8-year-old's Uzi death at gun show


New member
Jul 2, 2009
rcuhljr said:
Where did I say no reason? I just said you need to figure out how to get rid of all the reasons first. You need to solve jealousy, perfect relationships, perfectly medicate all mental illnesses, remove all intoxicants, perfect family lives, and a laundry list of other tasks. Get those done and then come talk to me about gun ownership and I'll gladly discuss it. Violence isn't rooted in just fear and desperation, it's rooted in anger, aggression, and human nature.
Humanity doesn't need to be perfect to leave violence behind quite the opposite in fact, if we swear off changing our nature until we have solved all the worlds problems then we will never change. Solving problems with violence creates more problems: war begets fear which leads to anger, mistrust and animosity which leads to more wars. Crime stems from greed or hopelessness fueled by desperation which leads to violence and more crime.

I do not claim to have all the answers I am not saying I know the path to a perfect world I'm simply saying violence and death is not a solution for removing violence and death from our world.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Frankly, this is good. The kid did the world a favour an removed himself from the gene pool. Seriously, who is retarded enough to point a gun at themself without wanting to kill themselves.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Most of us at least know a little bit about how destructive guns can be. First person shooters, while in no ways simulations, can have fairly destructive things come from the end of a gun that actually exist and are used on a daily basis(mostly explosives) and do more damage in real life, but the populace that go to something where you show of big o'l guns (mainly people from down south) don't know this and might think, not to say that everyone from the south thinks this way, "let's go get Timmy a big o'l rifle and let'em shoot it up a bit." and when Timmy gets killed by it they'll blame something that was not responsible for it. What I'm trying to say is you can't stop idiots and the only reason most gamers, and us by extension, know even remotely how dangerous these weapons are and think the parents so stupid(which they are, mind you) is because we have seen a toned down version that still makes them incredibly dangerous. And the point that guns can be fun, in the right hands and with the right precautions, you can have fun with them, just 70% of the world doesn't use those precautions and, luckily, won't have to.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
cake42 said:
natural selection at it's finest
If only he'd shot the parents and the trainer aswell.

Usurpurus said:
Frankly, this is good. The kid did the world a favour an removed himself from the gene pool. Seriously, who is retarded enough to point a gun at themself without wanting to kill themselves.
It's not THAT good, it's still an innocent child's life. He was 8, he was curious as to what was wrong. He doesn't have the logic that we do.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Heathrow said:
If we swear off changing our nature until we have solved all the worlds problems then we will never change. Solving problems with violence creates more problems: war begets fear which leads to anger, mistrust and animosity which leads to more wars. Crime stems from greed or hopelessness fueled by desperation which leads to violence and more crime.
When did I say you shouldn't change your nature? Go ahead and change your nature. That doesn't involve removing items capable of causing harm. So when our hypothetical women shoots her hypothetical killer, what new crime is her violence causing? Can you tell me how spousal abuse is fueled by greed or desperation?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The more guns you have knocking around, the more chance there is that someones going to get shot- there really is no way to break it down into a simpler format short of colourful pictures and large text. Ah well, if America wants to defend its right to blow its own head off I'll not argue. Carry on...


New member
May 1, 2008
rcuhljr said:
yzzlthtz said:
Ahh, American gun shows. Where neo cons can rub elbows with neo nazis and show off their suitcase sniper rifles.
This story does not surprise me in the least.
Someone please invade us to give these people something to do with themselves.
Except it wasn't at a gun show, it's like you purposefully work at being ignorant while trying to condemn others.
Uhm...let's read the headline together shall we?

"Christopher Bizilj's Family Files Suit: Family Blames Teen For 8-Year-Old's Uzi Death At Gun Show"

And go on please, defend neo nazis. I dare you.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
paasi said:
Not really. Check his posts. With a bit of education you'll find that he dodges the real issues and plays on some obscure possibilities and illogical arguments.... much like evolutionists. I hate that bunch.
I wasn't talking about his posts, I was worried about the evolution comment.
Evolution is the opposite of illogical and supported by myths and half truths.
And why do you HATE evolutionists?


New member
May 28, 2009
Treblaine said:
Woem said:
The title in itself contains a couple of words that shouldn't be used near eachother. The story behind it is even worse. Read it for yourself: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/10/christopher-biziljs-famil_n_351732.html

My European brain has issues understanding this. So first of all we have a family that thinks it's a good to take an 8 year old kid to a gun show. Then we have 15 year old instructor who is demonstrating an Uzi. This teen clears the Uzi and gives it to the 8 year old to try it out. Apparently up until this part there is no problem at all. I do see a problem with a teen being a gun instructor, or a kid going to a gun show, or a teen giving a gun to a kid to try it out. But again, that must be my European close-mindedness.

