8-year-old's Uzi death at gun show


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
So I'm "speculating" that I think my ways of thinking are better than yours? Could you please try and elaborate on that?
If you can't actually prove your ways of thinking are better than mine, what are you doing but speculating?

I have a quantifiable and testable metric, in a logical framework, for proving my thinking is consistent and relevant. Do you?
No, no I do not.
Ooooh Latin....fancy.

I can't help but wonder right now if ALL scientists are this devoid of humanity.
Who said I was devoid of humanity?
I did and I'm sorry but I just can't help but get that impression from a person who can be so calculating about a kid shooting himself.
Hah. Then you don't really know humanity at all.
Go over and look at Africa or Eastern Europe, and you'll know what I mean.
Um...did you just compare your way of thinking with the horrible things that have gone down in those parts of the world?
No, I detracted from your definition of humanity by offering a competing one that is, according to selfish gene theory and basic observation, much closer to the truth.
So what? In short I'm wrong along with anybody else that tries to argue with you?
Yes. Exactly. This entire exercise has been essentially me smirking down at you meat bags from my processing citadel as you worm your way endlessly towards your inevitable death.

....or, we could be attempting to have a debate about an important issue which you seem intent on deriding by simply stringing together attacks on my character.
I'm not trying to deride the debate OR attack you in anyway. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the person I'm debating with because quite frankly your way of thinking facinates me.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
TheMatt said:
Massachusetts is a bad state? Isn't it the home of your 2 best schools? MIT and Harvard? Shit man, if this is a "good" red state, I am afeared of the bad ones. Wait a second, I was already scared shitless of them so I suppose this only compounds the issue.
Massachusetts is a blue state, dummy. You should try to learn a little more about the country you make fun of, lest your words betray your ignorance.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Ururu117 said:
mechanixis said:
Ururu117 said:
I'll give you my address if this is indeed true, so that you can send me my congratulatory Uzi's, which I will indeed teach my children and spouse how to fire.

This isn't sarcasm either. I'll be PM'ing you my address shortly.
It's not sarcasm, just an incredibly silly statement.

When your spouse or child dies from an accident in the learning process, if you shed a single tear for the loss of an individual with such a deep and distinct connection to you - one you know will never be able to be truly replaced - my vindictive laughter will be long and hard.
Everyone can, and will, be replaced.

And I have no tear ducts.
You aren't above being human, and the longer you hold on to this hubris that emotion is irrelevant the harder the fall will be. Before you die, you will feel sadness and regret that no amount of logic and reasoning can halt. That, I'm afraid, is what the human condition really is, in all cultures and points in history. The thresholds may be different, but the underlying system remains.

I wish it were different too, but I have the sense to wait for transhumanism to make things official.

Blair Bennett

New member
Jan 25, 2008
This is officially the most hilarious troll I've ever dealt with.

Edit: My God, she's made the transformation. From Gun-Show Patron, to Firearms Instructor, to Scientist, and now she's a Goddamn Android. Truly our inferior logic of "no gun = no dead 8 year old" pales in comparison to her circular logic, irrelevant statements, poorly contextualized explanations and pseudo-statistics.

Honestly, this has gone on long enough. What this woman is doing is detracting from the seriousness of the situation at hand. What we should be doing is discussing why an 8 year old child was allowed possession of an uzi, not arguing with what is quite obviously a desperate child starving for attention (be it negative or positive).

...Though, I will admit, this is the most fun I've had in weeks. xD


New member
May 30, 2009
funny how an american parent would let a child hold a gun but would never let them hold a power tool or something else like that.

point in the matter ururu i think youre a arrogant fool a child should not be given a tool of war and crime to weild to try and defend those people's decision to let a child under a decade in age to even go near such a object is naive.

Its a tragic story of parents losing their child through idiocy and a prime example why european countries do not let just anyone acquire these weapons


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
Ururu117 said:
anthony87 said:
So I'm "speculating" that I think my ways of thinking are better than yours? Could you please try and elaborate on that?
If you can't actually prove your ways of thinking are better than mine, what are you doing but speculating?

I have a quantifiable and testable metric, in a logical framework, for proving my thinking is consistent and relevant. Do you?
No, no I do not.
Ooooh Latin....fancy.

I can't help but wonder right now if ALL scientists are this devoid of humanity.
Who said I was devoid of humanity?
I did and I'm sorry but I just can't help but get that impression from a person who can be so calculating about a kid shooting himself.
Hah. Then you don't really know humanity at all.
Go over and look at Africa or Eastern Europe, and you'll know what I mean.
Um...did you just compare your way of thinking with the horrible things that have gone down in those parts of the world?
No, I detracted from your definition of humanity by offering a competing one that is, according to selfish gene theory and basic observation, much closer to the truth.
So what? In short I'm wrong along with anybody else that tries to argue with you?
Yes. Exactly. This entire exercise has been essentially me smirking down at you meat bags from my processing citadel as you worm your way endlessly towards your inevitable death.

