Rush Limbaugh Sticks Up for Video Games

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Sticks Up for Video Games

Conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh doesn't believe in regulating videogames, and even thinks they're a form of art.

On the Rush Limbaugh show this past week, the conservative political commentator provided some strong words for the side of the videogame industry in the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case [] that will determine whether or not videogame sales can be legally restricted. In Limbaugh's mind, there's no doubt that videogames should be protected under the First Amendment like most other forms of media.

When a caller asked Limbaugh's opinion on the case, Limbaugh said that he would undoubtedly stick up for the videogame industry because he's in the "free speech business." Though he paints the law as an issue that Democrats are responsible for despite its bipartisan roots, he does agree that the market should determine what kind of content is unacceptable and that the government should stay out of videogame regulation.

"Leave your game alone," Limbaugh told the caller. He also said that "the people that put together these video games are artists in their own right," so he's even picked sides in the videogames-as-art argument. You go, Limbaugh.

"If you're gonna start saying that video games are raunchy, then how the hell do you leave cable television alone," Limbaugh wondered, pointing out the slippery slope that a ruling could have on media as a whole. Rush Limbaugh might be a single man, but he has a loud voice as host of one of the most popular political talk shows in the U.S. If he thinks it'd be crazy for the Supreme Court to rule that videogames can be regulated in the same way as pornography, I think the videogame industry can rest a little easier until the final decision is made, though anything is possible when the case begins this week.

Limbaugh's words can be found here [].

Source: Rush Limbaugh []



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
As I said in the forum thread on this subject, having Rush Limbaugh on side makes me feel sullied and unclean.

But hey, free ally. I guess one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Well I guess if a conservative person think games are great and should have the support of the first amendment then hopefully the supreme court will too.

Although I'm incredible aggrevated that a country 1000+ miles away decides what hobbies I can enjoy.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
As some other people have said, we should take our allies where we can get him. I have no idea what his stance on politics are and I really don't care, so long as we've got allies on all fronts we should be good.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I was raised liberal but I find myself becoming more and more conservative by the day, especially after stories like this.


New member
May 26, 2009
I may not like this guy because in certain area he seems to be a pompous ass..but for the sake of videogames i'll be taking him as an ally.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Hmm... I'd be willing to form an uneasy alliance with Mr. Limbaugh if he's on our side for this. Really, who'da thought that Rush Limbaugh of all people would support us?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
If people knew the definition of Conservatism they would realize why his choice was very clear. To be honest when i heard this i wasn't shocked at all.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Now all you need is Glen Beck to come out on the side of Videogames & the defence dream team will be complete


New member
Jul 26, 2009
This isn't a strictly "Liberal"/"Conservative" issue so the sides get a little weird.

Keep in mind no one WANTS to see M-rated games to minors. What we don't want is it to be a prosecutable crime for selling an M-rated game to a minor. No retailer wants to be fined if someone makes a mistake and accidentally sells a game to a minor.

PRO legislative regulation of video games:

Parents who don't play video games
People who don't play video games at all and don't "Get them"
People who see video games as a toy meant only for young children
Politicians that are in districts where people complain about video games a lot

CON who don't want legislative regulation of video games:

Free speech/Free expression enthusiasts
The Video Game industry and retailers
Those who play M-rated games

I'm not too worried, from what I know of the Supreme court they're pro-Free Speech and pro-Business. I think what you'll see is an 8-1 or possibly 7-2 decision.

Put it like this: Do M-rated games have more artistic merit than porn? That's what this decision is going to come down to.