Spyro's Back, and He Brought Toys

Scott Bullock

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Spyro's Back, and He Brought Toys

A new Spyro the Dragon game, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure will incorporate collecting toys from the new toy line into the core game mechanics.

Releasing toys based on videogames is nothing new, just ask my Master Chief action figure or Pac-Man hat. Making the toys and integral part of the game mechanics? That's a bit more novel and it's exactly the case with Activision's upcoming title, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. The game, coming to unannounced consoles, will feature a device called the "Portal of Power", which will allow any of the 32 announced toys to interface with the game. This will unlock the character the toy is based on for play in the game, along with new powers and abilities. The game package will cost $70, and will contain the game, 3 toys, the Portal of Power, and trading cards. They toys and game are scheduled for release sometime this fall.

The toys will also be able to store game information, keeping your progress and game history the same no matter where you play your game. And that could be rather useful, as the main game will also have web, mobile, and handheld editions that will also be able to interface with the toys.

"These are toys with brains," said Eric Hirshberg, Activision Publishing CEO. "These are more than action figures. They are inter-action figures."

But Activision isn't putting all its Spyro eggs into a single gimmicky (albeit nifty) basket. It's also hired some impressive Hollywood talent to help give Skylanders the expansive and immersive world it's looking for. The screenwriters who wrote Toy Story, Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen, have already signed on to the project, as has Shrek character designer Tom Hester and the composer of Inception fame, Hanz Zimmer.

"It's got a whole universe of characters and an incredible backstory and a number of different ways to interact with it," said Hirshberg "Usually franchises take years to develop the kind of universe that we will have Day 1."

Activision has partnered with Toys'R'Us to market and distribute the toys across the globe, and the two companies will reveal the toy line together sometime next week at the American International Toy Fair. Said the Toys'R'Us CEO and Chairman Jerry Storch of the partnership, "We believe this product line is among the most exciting and unique offerings that will be seen at Toy Fair this year, and we are excited to partner with Activision to bring Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure to Toys'R'Us stores this fall."

Forcing people to buy a plethora of accessories to simply play a game with any degree of completion is not only an idea that has been tried many times before, but is also just as seemingly greedy as it has always been. While working the toy line into the game is an interesting idea, making it a requirement if you want to play the game takes things too far, in my opinion. This being a game that will obviously be marketed to a younger audience, you can bet that Activision is relying on weak-willed parents shelling out extra money on the toys their obnoxious children will incessantly badger them to buy after seeing the Toys'R'Us commercial that will no doubt pimp them as the greatest thing ever.

And while I'm ranting, I would like to point out that Activision has missed out on a golden naming opportunity. I would have named it Skylanders: There Can Only Be One.

Source: Videogamer [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2011-02-11-activision-announces-new-spyro-title-and-toy-range]



New member
Jun 28, 2010
Oh man, my parents are lucky I'm grown and out of the house. If I was 7 or 8 years younger I'd be all over this shit.

I feel really bad for the parents who have to put up with their kids asking for a new Spyro toy every couple of days. Activision greed strikes again.

edit: So, I haven't played or even paid attention to Spyro since the original three games. I just did a quick Google search which showed me a screenshot of the new game

Holy fuck balls. What the hell happened to Spyro the Dragon? Inbreeding? Car accident? Someone smash his face in with a frying pan? What was wrong with the original character design? He looks like this sorry animal now

Sad day man.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
They ruined Spyro in the last game. I don't even remember what it was called - it came out like 2 years ago. I cried when I saw it.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Man, they can't just let Spyro die, can they? Call be stubborn, but I completely lost interest in the franchise after the incredible original trilogy. Nothing else can compare.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I would totally play a game about immortal dragons that can only be killed when their head is removed by a sword who will fight each other to the death until there is only one left.

Not only would I play it, I would form a metal band that does nothing but sing about how awesome it is, like Lost Horizon.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Spyro... what are they doing to you? You had your fun, and you and your owners agreed and moved onto better things. What went wrong? Was it all the bad games after Year of the Dragon? Heroes Tale was pretty good, but it wasn't just about you, and you were the most interesting.

In a less sympathetic and more cold tone, I think Activision is looking to replace it's Guitar Hero Cash Cow. Why, it can't survive just on Blizzard games and COD despite both making Billions each year.

In other words, I am sad that Spyro is getting milked. I hope Crash Bandicoot doesn't get milked by whoever owns that right now.

Calumon: 32? But I don't have that kind of money...

Ruairi iliffe

New member
Sep 13, 2010
Hmm, its an intresting marketing ploy to say the least and i'd be curious about the accual sales it does generate, and the implications of selling toys that connect similar to this.

Have to buy the whole Noble team figures just to unlock the team in multi?

Scott Bullock said:
Skylanders: There Can Only Be One.
I suddenly have the mental image of lopp'in some dragon heads off now.....


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Jack and Calumon said:
Spyro... what are they doing to you? You had your fun, and you and your owners agreed and moved onto better things. What went wrong? Was it all the bad games after Year of the Dragon? Heroes Tale was pretty good, but it wasn't just about you, and you were the most interesting.

In other words, I am sad that Spyro is getting milked. I hope Crash Bandicoot doesn't get milked by whoever owns that right now.
my thoughs exactly just let dead games lie
the only freaking way I would ever buy a new spyro game is if it was made by insomniac like the first 3


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
Am I the only one who burst out laughing when I saw the title?

My mind works in strange ways.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
To be honest, what if this wasn't Spyro? people would be saying how interesting a gimmick this was. I for one look forward to seeing how it works, even if the game play and plot and what-have-you ends up being terrible.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
I actually saw the new design of Spyro earlier today.

The hell happen to him. Why is it so butt ugly. I don't even play the games and I prefer the old look.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
They better have a cartoon series and cereal on it's way too if they really want to make an impact, or better yet, put the toys IN the cereal boxes!


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Based on the title alone, I'm hoping this will be Spyro meets Highlander. That would be EPIC!! They could use swords made out of their fire and would grow larger in size every time they defeated a major enemy. Plus it would be awesome to see a Spyro game where a main part of gameplay would be collecting the heads of your enemies, though since it is a kids game it would probably be toned down to their horns or something.
Feb 9, 2011
I was excited (admitted Spyro fan here), but then I was sad again. I feel like their beating a dead horse with this franchise and it's a little sad. After the first two games or so, they really killed the series. Let it die in peace! D:


New member
Mar 31, 2010
9_6 said:
And you do not mention the fugly new re-design [http://www.joystiq.com/screenshots/skylanders-spyros-adventure/3871133/#/10] of spyro?
I am disappoint.
Ugly-ass frog lizard is what they're going for? Why!? Spyro looked perfect as he was in first games. He was cute without being too cute, and at the same time, badass.

I'm really upset with what they're doing/done to Spyro. I recently bought the first 3 on the Playstation store and was smiling the whole time I played them. So many memories... and Activision raped them all.


New member
May 4, 2009
why did they do this. I was a spyro fan until now, AND NOW ACTIVISION IS BUTT RAPING SPYRO WTF???!!! seriously? what the hell is with the new fucking retarded look! this sucks. Im also angry since the graphics look WORSE than the last spyro game.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
I saw the release picture of...the character allegedly called Spyro. No thanks. I will stick with the original games, and the legend of Spyro series, (because Gary Oldman is GOD as Ignitus.)