Superman Returns Director Explains What Went Wrong


New member
Aug 9, 2009
"He also said that the movie's third act, where Lex Luthor stabs Superman with a shard of kryptonite in a scene deliberately designed to resemble Christian religious imagery, was a little too heavy for a summer blockbuster movie."

Deep breath, and...

Have the fucking balls to do something like that. I thought the whole point of Inception (other than being ball-breakingly good) was to show that you didn't have to have shallow Summer blockbusters.

If there's something we need less of its bullshit like the fucking Transformers films. Yes, it could have done with more action and less of the romance plot (the two leads didn't really work well together anyway), that doesn't mean you should make it stupid.

Also, Brandon Routh is a highly underrated actor. He was really great in Chuck, and I can't help but feel that the lack of success of Superman probably killed his film chances a little.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
DTWolfwood said:
Also thought Kevin Spacey was pretty good as the "Broke" Lex Luthor.
Kevin Spacey as Lex and Parker Posey as Kitty were the best thing about the film, the bickering between them was superb,

"Lex Luthor: Kitty, what did my father used to say to me?
Kitty Kowalski: You're losing your hair.
Lex Luthor: Before that.
Kitty Kowalski: Get out."


New member
May 8, 2008
But I LIKE this version of superman. I watched it at the premiere screening with my friends, and everyone other than me seemed to hate it. But I like seeing a Superman movie where you get to explore his thoughts rather than his actions for once. Every other heroes movies are all about what they do, not what they think (other than say, Spiderman..which people seems to hate as well).
Maybe I'm just weird that way..


New member
Dec 25, 2008
First Shia Lebouff apologizes for the shitty Indy4 film. Then the cast from Transformers admit that there was something wrong with their movie. Now the director of Superman Returns is admitting what issues he had... what's with everyone apologizing for bad films? Why not just not make such shitty film from the start and we'll all be fine. Or, alternatively, just make more films that are less shitty than what you have made. No apologizing needed.


Lord Fancypants
Jul 18, 2010
I thought the movie was ok. I did think it was strange, though, that superman loses the the only real fight of the movie.


Dec 24, 2008
olicon said:
But I LIKE this version of superman. I watched it at the premiere screening with my friends, and everyone other than me seemed to hate it. But I like seeing a Superman movie where you get to explore his thoughts rather than his actions for once. Every other heroes movies are all about what they do, not what they think (other than say, Spiderman..which people seems to hate as well).
Maybe I'm just weird that way..
I think one key problem is most people expect Superman to punch things more often. I've always prefered the stories where he's forced to confront his limits. Being strong and fast can't make someone love you, or bring your life back into check. I think that's what Singer managed to show in that movie, that the worlds most awesome hero is still "human".


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Superman Returns went wrong in a few key areas, IMO.

1. This Superman did ALOT of stuff the Superman *I* grew up with wouldn't do. Leaving earth behind without a word to.. well, anyone... superstalking... super sulking... steping into Lois's new life and essentually splitting her up from an all around decent man... I forget the guys name, Perrys... son? something like that. Anyway, he was a GOOD guy, genuinely loved lois and her kid, was brave for a mear mortal, and get TOTALLY SCREWED when Superman comes back and, well, starts superstalking her...

2. The super baby.... WTH? No really... WHAT?

3. Basically being an updated Superman 1. (Superman arrives in a space ship, check... super flash backs to a young clark learning about his powers... check... getting his job back at the planet... check... lex's big plane involving releaste... CHECK... Kryptonite, check...

4. It was just BORING... really REALLY boring...

5. There is NO WAY your going to convince me Superman could bench press an islands of kryptonite into space... it's just not going to happen... even *I* can't suspend my disbelife THAT much, not after he was just man handled and 3 regular humans 10 mins eairler..... come ON... (also a homage to Superman 1 where he held up that fault line... at least that time no green K was involved... it was more belivable. LOL)

6. Totally cheap uses of the "death of" headline... and basically ruining it for a future film where it could have been used PROPURELY...

The ONLY good thing in the WHOLE FILM was when superman cought the plane... THAT was pretty epic. (and also, now that i think about it, also a blanet copy of the original, Supermans frist time out in public and he saves Lois from crashing, in a plane this time, and very epicly, but, it's still just an updated hellocopter sceen...) THAT was the only redeming thing from that whole pile of crap.

I love Superman. He's my Fav. Superhero. That movie...

Lets just say my hopes aren't very high for the new one... The last one was SO BAD it left me gunshy for any new ones... Here's hoping i'm wrong... *shurg*


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Kevin Spacy as Lex Luthor and Brandon Routh as Clark Kent/Superman/That Guy With the Glases were brilliant casting choices, that much is a given.

