Topical Tuesday: Create Your Sidekick


New member
Aug 26, 2009

2:SIDEKICK POWERS: comic timming
-always skint even just after recieving money
-extensive knowledge of scrubs and other tv series
-extensive knowledge of pokemon he's like a human bulbapedia


4: COSTUME/TOOLS: an eternally broken pair of glasses that allow him to see in to the present!
- a phone that sometimes works(never when its convienient)

5:BACKROUND: *shrug *

go ask him

7:appearance: t-shirt and jeans combo.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
1. Name of sidekick: Lance Upperut
2. Sidekick powers: bodyguard
3. Sidekick Motto: it's time to take you out to lunch
4. Sidekick costume/tools: normal everyday clothes and carries a bat
5. Sidekick background: he eats babies
6. Other: fond of the lute
7. Picture (optional):

Player 2

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Name: Really Big Dog.
Powers: Bites people.

Because I've just never met a guy with lazer vision.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
1-Expendable Lad
2-Killed easily and just as easily replaceable
4-Red costume with a large EX on it, small cape with huge target on it
5-There have been hundreds of expandable lads, kids keep lining up for the job and I made a fortune on life insurance policies on them
6-I just repair and clean the same costume the previous Expandable Lad died in
7-picture unavailable because none ever lasted long enough to remember


New member
Sep 3, 2009
1. Name of sidekick: James Wilson
2. Sidekick powers: Gives sudden insight through irrational avenues otherwise not explored
3. Sidekick Motto:
4. Sidekick costume/tools: Doctors coat/chart
5. Sidekick background:
6. Other:
7. Picture (optional):

wait, that's House


New member
May 1, 2009
1.Name of sidekick: Diane (No last name given); uses aliases "Ms. Mellencamp", "Jill Hearthrob", "Lovely Rita"

2.Sidekick powers: Advanced martial arts training, affinity with bladed weapons and small arms, Advanced Sniper core training

3.Sidekick Motto: Oh, it is always something!

4.Sidekick costume/tools: Form-fitting .35-proof body armor, blue jeans, cowgirl boots and hat, and blue bandanna/air filter; twin .40 revolvers (named Smith & Wesson), belt of throwing knives, retractable wrist-mounted blade, specially crafted .50 caliber sniper rifle w/ retractable tripod, six foot long silencer, x200 scope, and recoil reduction

5.Sidekick background: (Ostensibly) Hailing from rural Alabama, the enigmatic thirtysomething woman 'Diane' has seen many battlefields and ended numerous lives. Very little his known about her past, even to her male counterpart and partner-in-crime Jack; she likely served with an army's sniper core, given her long-range shooting skills; and she probably made a friend or two while there, given that she usually has easy access to cutting-edge military hardware. It has also been speculated that she travelled with the "Molten Eagles" shooting troop under the alias "Buffalo Gal", although no remaining images of the Buffalo Gal's face remain in any known archive.

At present, all that has been confirmed for certain is that she is the co-owner and chief intelligence officer of the "Pink House Society", a shadow mercenary group that specializes in "smash-n-grab" and "regime change" operations. In the past, she and Jack have rented their services out to the United States, Venezuela, and the DRC, as well as countless private interests. She dissaproves of the noisy "bullet ballet" tactics favored by her counterpart Jack, and prefers to use stealth and guerilla tactics where possible.

As of February 2023, Diane is the fourth most wanted person in the entire world, carrying a bounty of over two billion dollars each from seven different and classified parties, as well as war criminal status in the United States, all of Europe, The People's Republic of China, Tibet, and Mongolia. She is wanted dead or alive under charges of torture, pillaging and looting, hostage taking, civilian endangerment, and wanton destruction of civilian and goverment property. According to some sources, she also had a hand in the Sacramento biological incident of 2016, although that remains unconfirmed.
Last sighted in Somalia, combing the local pirate ranks for suitable inductees into the Pink House Society.

6.Other: Has a curious fondness for any form of music made prior to the year 2000, as well as an acutely detailed knowledge of conflicts throughout history; even the really obscure ones.


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
Queen Michael said:
That's just like something I might have dreamed up as a kid.
*sigh* The things I used to dream up...

It's nice to let loose our inner child once in a while.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
1. Name of sidekick: Sen
2. Sidekick powers: Replicating items
3. Sidekick Motto: "Gimme a bit!"
4. Sidekick costume/tools: Red tunic, yellow skin
5. Sidekick background: One day, arc lightning struck down upon the world, fuelled from the one of the most powerful storms in existence, a storm so powerful it shattered the fabric of reality within a very small space, namely one Nintendo Entertainment System unfortunate to have been left outside on a garage sale stand. The NES was given new life in the form of a tiny pixellated warrior called Sen, like a butterfly from its charred plastic cocoon. Allying himself with his master and the NES' original owner, he does battle with any and all malevolent forces with the power of reality bending to create pixellated items of power.
6. Other: He's only got two colours, two frames of animation, and about 6 inches tall.
7. Picture (optional): Just imagine Link from the first NES game in a red tunic and no elf ears, that'll do.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Name of sidekick: Handy.
Sidekick powers: The ability to know things I'd have no way of knowing on my own.
Sidekick Motto: "When in doubt, you'll fuck up."
Sidekick costume/tools: Red, white and blue paint.
Sidekick background: Handy is my alternate personality manifested in the form of a face drawn on my left hand. He exists to serve as a comic foil, although it's hard to notice because, as the legendary hero "The Madman!" I'm already pretty loony.
Other: Handy moonlights as my nemesis, "The Hand."