....or, we could be attempting to have a debate about an important issue which you seem intent on deriding by simply stringing together attacks on my character.
I'm not trying to deride the debate OR attack you in anyway. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the person I'm debating with because quite frankly your way of thinking facinates me.
What you may or may not be TRYING to do conflicts with what you ARE doing.

and my way of thinking isn't exactly hard to understand.
You're right it's not that hard to understand. You're logical, you're calculating, and you boil everything down to facts and numbers which I happen to find interesting.

Naving said that...I do feel like we've gone off the main topic somewhat.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
George144 said:
Yet the Americans are still so firm about defending their right to bear arms, you never seem to hear about guns saving people just constant tragic accidents with them.
Every country has a cultural taboo that the rest of the world looks at and thinks; Those MORONS.

America has "the right to bare arms", Japan has "whaling". It's so embeded in their culture because it defind their history.

Thank God I live in Europe. Then again, we have our own cultural kinks.
yes... like hitler :p


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Ururu117 said:
mechanixis said:
Ururu117 said:
mechanixis said:
Ururu117 said:
I'll give you my address if this is indeed true, so that you can send me my congratulatory Uzi's, which I will indeed teach my children and spouse how to fire.

This isn't sarcasm either. I'll be PM'ing you my address shortly.
It's not sarcasm, just an incredibly silly statement.

When your spouse or child dies from an accident in the learning process, if you shed a single tear for the loss of an individual with such a deep and distinct connection to you - one you know will never be able to be truly replaced - my vindictive laughter will be long and hard.
Everyone can, and will, be replaced.

And I have no tear ducts.
You aren't above being human, and the longer you hold on to this hubris that emotion is irrelevant the harder the fall will be. Before you die, you will feel sadness and regret that no amount of logic and reasoning can halt. That, I'm afraid, is what the human condition really is, in all cultures and points in history. The thresholds may be different, but the underlying system remains.

I wish it were different too, but I have the sense to wait for transhumanism to make things official.
No, I mean, I'm serious.
I have no tear ducts.

But, lets move away from my rather strange deformity, and move on to your statements.
I'm pretty sure if I die from a bus hitting me today, I won't feel sadness nor regret that no amount of logic nor reasoning could halt.

More than that, feelings themselves are neural networks, and therefore simply logical entities themselves, and since feelings are transient, and the networks themselves alterable both through experience and electricity, it seems SOME amount of logic and reason CAN change them sufficiently to eliminate those sadness and regret.

So, on all counts, it looks like you either don't know neurology, or don't understand I could die in about five seconds from, say, an electrical shock, and avoid all that messy sadness.
(Yes, yes, have your fun with semantics, you know what I meant. Metaphorical tears, and an implication of an average length of life.)

Neural networks are logical entities outside your control. You can know how something works and be powerless to manipulate it. The ability of logic and reason to influence emotion is finite, and it is therefore a statistical matter of time until you find yourself in a situation in which your own emotional threshold is breached.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Its not a good idea in my opinion to let an 8 year old shoot an UZI, so i believe there should be an age limit on guns. because people tend to do the opposite of what you tell them, guns should be allowed, but only to those who have 5 brain cells and an IQ of 1 or more


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I think its perfectly fine to have kids at a gun show, I'm even fine with a responsible teen being a gun instructor as long as he passed all the required courses and tests (I had several NRA marksman awards at 12 and never did anything stupid with a gun).

Regardless of age, I do have a problem with letting ANYONE touching the gun that does not have a license (I think all guns should require a license, even rifles and shotguns), and my other HUGE problem is that they allowed live ammo in the gun at a gun show, whoever loaded that gun should be charged with manslaughter at the very least.

There is a huge difference between a responsible gun owner and a moron with a gun, do not confuse the two and do not punish the responsible gun owners for the morons and criminals. The FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT rule of being a responsible gun owner is to treat EVERY gun like it is loaded, even when you know it is not.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Ururu117 said:
Agreed, if we redefine "Somewhat" to mean "took a corner at fifth and bananas"
What's wrong with bananas?

Seriously though, back onto the topic at hand, let me ask you this;

Would you not feel devastated if one of your own children were to shoot themselves in the head with a gun that they shouldn't have been allowed to handle in the first place?

Optimus Hagrid

New member
Feb 14, 2009
This thread is officially the most compellingly interesting thing I've read all year.

I was going to make some sort of post about my horror towards letting an eight year old handle a loaded weapon, but I think my effort would be much better spent grabbing some poppin' corn and watching the show.

Blair Bennett

New member
Jan 25, 2008
Ururu117 said:
Blair Bennett said:
This is officially the most hilarious troll I've ever dealt with.
Glad to know kids killing themselves is hilarious to more than just this one bio-organic machine.
So what, you have morals now?

Good to know we've officially come full circle in this entertaining, though eventually meaningless debate...you know, the one you based on false statistics?...and then clung to those statistics like a drowning refugee?..