Now here is the real issue: the gun jams, and the kid shoots himself in the head. Quote from the article:
The boy's family claims the gun was defective and unreasonably dangerous, and they blame the failure to properly service it.
So the big issue in this whole story is that the gun jammed and as a result of that, the kid shot himself. It's no problem that the kid is at a gun show in the first place, or that a teen is handing out guns to kids, or that the kid is trying out guns. That's all just fine. But because it wasn't cleared properly the Uzi was deemed unreasonably dangerous. So when an Uzi is cleared properly it is reasonably dangerous for a kid to try out? If the kid hadn't shot himself it would have been a successful family trip. This really blows my mind. No pun intended.
All firearms are dangerous, from a fully automatic uzi to your grandpa's shotgun.

If they malfunction and are not used with care by adults then tragic accidents like this will happen again.

Also what's this "my European mind" acting so naive about guns. Have you any idea the extent of Gun ownership in places like Finland and Switzerland? Not just of revolvers put fully automatic submachine guns and .50 calibre sniper rifles.

Why does everyone act like America is the only country with extensive civilian gun ownership?
About the Europe thing: I also noticed the abundance of "silly America" threads and this one is by no means intended as such. I live in Belgium and I was referring to Central Europe where there are no such laws. And still, people don't carry guns and our street aren't run by gangsters or by the maffia. I think that people fear guns more than that they see a means to protect themselves, and definitely not as something with a high entertainment value. And this is all of course my own opinion.


New member
May 1, 2008
rcuhljr said:
Heathrow said:
If we swear off changing our nature until we have solved all the worlds problems then we will never change. Solving problems with violence creates more problems: war begets fear which leads to anger, mistrust and animosity which leads to more wars. Crime stems from greed or hopelessness fueled by desperation which leads to violence and more crime.
When did I say you shouldn't change your nature? Go ahead and change your nature. That doesn't involve removing items capable of causing harm. So when our hypothetical women shoots her hypothetical killer, what new crime is her violence causing? Can you tell me how spousal abuse is fueled by greed or desperation?
Most violent deaths in the US are not legitimate self-defense. A good number of gun deaths are actually suicide. Guns definitely cause, or fulfill, more problems then they solve, if you look at the numbers.
True, there are fewer house robberies than in some countries. But there's more violence in general. More street robberies. The problem, of course, is not necessarily guns, but poverty, poor education, poor health care (psychiatric wellness included), and a society built around commercialism and valuing money as the ultimate indicator of status.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Isn't it ilegal to handle guns at 15 anyway? Let alone 8? Last time I checked you had to be an adult to get a gun license and being a gun instructor would require a licene.


New member
May 1, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Woem said:
Now here is the real issue: the gun jams, and the kid shoots himself in the head. Quote from the article:
The boy's family claims the gun was defective and unreasonably dangerous, and they blame the failure to properly service it.
So the big issue in this whole story is that the gun jammed and as a result of that, the kid shot himself. It's no problem that the kid is at a gun show in the first place, or that a teen is handing out guns to kids, or that the kid is trying out guns. That's all just fine. But because it wasn't cleared properly the Uzi was deemed unreasonably dangerous. So when an Uzi is cleared properly it is reasonably dangerous for a kid to try out? If the kid hadn't shot himself it would have been a successful family trip. This really blows my mind. No pun intended.
Wow, lot of posts that I'm not going to read because I assume if anyone had brought this up, the OP would have been edited.

No, saying the Uzi was unreasonably dangerous because it wasn't cleared properly has nothing to do with whether "when an Uzi is cleared properly it is reasonably dangerous for a kid to try out"

All they are saying is that Uzi that are not properly cleared are unreasonably dangerous to anyone.

It's like if a family is on a car lot, and a kid gets in a car and drives off, and the car blows up when it gets hit from behind in the gas tank because of faulty manufacturing. It wouldn't have mattered if it was the kid or an adult taking a test drive--the injury *in this case* would have occurred in either situation.