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Why does one need a sidekick? Do they have what you lack? What does Robin have that Batman lacks? He's Batman!

1.Name of sidekick: Sjlabbergletchen von Koekenstein
2.Sidekick powers: Can set traps made out of anything.
3.Sidekick Motto: I like cat and mouse games
4.Sidekick costume/tools: High speed boots and a utilitybelt with a pickaxe, explosives and other digging and demolition equipment.
5.Sidekick background: With his innovative mind and focus on capture he would usually skip school by trapping his teachers and take the day off. Because he refused to do any serious schoolwork he went to the army where he learned more about explosives than the army would let him.
6.Other: He has a burnmark on his eyebrow. His astrological sign is Gemini.
7.Picture (optional): No picture taken.

Daft Sikes

New member
Jun 10, 2010
1.Name of sidekick: Fob the Jerkass Soup Can
2.Sidekick powers: Can talk ,dispenses any kind of soup you wish, makes a snarky and/or threatening comment every now and then.
3.Sidekick Motto: "I hope you choke on the corn."
4.Sidekick costume/tools: Can-opener of snarkiness, and a metal spoon. Wears red label that has the word "fOB" scribbled messily on it in white permanent marker.
5.Sidekick background: Found in the back of my pantry, cursing, and covered in Mexican hot sauce and a mysterious green liquid.
6.Other: He enjoys watching old soap operas on t.v.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I would want a sidekick I never actually saw. Basically a ninja-type being who was always there, but never in sight. The idea being, if I was ever in trouble or in need of help, there would be a white flash and the problem would simply be gone. Like if a car was coming towards me and not stopping, *FLASH!* and the car's gone, leaving only a very bewildered driver sat in the road. Someone throws something at me? *FLASH!* and the missile disappears, then reappears moments later on its way back to whence it came. I would call it Guardian, or Angel if I was feeling poetic. Or Guardian Angel, that would make sense :p


New member
Aug 23, 2010
1. Name of sidekick: Axe-Maiden
2. Sidekick powers: An Axe/Tits
3. Sidekick Motto: SlashBoing
4. Sidekick costume/tools: N/A , Axe
5. Sidekick background: She's a woman, she has an axe
6. Other: LolWut


New member
Aug 29, 2010
1.Name of sidekick: a foriegn name gender is unknown but likely female
2.Sidekick powers:magic/not being annoying and actually helping the plot move along
3.Sidekick Motto: Not this shit again!!! aslo everytime she she kills someting something so yells an gaming meme like Boom Headshot! or a variation like when she sends lighting through guys she;ll yell BOOM Dickshot!
4.Sidekick costume/tools:black robe staff
5.Sidekick background: shady veiled much like her something to explore
6.Other: can actually fight as well as me maybe better less of a sidekick more of partner


New member
Jan 14, 2009
1. Name of sidekick: Markus
2. Sidekick powers: Regeneration, Hyper Accuracy, Enhanced Strength, Speed
3. Sidekick Motto: "No Mercy For The Majority."
4. Sidekick costume/tools: Various Firearms, Black Sportcoat, Mauve Dress Shirt, Black Slacks
5. Sidekick background: Best friend to Raizen, the mortal enemy of his father, and became bodyguard to his son after Raizen's death.
6. Other: Enjoys fish, Cajun Food, hates cats, as they have a tendency to steal his food


New member
Sep 18, 2009
1. Name of sidekick: Kaeli
2. Sidekick powers: Regenerative/Degenerative Powers - Agelessness
3. Sidekick Motto: "I'll save you in a minute, so... shiny... too... shiny... ooooo"
4. Sidekick costume/tools: Kaeli is a 6 inch pixie (white skin(pale), short blue hair, green eyes) with eye patch wearing an assortment of greenery for clothing
5. Sidekick background: Kaeli joined with her Superhero after being found near dead after her last master, a super villain, died due to her obsessive disorder regarding shiny objects caused her to forget about him, and ended up flying into a glass pane.
6. Other: Her Superhero consistently saves her from danger that her disorder gets them into but their relationship pulls them through, and through fate they usually succeed in their missions. Kaeli has infinite wisdom which she can never properly articulate due to her hyper nature and attitude, she's aloof and can usually only tell terrible jokes that she finds extremely amusing. When Kaeli gets serious and focus her regenerative and degenerative abilities make her a excellent side kick. Her favorite past time is collecting junk and using her regenerative powers to make it new and 'shiny'.