Spyro's Back, and He Brought Toys

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
Please please stop raping my childhood hero! If he becomes the next Sonic I swear someone'll pay for it in blood.
9_6 said:
And you do not mention the fugly new re-design [http://www.joystiq.com/screenshots/skylanders-spyros-adventure/3871133/#/10] of spyro?
I am disappoint.
That's it, time to make a few calls...


New member
Aug 12, 2009
MustardTiger said:
9_6 said:
And you do not mention the fugly new re-design [http://www.joystiq.com/screenshots/skylanders-spyros-adventure/3871133/#/10] of spyro?
I am disappoint.

That was spyro in the screenshot?! I though someone was just messing around with spore!


New member
Oct 21, 2010
The fanbase seems to be taking this announcement very well.

Heres the trailer if you wanna take a look. They really want to milk out this francis.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
HeySeansOnline said:
JWRosser said:
They ruined Spyro in the last game. I don't even remember what it was called - it came out like 2 years ago. I cried when I saw it.
He went the same way as Crash Bandicoot, we should count ourselves lucky that Jak, Ratchet, and Sly Cooper haven't been ruined yet.

As for this I could care less, I might check it out if it were a return to comedy, epic bosses, and platforming, but toys dont pique my interest.
Bah Jak and Daxter has already been slightly milked, the racing game and Final Frontier. I just pray they leave it there, that was my all time favourite game/game series/character/duo. You hear me developers, Jak and Daxter is OFF LIMITS!

Mittens The Kitten

New member
Dec 19, 2010
Plazmatic said:
why did they do this. I was a spyro fan until now, AND NOW ACTIVISION IS BUTT RAPING SPYRO WTF???!!! seriously? what the hell is with the new fucking retarded look! this sucks. Im also angry since the graphics look WORSE than the last spyro game.
The real question is, why would Joel Cohen sign up for this game when it seems obvious that it's going to be total shit?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
So they pretty much took one of my most beloved childhood video game series and turned it into some greedy money grubbing gimmick?

And they changed Spyro's look and turned him into something that belongs in nightmares?

There are only three words that can describe how I feel.

"F**K you Activision".

Seriously what is it with developers using the Spyro franchise to make their own games that have almost nothing to do with the original?

Wasn't The Legend of Spyro series enough torture?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
There are no words.

I just... *sniff* I just need a moment.

Seriously though, activision need to be stopped. Please... PLEASE stop giving them your money.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Oh come on guys, the redesign can't be that-WHOA!!

Why does he scare me?

The original art was at least good enough. Hell, I would have settled with the newer version. But this? This just freaks me out.


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
I have no idea why they changed the Spyro design. It looks creepy and ugly; at first when I saw it, I thought it was a joke. Do they seriously expect that design to appeal to kids?

Also, maybe this is just me, but this seems like a more inconvenient version of DLC. Although I guess it'll be more fun for kids.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Jack and Calumon said:
Spyro... what are they doing to you? You had your fun, and you and your owners agreed and moved onto better things. What went wrong? Was it all the bad games after Year of the Dragon? Heroes Tale was pretty good, but it wasn't just about you, and you were the most interesting.

In a less sympathetic and more cold tone, I think Activision is looking to replace it's Guitar Hero Cash Cow. Why, it can't survive just on Blizzard games and COD despite both making Billions each year.

In other words, I am sad that Spyro is getting milked. I hope Crash Bandicoot doesn't get milked by whoever owns that right now.

Calumon: 32? But I don't have that kind of money...
Actually, if they wanted to, they could milk Crash too as it now belongs to them.

OT: Holy shit... poor old Spyro is going the Sonic way... and even worse, at the hands of Activision. My condolences to the poor old dragon.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I was going to say, "I would be too cheap to buy the game, itself. But I would not mind having a Spyro action figure for my nerdly shelf." Until I saw the redesign.

Holy cow on a bun! That had better be Spyro's mutant inbred half-brother/cousin.

