6th Grader Shoots Potential Rapist


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
Actually, I'd be for the joke even if said potential rapist was a female.

You know why?

CAUSE ITS A FUCKING RAPIST! Yeah a rape joke is okay if the butt of the joke falls on a RAPIST.

Also, did you just describe the desire to genocide entire groups of Gays, Gypsies and Jews as "Personal Philosophy"?
......except that we're not talking about a rapist here.

There's nothing to prove he was trying to rape her, and when he was arrested he was charged for burglary


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Good to hear, serves your dumb ass right.
BloatedGuppy said:
Further evidence that all 12 year old girls should be armed with glocks.
Full agreement.
Keoul said:
I thinks we're all jumping the gun by assuming the intruder is a rapist when the only crime they committed so far was home invasion.
Also damn, America needs better locks.
Yeah, cuz unbreakable locks are $5 at walmart /sarcasm. really, most people who break and enter don't pick a lock, they break down a door or a window.
JoJo said:
That's pretty awesome, congratulations to the kid, although I disagree with the idea of people keeping guns in their houses (or on their person). For every rare case of a person possibly saved like this, there's accidents and the use of guns for crime to consider. I understand it may be different for our American friends since they have a large border with a poor crime-ridden country (no offence any Mexicans) which guns can leak over into the hands of criminals but I stand by my position in theory at-least.

TL;DR: Please flame me
Self defense cases aren't rare, they outnumber crimes, suicides and accidental deaths using firearms by a substantial ratio, as in multiplicative. http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp


New member
Jan 15, 2010
JoJo said:
That's pretty awesome, congratulations to the kid, although I disagree with the idea of people keeping guns in their houses (or on their person). For every rare case of a person possibly saved like this, there's accidents and the use of guns for crime to consider. I understand it may be different for our American friends since they have a large border with a poor crime-ridden country (no offence any Mexicans) which guns can leak over into the hands of criminals but I stand by my position in theory at-least.

TL;DR: Please flame me
Alright, that is really fucking ignorant. As a Mexican I've never EVER been mugged (mind you, I still use public transportation most of the time since I don't like driving in the city because it takes longer than the metro) and have not even witnessed a crime in my 20 years of life. Get your ignorant ideas of how a foreign country works and shove it, it's offensive and would be like saying everyone in South Africa fights lions on a daily basis, just overall ignorant.

EDIT: Also double whammy if you think Americans like and keep guns in their house because of Mexicans.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
About the rapist part, Not sure if this is true or not but I had read an artical yesterday about this which said the guy had previously kidnaped or attempetd to kidnap a mentaly handicaped girl before. Ill try to fid that article again to reverify that I am not mixing it up with a different news story.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
I made this thread a few days ago. :I But I guess it's good enough to be said again. She might've ended up another statistic like the number of murdered children coming from CO lately..


New member
Apr 9, 2009
We dont know this guy was going to rape her, but he was looking for her, so theres that. Regardless though, break into another persons house = get shot in shoulder, I approve.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
"Potential rapist?" Is that kind of like "suspected terrorist?"
What's worse, the article actually goes one step further and just calls him a rapist.

How about "12-year-old girl shoots man who invaded her home?" Is that not enough?


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Tiger Sora said:
Tony said:
Where was Big Daddy when this happened?
Undersea vacation.
I love you guys so much.

OT: I don't care about the rapist part, I'm just glad that the girl knows how to use a firearm to protect herself from potential harm.

Too bad she didn't kill him, though. He can probably sue for damages now.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Can't believe people are celebrating this. "Potential rapist?" He might have been a neighbour wanting to borrow some milk.

Teaching a 12-year old this kind of insularity and mistrust is barbaric. In other words, perfectly in line with American values.


Sep 9, 2010
SadakoMoose said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
Actually, I'd be for the joke even if said potential rapist was a female.

You know why?

CAUSE ITS A FUCKING RAPIST! Yeah a rape joke is okay if the butt of the joke falls on a RAPIST.

Also, did you just describe the desire to genocide entire groups of Gays, Gypsies and Jews as "Personal Philosophy"?
Let's leave the ex reality show hosts out of this...
1: We're not talking about rape jokes, we're talking about your amusement at the concept of rape being inflicted as an ironic or just punishment. Again, is some Rape ok in your mind?
2: Like I said, it's an extreme example. This was not meant to imply that atrocities committed by the Nazis were somehow excusable as a "point of view". However, what I'm tying to get across is that MAYBE it's a bad idea to answer ugliness with ugliness. Maybe, it's better to try and move forward as human beings, rather than satisfying ourselves with cheap cathartic crap.
1. Yes, Rape is okay if it befalls a person that is pro-genocide... committed an act of rape themselves.... or fucks a child. Or at least okay to the point that I do not care nor do I have any basic human sympathy for them. Seriously, they are bad people.

