Portal 2 is "Absolutely the Best" Game Valve Has Ever Made

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Portal 2 is "Absolutely the Best" Game Valve Has Ever Made

Valve's Chet Faliszek says the upcoming Portal 2 [http://www.amazon.com/Portal-2-Pc/dp/B002I0JIQW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1302708770&sr=8-3] is "absolutely the best" single-player game the studio has ever created.

Valve's made some pretty decent games over the years. Team Fortress 2 [http://www.amazon.com/Half-Life-Platinum-Collection-Second-Pc/dp/B00006FXIN/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1302708793&sr=8-4]. It's an impressive gallery by any measure. But in terms of sheer, all-out awesomeness, none of them, according to Faliszek, can match up to what's coming in Portal 2.

"In terms of single-player experience, [Portal 2] is absolutely the best," he told The Gaming Liberty.com [http://thegamingliberty.com/index.php/2011/04/12/tgl-interview-valves-chet-faliszek-talks-portal-2-2/]. "The single-player is so dense in Portal 2. It's the best."

And the multiplayer side of the coin? "In terms of co-op, I'm going to say it's a tie with the Left 4 Dead series," Faliszek said. "Left 4 Dead is near to my heart."

Faliszek said the team was focused on capturing the "specific vibe" of the original Portal while at the same time adding new content and and striving to enhance the experience. The story in the first game "kind of snuck up on you," he explained, but players will be aware of it right from the start in the second game, so expectations are naturally different. "That was definitely a concern," he said. "We wanted to make sure that everything we added was still Portal."

He also claimed that the hugely enthusiastic response to Portal caught Valve off-guard. "We never could have guessed that it would have taken off the way it has," he added. "We didn't invent the game with this in mind. We just wanted to create a good game, with good environments and a cool world, and go from there."

Portal 2 comes out on April 19 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.



New member
Dec 9, 2009
I feel like while the game will be good because it's Valve, the game won't match the original because of expectations. When the first Portal came out, no one expected a super game.

Expectations can make a quietly released game the Game of the Year, and make an over hyped game turned into a good game that didn't live up to the high expectations that everyone expected of the game


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Well, I can say this about Portal 2. When I'm watching something I DVR'd, then I get to the commercials and fast forward, I always, always rewind if I see those two little robot guys flip by.

In other words, I am looking forward to this.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I really don't doubt it. If haven't even been that excited for the game but I still can't help to grin at how clever some of the puzzles featured in the trailers are.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
While its not high on my list right now I'll surely pick this one up, I want to make sure that you get a free copy of the pc version if you buy it on ps3. plus money is tight, I just spent my last 20 on the humble indie bundle.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
meganmeave said:
Well, I can say this about Portal 2. When I'm watching something I DVR'd, then I get to the commercials and fast forward, I always, always rewind if I see those two little robot guys flip by.

In other words, I am looking forward to this.
Similarly for me, if I'm watching some video online, and I'm like "God damn forced ads, no on wa... Ooh, Portal 2!"

I have a feeling this will be one of the very few times hype won't kill the game. Valve have proven they can deliver.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Wow, the Valve guy is even higher on the Valve game than the THQ guy was on the THQ game; it must be spectacular!


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
I still don't know if I should interpret this as the real deal or that Valve is just really good at milking the hype. At this point Portal 2 had better be the best game ever or it won't live up to the hype.

But all of that doesn't change the fact that there is a small child in the back of my head anticipating this release as if it were Christmas morning.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I have never disliked a Valve game to date, and that says it all about what I am expecting for this. I also find Valve is the company that I find the least criticisms for in their games. Even games such as Mass Effect, Fallout and Gears of War, that I really like, I can still find many faults, but this isn't the case with Valve and their releases.

It is slightly disconcerting to see how much hype Valve are pushing for this though, they don't tend to try so hard normally. It only worries me because hype tends to build up expectations that cannot be lived up to. I don't recall any game that I have been hyped for that has excited me as much as much as ones that I have stumbled into.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Great, now put out a release date or trailer for HL3.

Editt: Not saying I hate the idea of a sequel to Portal, but if this game doesn't somehow lead into HL3 I ain't even renting it.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
As others are saying, the hype will make or break this game.
While it DOES look fantastic, Portal has pretty much risen to god-hood among gamers.
And they want to follow that up?

If anyone can do it, its Valve.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Seriously the most anyone wanted for Portal was DLC. A full retail sequel defeats the whole purpose of the first game.
People don't tend to like it when others try speaking for them. I also don't see how the purpose of Portal was to "Be a game without a sequel", like you just said.

Half Life didn't need a sequel either. Hell, Half Life 2 isn't even linked that strongly to the first, it was still an amazing game.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Legion said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Seriously the most anyone wanted for Portal was DLC. A full retail sequel defeats the whole purpose of the first game.
People don't tend to like it when others try speaking for them. I also don't see how the purpose of Portal was to "Be a game without a sequel", like you just said.

Half Life didn't need a sequel either. Hell, Half Life 2 isn't even linked that strongly to the first, it was still an amazing game.
The first game was great due to it being a small little bonus in The Orange Box. A full sequel to Portal just doesn't really make sense when Valve gets bombarded with fan and hate mail daily asking for HL3. I may not be so down about this game is it leads into Half Life 3, which I have heard rumors about.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Seriously the most anyone wanted for Portal was DLC. A full retail sequel defeats the whole purpose of the first game.
Umm.. No. I for one certainty did hope after completing portal a few times that more then just a map pack or two would come out of it. I wanted this sequel. So go blow it out your arse and think a little harder before you claim to speak for the masses when you only speak for yourself. Don't put your words into the mouths of everyone else.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
In response to all the hype comments: you only have yourselves to blame.

There is no reason to expect every game with a great marketing campaign (and a great pedigree) to be the best thing ever, and you only damage things for yourself when you create expectations that are impossibly high because... well, you make them that way.

Mind you, at least the hype for Portal 2 is more logical than all the Episode 3 stuff; how can you hype a game that we know NOTHING about?! Its bloody insanity.

Anyway, my copy is pre-ordered and pre-loaded, and I replayed Portal yesterday to warm myself up. Looking forward to it.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
TheComedown said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Seriously the most anyone wanted for Portal was DLC. A full retail sequel defeats the whole purpose of the first game.
Umm.. No. I for one certainty did hope after completing portal a few times that more then just a map pack or two would come out of it. I wanted this sequel. So go blow it out your arse and think a little harder before you claim to speak for the masses when you only speak for yourself. Don't put your words into the mouths of everyone else.
No need to insult me.