The Spyro of the Legend of and Original series was cute and likeable. This one? It makes me shudder. What on Earth were they thinking?

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Quaidis said:
I was going to say, "I would be too cheap to buy the game, itself. But I would not mind having a Spyro action figure for my nerdly shelf." Until I saw the redesign.

Holy cow on a bun! That had better be Spyro's mutant inbred half-brother/cousin.

The Spyro of the Legend of and Original series was cute and likeable. This one? It makes me shudder. What on Earth were they thinking?
"Let's not waste time on something like designing a few good characters, let's just half-ass over two dozen!"

Something like that.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I grew up on the first three Spyro games, I loved them and I logged more hours into those games then anything else before or since, but now it is just another one of Activision's money cows?

Why! Why did this have to happen to my favorite dragon! How could this get any...

MasochisticMuse said:


New member
Jul 17, 2010
JeanLuc761 said:
Man, they can't just let Spyro die, can they? Call be stubborn, but I completely lost interest in the franchise after the incredible original trilogy. Nothing else can compare.
Nope. He's like sonic.

OT: I refuse. I refuse to accept this as reality, I refuse to acknowledge their is another spyro game, and I refuse to support this by buying it. And yes, I can do that. I know this will sell, and will be popular, but I am not touching this game with a ten foot pole. No thank you!


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Damn. For a second, I saw Spyro. Then I saw Activision. My brain said "Isn't Insomniac working on something with a publisher other than Sony? IS INSOMNIAC MAKING A NEW SPYRO GAME FOR ACTIVISION?! HOLY SHIT THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!"

And then I read the part about $70 and toys.

Guess it's my fault for not remembering the full details of what Insomniac is doing (I did some searching after; it's a brand new IP with EA apparently) that I'm now super disappointed. But beyond that: some nonsense toy gimmick? This is exactly why we don't want Activision to buy Take Two. I can see GTA V now; You want that new AK-47 before taking on a tough mission? Best take your ass down to Toys'R'Us and get yourself the GTA V brand AK-47 toy, or you're going into that warehouse filled with rival gang members with nothing but a pistol and a knife.

MasochisticMuse said:
... I am unable to think of words on my own to describe that, so I will now quote Louie from Hotel Dusk: Room 215.

"Aw, sweet crispy crap! That's a bad scene right there!"

captainjackofms said:
You know what I like most about The Escapist. They call it like they see it. Sites like IGN make it sound like spending 10 dollars a figurine to just play as one character seem like a great idea. Here they acknowledge it is Bobby Kotick sitting on his Cash Throne planning out our future games.
Well, yeah. Of course IGN thinks $10 per character is no big deal. They get a hell of a lot more than that from the publisher to give games positive reviews. $10 is nothing to them; hell, Activision will probably send them a box of the toys for free if it means an extra 5 points on the game's review score.

Anaklusmos said:
Bah Jak and Daxter has already been slightly milked, the racing game and Final Frontier. I just pray they leave it there, that was my all time favourite game/game series/character/duo. You hear me developers, Jak and Daxter is OFF LIMITS!
Hey now, to be fair, Lost Frontier was actually a pretty decent game. They could have put more effort towards having the story make sense, but the gameplay was pretty damn good. Lost Frontier was a much greater credit to its franchise than this new Spyro game looks to be, or anything that has had "Sonic" in the title since 1998.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Pretty sad to see, Spyro was one of my favourite games when I was younger. Same thing happened to Crash when Naughty Dog sold the rights to it.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I grew up on spyro, and to be perfectly honest, I don't mind the new model (It doesn't look THAT awful in motion) And would be positively excited about a decent composer, decent character designer (remember how awesome the original shrek characters were?) Screenwriters from Toy Story? This is what needs to happen for childrens games!

Then basing it all around a gimmick which involves buying toys? "The Merch" anyone?

That annoys me.

This could have been a title that would have persuaded me to get a console, but instead, it just pushes me further away. I'd definitely shell out if I could see decent remakes of the old ps1/2 platformers on the ps3.