8-year-old's Uzi death at gun show


New member
Jan 1, 2009
So, the parents are suing because the weapon was "unreasonably dangerous" or something like that...REALLY? The jamming isn't what made it dangerous in the first place. It's a f***ing GUN and now some 8-year old kid died because you let him fire a GUN...just take out the fact that it's an automatic assault weapon. 8 year-old + gun =???. Do the math. But then again, the NRA lobby is so powerful here that it is difficult to even ban the possession of fire-arms by those with a criminal record as well as the mentally ill. Oh well, we all know that the mentally ill kill with knives and in Hannibal's case, by eating their victims to death.


New member
May 22, 2009
The gun jammed and he shot himself in the head?

How fucking dumb do you have to be to

A.) Take someone that young to a gun show
B.) Give someone that young a gun to try
C.) Shoot yourself with it
D.) Blame someone else

That only comes from pure minded stupidity on every side of the board, no-one can claim they did nothing, they were all being brainless.

This is very sad though but alas, could have been avoided if they posssed common sense....


New member
Feb 22, 2009
nagato said:
Ururu117 said:
Woem said:
Ururu117 said:
George144 said:
Yet the Americans are still so firm about defending their right to bear arms, you never seem to hear about guns saving people just constant tragic accidents with them.
Really? That seems interesting. Confirmed cases of robberies being averted, all sorts of basic crime being deterred, etc etc, all of that doesn't "save people"? All of it is constant tragedy?

Guns are a tool. That tool feeds plenty of people (the Inuit for example), allows for stability OR unrest, and everything else. Power tools cause all kinds of accidents and tragedies, does that mean they have no use?

Don't mistake me for a gun nut either. Fuck if I care if people have guns or not, but this kind of argument is simply silly. Canada has more guns per person than America, yet significantly less crime. Obviously, the guns aren't going off by themselves, now are they?
There is a difference between adults using firearms to protect themselves or to avert crime, and seeing guns as having a high entertainment value. If you're taking a family trip to a gun show, then you're blurring that very important line. Guns are not toys.
Again, the ever important example of art comes to mind.
The risk going to an art exhibit by car is greater than the risk of going to a gun show by walking, yet one would intuitively suggest that the art is inherently less risky.

Your logic seems to be very common sense but not very reasonable, with this simple example in mind.

Not to mention, who says guns can't be tools AND have entertainment value? Power tools have entertainment value, and so do many other tools, such as cars, boats, and soldering irons to name a few. It seems a bit silly to designate one particular tool as having no ability to entertain because its function is to cause death.

Having been to a gun show numerous times, and being suitably entertained, I would think this would be proof enough to the contrary.
But what if they walked to the art show and drove to the gun show. Really, the only way your logic applies to this situation is if they let the 8-year-old drive the car.
I think he's trying to point out (falsely) that a gun is a tool. It is called a gun for a reason.
Not a tool, but a weapon. The difference is that tools were made for construction, repair or dissassembly of something while the sole purpose of a weapon is to kill.
While killing our fellow humans is a human destiny and a unique trait, it must not be condoled, ever.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Why try to discuss this?

The very nature of this story shows there's no point in trying to have discussion because so many Americans (as evidenced here) are extremely defensive of their gun culture.

No point.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Collymilad08 said:
Why try to discuss this?

The very nature of this story shows there's no point in trying to have discussion because so many Americans (as evidenced here) are extremely defensive of their gun culture.

No point.
While giving up and crossing our fingers in hopes that Americans won't kill themselves would be easy, still the rest of the world must attempt to do something to stop this insanity.
They defend their guns because a couple of centuries ago someone wanted to be safe from bears and hostile natives.
Personally I think there is nothing more foolish than outdated rules in an otherwise modern nation.


New member
May 28, 2009
bagodix said:
Woem said:
They don't have to do anything, they just have to carry one.
Impossible. Unless you believe that criminals have a magic wand that detects firearms.
Well they probably pull out the gun after which things escalate... But the "do" refers to Ururu's original response.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
ethaninja said:
This is outrageous. But, alas, a ticket for the Darwin awards.
For the parents, perhaps.

The instructor (I can't say that with a straight face, try as I might) should've stopped him the second he saw that the kid was bringing the muzzle upward.

For those who're decrying firearms in civilian hands, here is a simple go/no go test to determine if someone can handle a firearm:

-Can they extract urine from a boot unassisted?

-Do they understand Jeff Cooper's four rules of safe firearm handling, which I won't go over here?

-Can they holster a pistol without the damn thing going off?

If the answer to the above questions are ALL yes, then the person in question is let to handle a firearm, in my book.


New member
May 28, 2009
Velocirapture07 said:
Woem said:
Ururu117 said:
George144 said:
Yet the Americans are still so firm about defending their right to bear arms, you never seem to hear about guns saving people just constant tragic accidents with them.
Really? That seems interesting. Confirmed cases of robberies being averted, all sorts of basic crime being deterred, etc etc, all of that doesn't "save people"? All of it is constant tragedy?

Guns are a tool. That tool feeds plenty of people (the Inuit for example), allows for stability OR unrest, and everything else. Power tools cause all kinds of accidents and tragedies, does that mean they have no use?

