"'Kyle Brogan · Top Commenter · Operations Command - Head Council [=C=] at Valor Company, Inc.
"Mr. Kotick, they've got destructible environments, vehicles, and all kinds of crazy things going on. We're making a carbon-copy of the same game we've made annually for the past five years. What exactly do you want us to brag about?"
"Well, our framerate is faster."
"Okay. We'll run with that." '"
I love this guy.
Anyways, it will run at 60 fr/s, it will look almost as orgasmic as Duke Nukem's single player.
It will have great resolution, but still look like shit. Not because it is a ctrl-c, ctrl-v game that IGN will take to dinner, eat out, fuck it ('cause hey, there the sluts right?), then eat it up, and after being consipated for 5 weeks still give glorifying praise, but because their graphics are terrible.
Battlefield 3 looked so good. On YouTube. On 360p. That it had the ability to make me orgasm faster than rusty spoons (Salad Fingers for the 2 of you that haven't seen it yet).
Even on 1080p MW3 still looked terrible. It was on the lines of BLOPS mixed with television static and Fable: The Lost Chapters.