PC Gamers Launch Crysis 2 Petition

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
PC Gamers Launch Crysis 2 Petition

A group of unhappy PC gamers has launched an online petition pledging to purchase Crysis 2 [http://www.amazon.com/Crysis-2-Pc/dp/B002BS47YE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1297734240&sr=8-2], while Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli says that despite the recent trouble with piracy the company remains committed to PC gaming.

It's no great surprise that leak [http://www.crytek.com/] of the upcoming Crysis 2 - PC version, naturally - to torrent sites last week, but they're not the only ones who are seriously cheesed off by the whole mess. A group of PC gamers tired of seeing their platform of choice stand as a whipping boy for piracy have taken steps to speak out against it, and in support of Crytek's new shooter.

"In response to today's Crysis 2 beta leak, we who sign this online document pledge to purchase a legal copy of Crysis 2," the group wrote in a petition posted at GoPetition.com [http://www.gopetition.com/petition/42964/signatures-page8.html]. "We also hope that this document shows that Crytek has a loyal PC fanbase that wishes to support their work, not rob them of it like the pirates who have constantly damaged our reputation as a gaming platform."

That PC gamers are willing to stand up against piracy in support of a long-awaited game is the good news. The bad news is that after being online for a full day, the petition has garnered a little less than 300 signatures. That's not the kind of number likely to offer much in the way of reassurance to game makers in the midst of figuring out how much money they're going to lose to piracy this time around, but Yerli assured gamers that Crytek remains committed to the PC and that the support the company has received from the community is recognized and appreciated.

"As you all have heard by now, an early, incomplete build of Crysis 2 has been leaked online. While we are deeply disappointed by these events, we are all completely overwhelmed by the support we have received from you, our community," he wrote in a message posted in the MyCrysis forums [http://www.mycrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7409]. "Despite this unfortunate incident, we can assure you that PC gaming is very important to us and will always be important to Crytek in the future. We are all still focused on delivering a great gaming experience to our true and honest fans. I hope you will enjoy Crysis 2 on PC, as we think it is our best PC game yet!"

Crysis 2 comes out on March 22 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.



New member
Nov 9, 2009
I would happily sign it if I had the money to spend on more games than what I've got.

I'm going to have to skip crysis 2 for now.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I would pledge to buy it, but... well I've got other games I want to buy. That DoW II expansion is out next month. As is Shogun 2.

Maybe one day. I won't pirate it. That's for sure.

Art Axiv

Cultural Code-Switcher
Dec 25, 2008
Such a petition is a stupid thing. What, "sign" "internets" to show you care? Write the developer by snail mail or e-mail for that matter, put time and effort to show how much you care, not click a button and send a petition which can be tampered with.

I dislike this.. "comfortable" approach. Sure, intellectual theft happened, but clicking a button on a website would mean shit to me as a developer. Its this sort of help that (probably, its only a stereotype) people prefer to do out of pity - just like giving money to some foundation to cure cancer while most of the money goes to its "operational expense" tab.

Do meaningful things! I sent them a postcard. You can do that too!

(I'd like to get support if someone would steal from me too)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Heh, already pre-ordered. I like Crysis.
thenumberthirteen said:
I would pledge to buy it, but... well I've got other games I want to buy. That DoW II expansion is out next month. As is Shogun 2.

Maybe one day. I won't pirate it. That's for sure.
I am lucky enough to have Amazon vouchers for Xmas. So I get Shogun AND Crysis! I love my family. :p

Mind you, I'll be broke for more than a while afterwards....


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
raxiv said:
Such a petition is a stupid thing. What, "sign" "internets" to show you care? Write the developer by snail mail or e-mail for that matter, put time and effort to show how much you care, not click a button and send a petition which can be tampered with.
Or, you know, just wait a month and buy the thing.

What's the point of showing your support for a game that is going to be released in a month's time?

Art Axiv

Cultural Code-Switcher
Dec 25, 2008
thaluikhain said:
raxiv said:
Such a petition is a stupid thing. What, "sign" "internets" to show you care? Write the developer by snail mail or e-mail for that matter, put time and effort to show how much you care, not click a button and send a petition which can be tampered with.
Or, you know, just wait a month and buy the thing.