Don't mistake me for a gun nut either. Fuck if I care if people have guns or not, but this kind of argument is simply silly. Canada has more guns per person than America, yet significantly less crime. Obviously, the guns aren't going off by themselves, now are they?
There is a difference between adults using firearms to protect themselves or to avert crime, and seeing guns as having a high entertainment value. If you're taking a family trip to a gun show, then you're blurring that very important line. Guns are not toys.
I would tend to agree with you man, but I must say this is pretty tragic and awful. However, this is obviously only in the news because of the circumstances (involved a gun) and because the Huffington Post is the biggest liberal bullshit news source ever created. I'm not saying the story isn't true, just watch where you get all your info.
I also have this related article [http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/11/family_of_christopher_bizijl_s.html]:

The details in the court documents show the gun apparently went off when the boy was attempting to keep it from falling after the stock of the weapon slipped down from his shoulder. His father, Dr. Charles D. Bizilj, who brought Christopher and his 11-year-old brother Colin, to the show, had been ordered to remain away from the firing line behind restraining ropes, according to the suit.
?Without further instruction or guidance from the line officer, the decedent placed his fingers on the trigger mechanism of the weapon and attempted to raise the Micro Uzi to his shoulder. The stock of the weapon slipped down from the decedent?s shoulder and the barrel of same spun upward. The decedent attempted to prevent the weapon from falling, and in doing so, the gun spun upward,? according to the complaint.

I Resurection I

New member
Sep 2, 2009
This happened about a year ago you do relize this? Not to seem like a troll but I live one town over from where this 8 year old did, so i heard about it very soon after it happened. I think it was within a day.


New member
May 28, 2009
I Resurection I said:
This happened about a year ago you do relize this? Not to seem like a troll but I live one town over from where this 8 year old did, so i heard about it very soon after it happened. I think it was within a day.
Well for some reason the news seems to pop up again on several sources, such as this one [http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/11/family_of_christopher_bizijl_s.html]. I think it's because there's something new to rapport on the trial.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I suppose what is even more tragic is that the parents would have had to give consent for him to even handle the weapon


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Woem said:
But because it wasn't cleared properly the Uzi was deemed unreasonably dangerous.
Because guns are totally not supposed to kill people. I agree Mister Woem that I simply cannot comprehend the intense retardness of this story. A small horrible part of me says: "It's good that that kid died there, just think of how he would've grew up!" 'Course that's not true, it's a horrible story, and the reaction of the parents baffle me even more than the story itself does.

This really blows my mind. No pun intended.
I still laughed, like, hard. Sorry, I'm a terrible person. [small]But it's still funny.[/small]


New member
Sep 4, 2009
[/quote]There is a difference between adults using firearms to protect themselves or to avert crime, and seeing guns as having a high entertainment value. If you're taking a family trip to a gun show, then you're blurring that very important line. Guns are not toys.[/quote]

No, they are not toys, and anyone who thinks they are isn't right in the head. But they are very fun.
I was about 8 when I started shooting- with a .22 rifle mind you, not a 9mm Uzi- and after ten years, I've not had a single accident, because I was properly educated in safety. Same goes for my 13-year-old brother- learned at 8 and no accidents.

Gun shows are perfectly suitable locations for family trips, as long as kids understand the 'look but don't touch' policy.

I read about this in the Boston Globe when it was 'new news,' and I have a feeling that this was an unsanctioned gun fair, because I'm pretty sure that there are regs concerning the age of instructors. At fifteen, I could be trusted to shoot with minimal risk to other people on the range, but I definitely wasn't responsible enough to supervise inexperienced adults, never mind little kids.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
bagodix said:
Woem said:
Ururu117 said:
Early adaptation of guns leads to significantly lower late stage accidents.
This is an identifiable statistic; those who are around guns tend to be at less risk from them.
On the other hand, carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed. [sup]source [http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17922-carrying-a-gun-increases-risk-of-getting-shot-and-killed.html][/sup]
Only if you are doing it wrong. If you have the proper training and mindset, a gun will be very useful to you.

r0qu3 said:
dude whats with all the guns and gunshows?

How about developing a proper DICK? Maybe some balls too...
Hur hur hur.

Standard liberal "counter-argument" that doesn't actually mean anything or prove/disprove/demonstrate anything.
uh..doh I'm myself are very happy that on the last circumstances i really had trouble with a few people no guns came into play. You know why? They're not allowed here. And very hard to get for the normal dick, the ones without your stupid training...

Hell I can professionally kill people...I'm a great guy aren't I... have professional training...

and at last for the "usefulness" of guns... I never encountered a situation that i EVER needed one, for anything.
And you know why?

I'm not living in a fuckin' war zone...


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Ururu117 said:
Hahhaha, hilarious! Doubly hilarious with some of the commentary here!

Why not go to a gun show?
How is an art exhibit any more or less wrong for an 8 year old, considering guns kill far less children then the bus he had to take every day of his life?

This was a hilarious tragedy which is made even more hilarious because it will provoke people who don't think logically to say "well gosh, if only he hadn't been allowed near guns"!

Yes, guns are terrible instruments of life and death, but when we live in a world where the car is far more of a blood god than anything actually designed for destruction, the rules may just be a bit different from what your intuition tells you.

tl;dr: this wasn't sad or tragic at all.
you sir, are a bastard, a huge bastard, I would probably hurt my back in my effort to stoop down low enough to spit on you. Not sad or tragic that an eight year old died?? Not sad or tragic that parents had to outlive there child and now have to live with terrible guilt for the rest of there lives, I am extremely pissed off about your suspension in that you now wont read my abuse of you!!!
Armitage Shanks said:
Not in the slightest. Parents really should just get over it, they can always have another kid, yeah? He was only 8 after all, probably didn't even really develop much of a personality in those short years.
They can always have another child!!!! what the holy fuck! Are you seriously telling me that if too parents you new had just lost their eight year old child you would go up to them and say 'oh well, you can always have another one'!!!! Didnt develop much personality! He was still a human being! he was still unique!