I don't support a society where we actively try to punish people, but if a villian prays upon a villian by sheer happenstance? I fail to see how that isn't the universe sorting out it's karma.

Lionsfan said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
Actually, I'd be for the joke even if said potential rapist was a female.

You know why?

CAUSE ITS A FUCKING RAPIST! Yeah a rape joke is okay if the butt of the joke falls on a RAPIST.

Also, did you just describe the desire to genocide entire groups of Gays, Gypsies and Jews as "Personal Philosophy"?
......except that we're not talking about a rapist here.

There's nothing to prove he was trying to rape her, and when he was arrested he was charged for burglary
Fair enough. He would need to be tried by a jury of his peers. Unless we end up finding something that indicates he meant the child harm, it is unfair for me to assume he meant to rape the child.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
Actually, I'd be for the joke even if said potential rapist was a female.

You know why?

CAUSE ITS A FUCKING RAPIST! Yeah a rape joke is okay if the butt of the joke falls on a RAPIST.

Also, did you just describe the desire to genocide entire groups of Gays, Gypsies and Jews as "Personal Philosophy"?
Let's leave the ex reality show hosts out of this...
1: We're not talking about rape jokes, we're talking about your amusement at the concept of rape being inflicted as an ironic or just punishment. Again, is some Rape ok in your mind?
2: Like I said, it's an extreme example. This was not meant to imply that atrocities committed by the Nazis were somehow excusable as a "point of view". However, what I'm tying to get across is that MAYBE it's a bad idea to answer ugliness with ugliness. Maybe, it's better to try and move forward as human beings, rather than satisfying ourselves with cheap cathartic crap.
1. Yes, Rape is okay if it befalls a person that is pro-genocide... committed an act of rape themselves.... or fucks a child. Or at least okay to the point that I do not care nor do I have any basic human sympathy for them. Seriously, they are bad people.

I don't support a society where we actively try to punish people, but if a villian prays upon a villian by sheer happenstance? I fail to see how that isn't the universe sorting out it's karma.
Barring the non-existence of "karma" or universal "order", of course.
I can't help but feel that the preservation of my humanity is somehow more important than paying imaginary tribute to likely fictional, highly subjective, philosophical construct.
Again, such as karma or any universal or objective interpretation of the concept of "justice".

Also, the fact that you can pretend to deprive yourself of humanity (while talking on the internet, how brave...) isn't so much a philosophical standpoint or even really a show of strength to the "harsh and unforgiving" world, as much as it is a cop out. Opposed, of course, to taking a hard and objective look at what amount to be difficult and heart rending subjects.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Can't believe people are celebrating this. "Potential rapist?" He might have been a neighbour wanting to borrow some milk.

Teaching a 12-year old this kind of insularity and mistrust is barbaric. In other words, perfectly in line with American values.
If this is a joke, you might want to make it more obvious. But in case it isn't, he wasn't shot through the front door while knocking. He had smashed a window, entered the house illegally, and was shot when attempting to open the closet the girl was hiding in. Of course he was to be "mistrusted!" Next time, read the article before posting nonsense. The part about him being a potential rapist is silly sensationalism, true. The part where he deserved to be shot was not.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I'm glad the girl got out of it ok and the scumbag was caught. However. I'm seeing this less as an argument for "let's have more guns" and more an argument for "let's have less shitty people".


New member
Feb 9, 2010
DeathStreamer said:
"I think it's going to change me a whole lot, knowing that I can hold my head up high and nothing can hurt me anymore."
Sounds like she'll grow up to be an excellent american girl, thinking guns will make her safe and solve all her problems.
Not all problems. Just home invasion related problems.


Sep 9, 2010
SadakoMoose said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
Actually, I'd be for the joke even if said potential rapist was a female.

You know why?

CAUSE ITS A FUCKING RAPIST! Yeah a rape joke is okay if the butt of the joke falls on a RAPIST.

Also, did you just describe the desire to genocide entire groups of Gays, Gypsies and Jews as "Personal Philosophy"?
Let's leave the ex reality show hosts out of this...
1: We're not talking about rape jokes, we're talking about your amusement at the concept of rape being inflicted as an ironic or just punishment. Again, is some Rape ok in your mind?
2: Like I said, it's an extreme example. This was not meant to imply that atrocities committed by the Nazis were somehow excusable as a "point of view". However, what I'm tying to get across is that MAYBE it's a bad idea to answer ugliness with ugliness. Maybe, it's better to try and move forward as human beings, rather than satisfying ourselves with cheap cathartic crap.
1. Yes, Rape is okay if it befalls a person that is pro-genocide... committed an act of rape themselves.... or fucks a child. Or at least okay to the point that I do not care nor do I have any basic human sympathy for them. Seriously, they are bad people.

