is different but for my fantasy life, sometimes you just want what you want.


Space. Lance.
Jun 7, 2010
Name of sidekick: Vihoff Myffin
Sidekick powers: Shoots lasers, which are bears which shoot smaller lasers shaped like pikes from their mouths. Which he also rides. And he has a pack of rabid bunnies.
Sidekick Motto: "Laser bears. Where is your god now?"
Sidekick costume/tools: A torn black cloak, with a laser gatling gun shaped like a cutlass jutting from his shoulder. Also a dwarf.
Sidekick background: Was a former space pirate, before he was attacked by a radioactive space zombie. The bite proved nonfatal for such an awesome space pirate, so he gained the power to control rabid bunnies and laser bears.
Other: Likes long walks on the beach and pecan sandies.
Picture: He's totally a ghost too. With a monocle of invisibility, so pictures can't be taken of him. *Nods*


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I can imagine myself being someone else's sidekick.

Really, I'd be perfect for that.

Having my own sidekick would just be weird for me.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
letterbomber223 said:
DonMartin said:
I can imagine myself being someone else's sidekick.

Really, I'd be perfect for that.

Having my own sidekick would just be weird for me.
I'll have you, then.
You got any special powers?
Im extremely proficient with comic relief.
Im almost 5.8.
I prefer the cute, sidekick girls, so you can still have the gorgeous heroine when we fight crime and save people. Unless youre a woman yourself, of course. Hrm.
I know kung fu. (show me.)
Im skilled with most instruments, i can paint and sculpt and all sorts of things that dont matter when were out doing heroic things.
I can perform any task youll have me do, or die trying. Or atleast try, fail, consult the internet, and then try again, then deeming the task undoable.
Supernaturally skilled butler.

Oh, and im a respected member of the International Butler/Sidekick Organization.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Name of sidekick: Agent Washington
Sidekick Powers: Nothing supernatural. Elite soldier,trained to take down cyberneticaly enhance soldiers.
Sidekick catchphrase: That was the worst [insert action here] ever. Of all time.
Sidekick outfit and tools: White power armour with yellow accents. Uses whatever weapon at hand.
Other: Usually ends up working with idiots.
Yeah,I know it's Red vs Blue,but hey! He's awesome!


New member
Jan 14, 2008
To explain my sidekick, I must explain my own persona first.

<spoiler=Me>Lord Ascendant Illyr Va'doria
Affiliation: Kingdom of Avendeguarda
Location: Realm of Arath
Skills: High Priest of the Path of Light, Warrior-Monk of the Seventh Spear
Powers: Can commune with Light spirits, can lay on hands, can use holy energy to smite dark creatures, can scribe the nine Symbols of Suffering (Pain, Misery, Death, Cataclysm, Doubt, Agony, Blindness, Speechlessness, Pestilence)
Nutshell Description: Wears bright white armor inlaid with mother of pearl trim with white tabard with red trim showing the twelve pointed star of the Path of Light. Blonde haired with a hook nose and thin lips, his skin is pallid and his fingernails are well manicured. Scars up his left arm from fighting in the war against the Shadow Lord of Sorrow that never were able to heal are reminders of his status. He is also scarred on his face and blind in one eye from being attacked by one of the many dark creatures used by the Shadow Lords of Tyrranis.
Weapons: The Staff Tabula Rasa, which can blast the minds of the Adherents of Tyrranis and can shine brightly when it is dark unless doused by a cloth. The Mace of Ou'rus, a silver flanged mace wielded by the ancient paladin Ou'rus before he was slain by the Lord of Ash.
Who is Illyr?: A Warrior-Monk and Priest of the Path of Light, a religion which preaches the purging of all darkness from humans and for the complete destruction of all non-humans. They are under the sway of the God of Zealotry, St. Kathan the Conquerer, and oppose the Adherents of Tyrranis, the God of Tyranny, as well as Khronkesh, the God of Slaughter and Chaos. They are allied with Alyr'sis, the God of Art and Music, as well as Il'dana, the God of Honor and Kingship, though Avengeguarda's kings are not crowned by a priest of Il'dana as is customary in Arath. Avendeguarda has been infiltrated by Lyris, the demi-god of thieves, who are working their way into the highest ranks of the royal family and its vassalage. As one of these Zealots, Illyr is always on the watch for heresy and corruption, and is quick to accuse others of being adherents of Lyris, Tyrranis or Khronkesh and has had many innocents as well as guilty folk burned at the stake for heresy against the Path of Light.