Shame everything else about the movie pretty much blowed. I mean, for a film about a guy who's superpower is the ability to be ridiculous overpowered in every single way possible there sure wasn't much decent action.


New member
May 21, 2010
Dectilon said:
I think the problem was that Superman was a creepy stalker douchebag in the movie who didn't deserve to "win" over the other guy who in fact was both a better person and far more heroic.

I may be remembering this wrong, but I thought Superman was supposed to be a genius, yet he doesn't see anything suspicious in an island made out of green crystal. You'd think he'd get tingles when he started getting close.
I've always seen him as a little too forgiving actually. One of the good things Small ville does is show an actual relationship within the Kent family. It shows where he got his trusting and caring attitude from.

Beyond that, He's been rather logical, but I've never noticed an obscenely high IQ, he's just really smart. and has certain knowledge about the meteors that others don'e


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Of all the things wrong with Superman Returns, I don't think I would peg the lack of action or use of Christian symbolism as the problem.

The child, Singer. Your biggest mistake was the child. But you also ruined it with absurd premises and basic flawed storytelling. Your antagonist was not really an antagonist. He was like a mild nuisance. Even with the kryptostab, it never really felt like he was a threat. He just wanted low cost housing for everyone, is that so wrong?

But yea, I agree with everyone else about Routh. He did a good job in a lousy film.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
This certainly feels more sincere and heartfelt than Michael Bay bashing Transformers 2.

Less of a blame-it-on-everything-else thing and more of the I'm-a-Fan-And-Incidentally-never-trust-fans-with-their-favourite-franchises, which is what Yahtzee always says.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Movie makers need to realize that if you have a kid in a movie that kid had better be central to the plot. With the exception of Short Round kids almost never work as side characters and are inevitably turned into boring kidnap victim/plot drivers.

Movies were the kid is central can be good though if you don't worry about offending church ladies and let the kids act realistically.

The girl in Kickass was AWESOME (and she was great in Let Me In).
6th sense worked well also.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
You go on telling yourself that the problem was that the film was too similar to a wonderful movie, and not that it was the complete disrespect for Superman's personality, the non-climax with the kryptonite island/rock thingy, and that business with his son.

Too similar to the comic books? HAH! Personally, Mr. Singer, I prefer the yellow spandex.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
The problem with remaking the old Donner movie is the character of Lex Luthor evolved too much in the years between Superman and Superman Returns. People were too used to "Corporate Tycoon" Lex as opposed to "Petty Hustler with Genius IQ" Lex. Kevin Spacey did a magnificent job at playing the Gene Hackman character, but the problem for the majority of Superman fans was that wasn't who Lex was anymore.

Also, SFX have evolved to the point where we can have a decent Superman/Supervillain fight and not have something abstract like "Replicating Kyptonian Crystal".
Aug 25, 2009
I love how so many movie makers are now coming back to explain why their movies were terrible. In the last few months we've had Indy 4, Tranformers 2, and now Superman Returns, plus a couple I can't remember.

Why do people involved in these things feel the need to apologise all of a sudden? They didn't used to, and we were fine with it. Back in the old days the most we ever got in response to Batman and Robin was George Clooney, years later, saying he also thought the movie was godawful. He didn't go on and explain every facet of why he thought it was awful, he just said he thought it was crap.

If filmmakers want to make up for a crap movie, they should do it by making a better movie. Unless their career is dead, in which case I don't want to hear from them ever again.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Maybe I'm alone in this, but Superman just doesn't work in a movie. Or as a comic for that matter.

There's just nothing interesting about the guy. He's indestructible, he can fly, has laser eyes, can breath ice, is faster than a speeding bullit; How the hell do you make an engaging story about someone like that? The only way I can see how is to make it all philosophical about what it's like to be a god among men. Then again, it has to be a summer blockbuster so it'll need a lot of action. And seeing as Supes is "Superman", action scenes are going to be boring since he's nigh-invulnerable.

I thought he movie was okay, for a Superman movie.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Really? That's where Singer thought his mistake was?! Clearly he doesn't understand the character of Superman or the DC Universe at all. The Donner Superman evoked exactly what the DC Superheroes of the pre-Dark Knight era. They are all paragons and idols to model yourselves after.

Donner's Superman was infallible just like the comic hero. He did everything right while the hero suit was on. Having him do non heroic things while wearing the S is exactly why the movie was a flop. It went against the spirit of everything the icon of Superman is about. It's a total mistake to bring Gotham hero traits into a story about Metropolis heroes.