I don't support a society where we actively try to punish people, but if a villian prays upon a villian by sheer happenstance? I fail to see how that isn't the universe sorting out it's karma.
Barring the non-existence of "karma" or universal "order", of course.
I can't help but feel that the preservation of my humanity is somehow more important than paying imaginary tribute to likely fictional, highly subjective, philosophical construct.
Again, such as karma or any universal or objective interpretation of the concept of "justice".

Also, the fact that you can pretend to deprive yourself of humanity (while talking on the internet, how brave...) isn't so much a philosophical standpoint or even really a show of strength to the "harsh and unforgiving" world, as much as it is a cop out. Opposed, of course, to taking a hard and objective look at what amount to be difficult and heart rending subjects.
Yes how brave of me, with an account that has my real name... linked to not only my personal facebook account, twitter, but also a website where I show videos of myself, yes... Clearly I'm talking tough behind an anonymous shield. It's not like my name is Nicholas Rehfeldt or anything, and I'm certainly not from Long Island.

And really dude, Jesus Christ. No one is saying we lock the guy up in chains and tell a 400 pound man name tiny to go to town on his ass. But if so happens during the course of a potential rapist life he gets raped himself? Good. These aren't people like you and me, people that can have empathy for others. People that would go, sure it would be nice to lord my power over another individual for a while, but it would make the other person feel sad and upset and I don't want that.

The people that do such things lack basic humanity. They lack the ability to care about others. I don't understand why then it would be wrong of me to hear of a rapist getting raped by another and think anything other than good. They'll never rehabilitate. They'll never feel sorry for their crimes against humanity. If they could possibly understand that THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE COMMITTED THE CRIME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You act as though I callously came to this decision quickly. No, I do believe in the moral high ground. That we have to do the right thing simply because it is, but if tragedy happens to be fall someone so monstrous by sheer coincidence? I give not a fuck. In this case, the "victim" would be a potential child fucker. IF that's true, as someone pointed out I don't know, then I really wouldn't care if someone stabs him in prison. He fucked a kid, he's as evil as the fucker that shot that six year old watching Batman over the summer.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Lucky day for her I guess.

I don't really see how this has much bearing on any gun control debates though. She pulled off a very lucky shot through a door, being unable to see her target. About as likely as a 6th grader getting in a lucky hit with a knife that would disable but not kill the intruder.

Guns or no guns, even a 6th grader armed with a lethal weapon can disable an intruder with a heavy dose of luck.

I'm just happy she was that lucky, made it out unharmed and that nobody died so the criminal can be lawfully prosecuted.


New member
Dec 24, 2011
SadakoMoose said:
1: Kick Ass is over rated and about as deep as a kiddie pool during a drought.
2: Aren't we glad that the girl is safe? I sure am!
3: This:
TephlonPrice said:
The intruder got a gunshot and he's about to get his booty violated in the cell block.

Job well done, 12 year old girl.
Is unacceptable.
So, is what your trying to tell me is that rape is a good thing in some cases?
Like, if it's an "ironic" punishment for a male criminal?
What if the intruder had been female? Would you have made the same "joke"?
No, because rape can't really be considered "appropriate" or "laughable" unless the victim's a man.
If we strip away the societal context of the joke, you've basically now said that SOME rape is ok. Of course, you basically get away with it, because the listeners are supposed to find the perpetrator reprehensible/sub-human and therefore an acceptable target for anything.
For example, I could reasonably be forgiven for saying "If I knew a Nazi, I'd decapitate him, peel the flesh from his face, place my fingers in his still dripping eye sockets, and bowl his recently scalped cranium into a woodchipper. I would then use the brain matter to feed other nazis". Sure, that example is extreme, but if we attach the word "Nazi" to the beginning why does it strangely feel more acceptable? Even with the word "nazi" added in as my "get out of jail free card", I've still just admitted to desiring the brutal murder, desecration, and mutilation of another man because I disagree with his personal philosophy.
Is that REALLY the society we want to live in?
Please reconsider this opinion.
It's a joke. Don't lose your shit over it.

And to answer your question, yeah, I'd still make the same jokes. Rapists getting raped = delicious irony in practice. Rapists DO NOT have philosophy; they sexually violate someone without consent. So a rapist getting that Fleece Johnson treatment on the cell block is the perfect punishment.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
?And what we understand right now, he was turning the doorknob when she fired through the door?

1) mom turns the handle after she scared off the burglar or didn't find the burglar in the house. mom is dead or injured from daughter.

2) police off turns handle, is either injured or dead.

3) burglar turns handle and gets killed.

12 year old murderer, shot someone on the other side of the door with no eye contact.

and this is just the single mother train of thought, what if she had older siblings that caused the noise, or a father.

do you really think that a child should be using a gun at all, this is another case of someone getting scared in their bubble and firing off their gun. there's no real proof that the person was dangerous. and also a chance it could have gone very wrong after the gun was fired.