In other words, it shouldn't be a defense (at least in cases like this, where we are talking about a product just put out there into the world) to say 'this person is not authorized to do this' when the reason they were injured had nothing to do with the reason they were not authorized--that's letting someone get away with bad behavior because they got lucky that someone else was behaving badly at the same time.
I think uzis are just dangerous period. They shouldn't be available for commercial use.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Yay more "GUNS ARE GOOD" and "GUNS ARE BAD" posts.

If you are arguing that an 8 year old firing an Uzi is a good idea you're an idiot and so is that kids father. I do not care what you have to say on gun laws, putting that weapon in that childs hands was idiotic.

Again. I really REALLY don't care what you have to say about gun laws and gun shows and what the law says or whatever. Gun safety is there to ensure this crap doesn't happen.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
okay, no I didnt freaking read all 17 pages of this crap, but a few points:

1) This story is very old so whatever anti gun propaganda list you got this off of needs some work.

2) To everyone who said it was a very bad idea for an 8 year old to handle a fully automatic submachine gun: Congratulations! You said the only logical thing in this entire thread!

3) To everyone who equated guns, gun owners, or Americans to Nazis, racists, political hard liners, or any other derogatory or pejorative (look it up) term: Congratulations! You are a sheep with an IQ of a wad of gum! Fact: the NRA was originally created as an anti KKK movement designed with at least 1 of its goals to arm blacks against Klan members. Look it up.

4) If you quote Michael Moore as a counterpoint to section 3 your hair will immediately catch fire for attempting to propagate the biggest and most unfounded lie in the history of American film.

Im fairly confident that the majority of the people that posted in here (and ALL of the people who posted negatively in here) have never seen, heard, or even watched footage of a gun show. To all you who have an image of drunken rednecks shooting howitzers at large pictures of Barrack Obama: FAIL. In actuality, its usually a bunch of tables put together in long rows with lots of guns laid out and big DO NOT TOUCH signs everywhere. Its actually quite a drag unless you have the coin to buy shit. I dont even believe what this article is reffering to is actually a gun show at all. It sounds more like a live fire event or maybe a full auto shoot. Is is wrong for an 8 year old to shoot guns while supervised? No... but common sense tells you to start small. This is the equivalent of giving a 12 year old the keys to the corvette and saying "Go give her a spin!"

The OP claims there is a problem with an 8 year old going to a gun show. Rationalize this so my closed minded American brain can understand how this is any more controversial than taking him to a car show. Help me help you!

Someone said guns arent toys, to this you are right. Cars arent toys either. Lots of people use cars to have fun though, both responsibly and irresponsibly. The same goes for guns: They arent toys but they can be fun. I dont see you freaking out over the deaths in any major motorsports event. 'How can anyone let their son drive a fast car!' You can argue that the situation isnt equal all you want but in the end they are mechanical devices with a propensity for death.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
yzzlthtz said:
rcuhljr said:
yzzlthtz said:
Ahh, American gun shows. Where neo cons can rub elbows with neo nazis and show off their suitcase sniper rifles.
This story does not surprise me in the least.
Someone please invade us to give these people something to do with themselves.
Except it wasn't at a gun show, it's like you purposefully work at being ignorant while trying to condemn others.
Uhm...let's read the headline together shall we?

"Christopher Bizilj's Family Files Suit: Family Blames Teen For 8-Year-Old's Uzi Death At Gun Show"

And go on please, defend neo nazis. I dare you.
Do some research, or read the thread you are replying to where people already figured out that the news report was INCORRECT. shoddy reporting, who'd a thunk it. It was not a gun show, it was a machinegun shoot.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
to be totally blunt,
a kid raised by parents who were stupid enough to let their kid do that probably was not going to grow up to be an Einstein.

Not saying he deserved to die.

Judging on what I've found so far the common ground will not go beyond these points.

-The 15 year old was experienced enough to use it himself but not EXPERIENCED enough to handle children who are handling the uzi.
-The parents are probably retarded
-The kid is dead, and wont be coming back thanks to the fault of multiple parties
-The 15 year old is no more guilty than the parents
-The gun was an automatic and therefore was far beyond the skills of ignorant children and apparently 2 parents.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do stuff.
-Putting pants on and then underwear over them is wrong, unless your quailman, not lethal however.
-Driving a car while UTI is also wrong and has a great possibility of being lethal
-Mishandling a firearm, while you yourself are not experienced enough to do so, while in the company of someone who is not experienced in babysitting while handeling weapons has a great chance of being lethal.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psq4iQX0uXs <- good match

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi2gg5GWJdo <- not a good match
(favorite quote) "You will never need to prove your bravery in any other way" <- made me lol