What's the point of showing your support for a game that is going to be released in a month's time?
True that, but even though this might be just a PR stunt, I'm a person who appreciates others hard work, even if the goal is only to get wealthier... unless you are Ubisoft. Their DRM needs to die in a fire. That said, I always put myself in other peoples position (or try to) and you know, even if its not really meaningful, they would (maybe) think that someone somewhere understands - or is a giant sucker and an idiot. I wish for the earlier.

So for the sake of not being just a number (and an attention whore a bit...)


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Shame for them. I mean, man what a waste of their hard work. A game like Crysis probably costs millions of dollars and has lots of risk attached and...man. I mean, just wow. I guess the console link will make it easier for them but you gotta see the positives here. Maybe...just maybe this is a sign. A sign...that they shouldn't be sticking to the PC. A sign to show them a new way, a new way in these troubled times. A new way exclusive to console, where they could developed new and exciting games. Drop the Crysis franchise and embracPLEASE MAKE A NEW TIMESPLITTERS!


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Before anyone takes any real action here, even on petitions, I'd like Crytek to explain exactly how this copy got leaked. Review copy? Disgruntled employee? Has there been an internal investigation.

We've seen things like this before, and I'm not convinced it's not a PR stunt on their part, especially given the assumption of piracy to begin with. We see video games getting "pirated" before there was any way the general cracker community could logically have gotten them to begin with but there is usually no explanation.

I don't blame people for not signing the petition, I mean I'd feel like an idiot if I did smething like that or rallied behind Crytek as some kind of victim, when it's a giant promotional stunt.

The computer game equivilent of "OMG, one of our guys left a prototype Iphone in a bar".

Basically it's to the point where my basic attitude is they either prove that it was stolen, or they shouldn't be taken seriously and given the free sympathy advertising. Heck, the leak itself is going to produce tons of early footage, reviews, and faqs. I'd imagine they will get more advertising for less money than it would normally cost (ie the price being th emoney lost due to piracy).


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
raxiv said:
True that, but even though this might be just a PR stunt, I'm a person who appreciates others hard work, even if the goal is only to get wealthier... unless you are Ubisoft. Their DRM needs to die in a fire. That said, I always put myself in other peoples position (or try to) and you know, even if its not really meaningful, they would (maybe) think that someone somewhere understands - or is a giant sucker and an idiot. I wish for the earlier.

So for the sake of not being just a number (and an attention whore a bit...)
That's true, but the consumers will very soon have a chance to show their support with cold hard cash.

A token gesture of support from a small number of people is all very well and good, but when it's immediately followed by a substantial amount of actual support in the form of sales...what's the point?

If the game was a long time from release, perhaps, or if people were considering giving up on it, then I could see a point to it. As it stands...no.

Metal Brother

New member
Jan 4, 2010

Pedantic arguments aside, it's a nice gesture. Of course, the real "pledge" is made with money...


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Jamous said:
Heh, already pre-ordered. I like Crysis.
thenumberthirteen said:
I would pledge to buy it, but... well I've got other games I want to buy. That DoW II expansion is out next month. As is Shogun 2.

Maybe one day. I won't pirate it. That's for sure.
I am lucky enough to have Amazon vouchers for Xmas. So I get Shogun AND Crysis! I love my family. :p

Mind you, I'll be broke for more than a while afterwards....
I used my Amazon vouchers I got to buy a new headset for my PC.

Ernil Menegil

New member
Aug 2, 2010
Piracy is far too pervasive and far too outreaching to such a deep layer of the social structure it still amazes me people champion against it in this manner.

Seriously, this won't solve a thing, it doesn't even serve to make any significant statement of example. I'll sit and wait with popcorn in hand until the real issues surrounding piracy are finally solved. Which will only begin happening once people finally sit down and wrap their minds on how complex the concept of intellectual property truly is, rather than invoking moral arguments that should take no place in reasonable discussion.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I'm waiting to see how the actual game is before I sign any petition, and I didn't and won't pirate the game, but I'm not going to blindly make a promise to buy a game whose multiplayer demo really disappointed me.

And like someone else stated, I'm really interested as to why they haven't made that much mention of how or why the game got leaked. I mean that is a pretty big security flaw/problem when your game gets leaked 2 months ahead of time. We've seen games get leaked a week or so early (mostly due to the fault of 3rd parties), but 2 months is pretty ludicrous.