60 FPS is Modern Warfare 3's "Competitive Edge"


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Mad Stalin said:
elvor0 said:
Mad Stalin said:
Huh? I'm assuming this is on consoles cause MW games will never run at 60 fps on any PC
You what? People can get Crysis 2 to run at 60 fps, I'm pretty sure it can handle MW games.
Was taking the piss out of COD being poorly optimized thats all
Ah okay, fair enough :p I thought you might've been one of those people that think PCs aint very powerful.

But yeah, Blops is horribly optimized, I can run Crysis 2 on High, but I'll be damned if I can run Blops on minimum.

Hristo Tzonkov

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Apr 5, 2010
teh_Canape said:
scnj said:
Braedan said:
scnj said:
So, their only argument is that their FPS has more FPS? It's like having an RPG with many RPGs.
I think you misunderstand the acronyms...
First Person Shooter/Frames Per Second, Role Playing Game/Rocket Propelled Grenades.

It wasn't meant to be taken seriously, just silly wordplay. Or acronym play.
that's it?

and here I was, trying to find the Xzibit joke hidden within
Yo dawg we heard you like FPS's so we put FPS's in your FPS's so you can FPS when you FPS.

I got lost somewhere writing this...


New member
May 25, 2010
I think they're both gonna be great games. I don't why we have to single one out as "Shit" when it clearly isn't.

I'll be playing both, and I'll thoroughly enjoy both.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Translation: "Our dick is bigger, see its bigger, buy our game because our dick is the biggest!"

Honestly so long as its above 24 FPS and thus a moving picture smoothness is really just a matter of dick waving. We could run it at PS1 low poly mode and have it go at 180 FPS but nobody wants that. People want it to be pretty. This is just asinine. Why don't we talk about something that really matters like how gameplay differentiates your games.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I can run my own game, get the red square to the blue dot (but dodge the pink triangle), at much higher frames per second, therefore by MW3s stadards, mine has the best gameplay and overall experience. GTRSTTBD(BDTPT) in stores now only $70, and for only $30 dollars more, get an exclusive hat for the red square.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Chameliondude said:
I can run my own game, get the red square to the blue dot (but dodge the pink triangle), at much higher frames per second, therefore by MW3s stadards, mine has the best gameplay and overall experience. GTRSTTBD(BDTPT) in stores now only $70, and for only $30 dollars more, get an exclusive hat for the red square.
Will there be map packs?

The Random One

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May 29, 2008
MW3 will probably be really bad if that's all they can muster to defend against BF3. As long as your FPS is greater than DNF's (one) you should be good.


New member
May 24, 2010
Who does Activision think they're fooling here?

Bad Company 2 is already pushing over 60 fps and TF2 is nearly double that.

Best head back to the drawing board.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I've heard lesser games getting slammed for putting all their eggs in the 'stunning graphics' basket. Better graphics and better sound, talking about issues that are become more and more irrelevant with current gen graphics. If it doesn't look stunning, you might as well not try, considering the budgets and technology these developers have. They're not even talking about aspects of the game that makes CoD attractive, the multiplayer, if I were in charge of the CoD advertising, I would toss talking about the graphics out the window and focus on the damn multiplayer!

Johan Andersson said it rather well;
"We think huge levels, lots of players, great effects, destruction, vehicles & varied gameplay are more important than 1080p,"

THAT is what the Battlefield players want to know is still there, that's what they want to hear more about. CoD players want to hear about the Multiplayer, even if it is identical to the last three incarnations, they want to hear about that.


New member
May 14, 2010
lets be fair, they need something to have as a selling point, i mean saying that a game has got the same gameplay, same guns, same bad story writing and same bad community as the last 2 games with which is shares its name is hardly a good selling point ^^


New member
Sep 4, 2010
I looked at both games for consoles from a content perspective and then at the specs at which they are delivered.

Battlefield 3 is supposed to have vehicles, destroyable buildings, aircraft that are a viable way to kill people(???), and the same(or higher) level of weapon customization as MW3. These are additions/alterations that they made public a long time ago.

CoD: Modern Warfare 3, is just the sequal to Modern Warefare 2. I haven't found any magnificent changes to the game. Before you say or think anything I spent 45minutes searching for valid additions that they made. Yes they copy-pasted the money/points system from Black Ops, they cloned Halo's career tracking system, and added a survival mode ie. the pre-existing zombie mode with gun wielding zombies.

Specs time: B3 plays at 30 or so Fps at 720p with all of its cars, tanks, planes, and, helicopters and destroyable buildings and shit. The developers also possess the capability to patch in updates that boost its Fps above 30.

MW3 runs at 60 or so Fps at likely less than 720p and has blah to hook you with beyond "We are selling you MW3 the successor to MW2". It is rather hard to apply a graphical update or upgrade without rereleasing the game.

Battlefield 3 > Modern Warfare 3 at this point.

That is all.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Easton Dark said:
A constant 30-50fps is good enough for me Sledgehammer, and I bet most of your fans really don't care about it that much.
Most of the frat boy Codders don't even know what FPS stands for, let alone what it means for their experience. They care that they are 50-1 and get a nuke every 25 kills. Their selling point is that their game is an action movie.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Human vision only operates at about 24 frames per second so the rest is gravy. In BF a few frames doesn't matter as much because the gameplay is normally a bit less reaction based than CoD. Because the games play differently, it won't matter.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Vigormortis said:
Zhukov said:
Can the untrained human eye even tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps?
In most cases, yes it can. However, the average player will hardly notice. Though, fluid movements do noticeably lose some of that fluidity at lower frame rates. Still, Activision claiming MW3 can run up to 60 frames means nothing if it's not constant. Frame drops are far more noticeable than low frame rates. I'd much rather have a stable, constant 30 to 40 frame count than one that fluctuates all over the place and sometimes[/b] hit's 60.

OT: As for all the bitching between the two games: I honestly can't understand it. Sure, Battlefield 3 may have destructible scenery (like practically every shooter out there)

What other fps's are out now that let you blow buildings up completely in multiplayer? Because Bad Company 2 is the only one I've seen that lets you do that.


A Flawed Logical Conundrum
Oct 30, 2008
It's kind of funny because the human eye can't tell the difference past a frame rate of 40. It's all BS anyway. The fact that they won't even invest in dedicated servers will make it so the Host of the game will always win, no matter the frame rate.

Now if you want to play that sort of nit-picky game, Sledgehammer, Then make it so you say "at least our game doesn't blind you with mini-snow/sand storms."

Spencer Petersen

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Apr 3, 2010
Framerate doesn't matter if your net coding is as bad as your last 3 titles. Fix the host lag issue or develop the game around those problems, don't just push for advancement in an irrelevant area that was achieved by modern PC games years ago.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I dont realy care about graphics anymore, Call of Duty Lacks gameplay and has always used its visuals to sell, srsly look at the modernwarfare 3 e3 demo, those visuals were like WOW, and then when he entered the sub i lost intrest coz it was very much CoD4
oh well soon CoD will go the way of guitar hero