<spoiler=My Sidekick>
Species: Temple Hound
Description: Parrus is a Temple Hound, a very large canine about the size of a dire wolf. These dogs were bred from dire worgs and dire wolves and have been tamed by the Warrior-Monks of the Path of Light. They are fiercely loyal, can sniff out evil, and can move faster than other dogs. They are strong, wiry haired, terrier-like dogs. They stand almost four feet tall and can weight 190 to 230 pounds and can run almost 45 to 50 miles per hour at a good sprint. Since they are bred from worgs, they maintain their black or dark coloration and red eyes, though they are not evil. They have been known to sit so still, they look like statues.

Why a dog?? Simple really, it is an obedient, faithful and a strong adversary if trained well. Having a large dog in combat helps take down or scare off enemies unless they are even bigger than you. Illyr, thats my "Lord Ascendant" persona, is only a cleric/paladin so he needs all the help he can get.

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
1) Name of sidekick: Freida Petrenko
2) Sidekick powers: She's a cracking nurse, but not so good at inter-personal skills.
3) Sidekick Motto: *sighs* and rolls her eyes when ordered to do things.
4) Sidekick costume/tools: Nurse scubs with goth-y clothing underneath.
5) Sidekick background: She grew up in the Ukraine and had a tough life as a result. But she came over to Britain to work as a nurse - has trouble understanding people though.
6) Other: She really doesn't like snitchers and authority figures.

Personality: Snark with a heart. Even if she does have a little trouble understanding figures of speech and empathising with people.

Here's a picture!
Mar 26, 2008
1.Name of sidekick: Trisha Catalina
2.Sidekick powers: Sharpshooter and extensive knowledge of improvised explosives. Great lateral thinker.
3.Sidekick Motto: The greatest illusion is self-delusion.
4.Sidekick costume/tools: Kind of like a more goth Trinity; all pvc, buckled boots and multi-coloured hair. Has a stuffed toy backpack with various tools and bomb components. Holstered pistol sitting on left hip.
5.Sidekick background: Born in the late 70's to hippy parents, Moonbeam Lake was left to find her own way in life. Her juvenile interest in flammable materials combined with her inquisitive nature and natural hunger for knowledge led her to experiment with and devise her own incendary devices.
As she grew her quest for understanding grew with her leading to her being a bit of a jack of all trades, master of none. As such she always carries a set of shifters, screw drivers and various other tools "just in case she needs them".
She's introverted, mainly due to bullying about her parents and her name (which she changed on her 21st birthday), and a deep thinker; which often makes her argumentative. As such she often has explosive relationships; none so much more explosive than her on again, off again boyfriend and travelling partner. It is their history, sense of adventure and personalities that fuel their combined brilliance as well as unquestionable loyalty to each other. While they often fight, no one can come between them and heaven help the person who tried.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
1.Name of sidekick: Princess sparkles bunny, the unicorn
2.Sidekick powers: Take a bullet for me whenever iget into a bar fight and get sad when i forget to feed it. Maybe something to do with rainbows?
3.Sidekick Motto: Remember kiddies, unicorns aren't gay, they're just something your 3 year old sister would love!
4.Sidekick costume/tools: Diamond horn. Not that it actually does anything with it.
5.Sidekick background: Unicorn that i "found" in the park one day. No, it didn't have a collar or a previous owner. No i didn't steal it off some unsuspecting child.
6.Other: If you have recently had a unicorn stolen from you, i do not have it. This is mine. Stay the hell away.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
More of a henchman than a sidekick, actually.
Name: Jake
Powers: Comic relief, guarding rooms, very acute powers of reference to TV shows, movies, video games, and other otaku nonsense
Motto: Why are you always fighting women? And where do these tentacles keep coming from?!
Costume: Red pants, black shirt with a large red R on the front, black trenchcoat, and Domo wristband
Background: Easily persuadable ex-convenience-store-worker who wanted more dramatic work for the same wages
Other: Fascination of toasters


New member
Apr 2, 2010
letterbomber223 said:
DonMartin said:
letterbomber223 said:
DonMartin said:
I can imagine myself being someone else's sidekick.

Really, I'd be perfect for that.

Having my own sidekick would just be weird for me.
I'll have you, then.
You got any special powers?
Im extremely proficient with comic relief.
Im almost 5.8.
I prefer the cute, sidekick girls, so you can still have the gorgeous heroine when we fight crime and save people. Unless youre a woman yourself, of course. Hrm.
I know kung fu. (show me.)
Im skilled with most instruments, i can paint and sculpt and all sorts of things that dont matter when were out doing heroic things.
I can perform any task youll have me do, or die trying. Or atleast try, fail, consult the internet, and then try again, then deeming the task undoable.
Supernaturally skilled butler.

Oh, and im a respected member of the International Butler/Sidekick Organization.
Wow! Sold! um, I'm not really one for fighting crime though, how do you feel about morally ambiguous anti-heroes?
This will do quite nicely! To the Letterbombermobile!