I always found it funny why I couldn't name my weapon and upgrade it in bits in ANY game, RPG or MMO or whatever.
Even these slotted weapons always got the slots permanently stick, so that at some point you would find a better sword or gun.
Why not make the weapon upgrade with you? Giving it a personallety.
You could invest money in your sword instead of selling and buying, Like binding deamons to it, get it gilded, get new slots for jewels and runes. New pommel, new blade, refined edge etc..
There is like always a bit of story to a weapon you buy, eg. "the one who killed What-his-Name" .. why not grant your weapon the title after you just did the deed/quest? instead of taking the dead guys sword to kill the next guy, just add to the weapondescription and stats and you will be making a journal at the same time.
007 had his Walter PPK, Frodo his Sting. Why cant I have my KilledLikeEveryBossEver?