Superman Returns Director Explains What Went Wrong

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Superman Returns Director Explains What Went Wrong

You can take a movie about a super-powered, flying hero in a lot of different directions, and the director of Superman Returns says he that he may have picked the wrong one.

Superman Returns, the 2006 sequel/reboot from X-Men director Bryan Singer, dazzled critics but fizzled at the box office. Nearly five years since its release, Singer has taken a retrospective look at the movie, and says that if he had the opportunity to go back and do it again, there are a few things he would change.

Singer said that with the benefit of hindsight, he felt that he was a little too enamored with the Richard Donner Superman movies of the late seventies and early eighties and had tried to ape them in Superman Returns a little too much. He said that where with the X-Men movies he had tried to shed some of the property's comic book trappings and make it more realistic, with Superman Returns, he'd embraced them, and as a result, the movie wasn't to everyone's tastes. "What's interesting," he said. "Is that people know I'm a big Trekkie, and they're always saying, 'Why don't you do a Star Trek?" and I say, "You know, I think I'm too big a fan of Star Trek. You'd feel like you were watching Wrath of Khan again."

"Superman [was] not a high octane summer movie like Transformers or something like that. I think people would've wanted that from me, knowing what I did with the X-Men ... But I am very much in love with the Donner picture, and for me the journey was exciting because I got the chance to reprise those images and explore it. When you're fascinated by something and you love it, part of making the movie is trying to please everyone and make a successful movie, but part of it is an experimental kind of thing."

He also felt that he might have overplayed the romance between Lois Lane and Superman, in an unconscious effort to get more women coming to see it. He said that he had noticed that on the whole, not a lot of women went to see superhero movies, but they would go and see films like The Devil Wears Prada. He wondered if that fact might have subconsciously influenced his decisions when he was making Superman Returns, which he said was "nostalgic and romantic."

Although he was pleased with the way the movie turned out, Singer admitted that if he had the opportunity, he'd make some changes, and perhaps open with the scene where Superman saves a falling passenger plane. He also said that the movie's third act, where Lex Luthor stabs Superman with a shard of kryptonite in a scene deliberately designed to resemble Christian religious imagery, was a little too heavy for a summer blockbuster movie. He added that if was given the chance to make a new Superman movie, he would like to remake the original Richard Donner film, but with more action and less romance.

Source: Voices From Krypton [] via Heat Vision []


Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
He did remake the original Donner film! it was pretty much a checklist exercise hitting the highlights of the original vastly superior film.

Then he added some silly nonsense that even non-fans couldn't get behind.

Singers biggest mistake as a director was being the director.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
TheRightToArmBears said:
It's kind of a shame, because it ruined Brandon Routh's chance and I thought he was pretty damn good in the role.
This all the way. Routh was an awesome Superman and Clark Kent; I thought it was cool that an unknown actor had been given such a phenomenal part. I personally loved the movie, despite some of its apparent flaws.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
i had never seen / read anything to do with superman, but i watched superman returns on dvd when my dad brought it home, and i loved it, shame that nothing else followed it, loved Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, funny, but serious at the same time =/


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
What's with directors suddenly going 'we did this wrong, which is why it's bad!' on us? It's bad because we didn't like it.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I rather enjoyed Superman Returns, but it did have some really boring moments.

Also, the sub-plot with Louis' son should have been cut completely. It was just stupid.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Superman was too EMO is my gripe with the movie. Personally thought it was a good movie. not great but worth the watch.

Also thought Kevin Spacey was pretty good as the "Broke" Lex Luthor. tho seeing luthor without the power of this wealth behind him did make his villainy less grand.

man was the romance thing awkward through the whole movie. especially with cyclops as Lois Lane's main squeeze. the 3 had no chemistry >.<


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Yeah, have to agree that it was pretty much a remake of Superman 1.

Superman 1 Plot
Lex Luthor uses WMDs to carve off a chunk of California so all the desert he bought would be worth something.

Superman Returns Plot
Lex Luthor uses WMDs to make a new chunk of land that would be worth something.

They both were one big real estate scam.

Other than the plot rehash, I didn't think it was too bad.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Mahorfeus said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
It's kind of a shame, because it ruined Brandon Routh's chance and I thought he was pretty damn good in the role.
This all the way. Routh was an awesome Superman and Clark Kent; I thought it was cool that an unknown actor had been given such a phenomenal part. I personally loved the movie, despite some of its apparent flaws.
I couldn't agree more. He looked the part perfectly, and he is honestly a pretty great actor. I don't think Singer honestly did a bad job on the movie at all. I was way more disappointed with his Xmen movies. They were mostly crap. This was the first Superman movie they showed his true strength in as well, that was a real charge. I would like to see a sequel where he fights a super villain honestly, even crappy Singer can direct it because he did a good job on Returns.

Spangles said:
He mentions stuff that was wrong with the film, but doesn't mention the kid???!!?
That comment was a home run. It's pretty much fiction writing 101, don't introduce characters that aren't important to the story.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Interesting! Personally, I really do like the film (Routh's wonderful, and Spacey's Lex Luthor is my favourite ever). I can see it has flaws, but I absolutely wouldn't take out the Lex-stabbing-Superman scene, that was one of my favourite bits, I thought it was really effective.

On the other hand, he's probably right about the relationship angst - it was a bit overwhelming. I'm a bit disappointed he thought it would help the film appeal more to women, because that makes no sense. It's a Superman film! Women who aren't interested in Superman are not going to come because they hear he spends a lot of time staring at Lois Lane and making regret!faces.

TBH the relationship between Superman and Richard (the new husband) was more interesting than the one between Lois and Clark...

(Also, FYI, The Devil Wears Prada is about women making sacrifices for the sake of their careers - admittedly careers in which they wear a lot of thousand dollar shoes - and it has Meryl Streep in it. The romantic subplot is a long, long, long way from the point of the story.)


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
I honestly don't get why people have such a big issue with the movie, it was no Dark Knight, but it was at least a Spiderman or X-Men. I enjoyed it, thought it was pretty decent, but didn't see any glaring horrible flaws that made me want to rip my eyes out.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I think the problem was that Superman was a creepy stalker douchebag in the movie who didn't deserve to "win" over the other guy who in fact was both a better person and far more heroic.

I may be remembering this wrong, but I thought Superman was supposed to be a genius, yet he doesn't see anything suspicious in an island made out of green crystal. You'd think he'd get tingles when he started getting close.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Really underrated movie. It had it's problems, but so did Donner's original, and I think it really needed Superman to have a super-fight, but I could have waited for the sequel but too many people overlook its positive qualities


New member
May 8, 2010
It wasn't that he played up the romance it's that he didn't do a good job of it. There was no chemistry. In fact it was almost like the director was jealous of Lois, I mean she got knocked around pretty good in that movie. Also the whole Lois Lane and cyclops had a kid thing but it's really Superman's kid plot thread was weird. And it was just boring.

And how the hell does superman not think 'Gee, I bet Luthor has something up his sleeve with his giant green crystal island. Maybe I should be a little careful.' Also why in the hell would anybody want to live on a giant green crystal island?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
SamuelT said:
What's with directors suddenly going 'we did this wrong, which is why it's bad!' on us? It's bad because we didn't like it.
Notice whenever one of these "apologies" comes around, a new movie of the same IP is coming soon. Just a way of saying "this one you WILL like"