A challenge (Anime fans only)


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Therumancer said:
Spritemaster said:
Alright, I need specifics on this one. And I will only be asking this of the shoujo/romance crowd. I've looked through close to 50 anime of this genre, and maybe being a guy is part of the problem on this, but I have to know opinions, and on a large scale.

If you would, please name at least ONE shoujo anime (even live action versions of them will do) that were greatly improved by the fact that they were, in fact, animated. In other words, show me a romance anime that is superior to its manga origins, or would be able to be done as well in manga or written form. Please respond with what you can, and know I'm keeping an open mind on this. I'm not trying to make a hate storm, but I am trying to make or break a point. Thank you.
Fushigi Yûgi: The Mysterious Play

To be honest I think this series was far better in an animated form than in Manga form. I also seem to remember how there was a "thank you" of sorts included in the Anime for the quality of the TV series, which was in the form of a note pinned to the back of one of the stock characters (I kid you not). I believe this series also was responsible for the penetration of the Shoujo "genere" into the US audience.

If your specifying romances, as opposed to simply material aimed at girls, then I personally think "Revolutionary Girl Utena" wouldn't be valid for this list. While the movie definatly DID have a romance plotline and a lot of lesbianism, the TV series really didn't, ironically you could say it ironically stands out as an anti-romance of sorts. All the referances to the Rose Bride, and some of the imagery and positioning involved, to be honest there is very little going on here that is romantic as Utena's heart belongs to her prince, and well... we know what happens there. The last episodes also pretty much shatter any illusions about the series really having been a girl on girl love story, of course I won't spoil that, but I will say that a lot of people who talk about this series seem to have absolutly no idea how it all ends and what the final reveals are. The movie continuity however is something else from the series all together though, and is more along the lines of what a lot of people seem to think the TV series was about.

Just my thoughts, but at any rate I'd say "The Mysterious Play" is probably a Shoujo romance anime that outdid the manga, especially when you consider it's success internationally.
Oh wow, I completely forgot about this anime. Thanks for the reminder.


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
Any recommendations? There are about fifteen games or so, and bullet hell shooters is not a genre I've ever gotten into.[/quote]First of all, join the
Touhou group [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Touhou-Project] here on the Escapist. Next, ask the people in the group what game to start with. Then, they will respond with their answer. For me, though, I would say start with Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil[/quote]

Done and Done, thanks


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
One Hit Noob said:
Spritemaster said:
One Hit Noob said:
Spritemaster said:
One Hit Noob said:
Spritemaster said:
One Hit Noob said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
One Hit Noob said:
Toradora! isnt shoujo but still romance, and is better than the manga.
Off topic question/point of interest.

Is your avatar a character from Toradora, or a different anime? If different, which anime is she from?
It isn't from Toradora!,it is from Touhou. Touhou is a game, but a lot of people make doujins for it since the creator doesnt allow an anime. This is an avatar from one of those doujins called Bad Apple.
They sound interesting, I'll check them out if I can.

Like I said some long time ago, it is a game. Not an anime.
I understand. I meant check out the series of games. I'm planning on checking out Ten Desires when I can.
Well, Ten Desires didn't release yet, so play the previous games?
Any recommendations? There are about fifteen games or so, and bullet hell shooters is not a genre I've ever gotten into.
First of all, join the
Touhou group [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Touhou-Project] here on the Escapist. Next, ask the people in the group what game to start with. Then, they will respond with their answer. For me, though, I would say start with Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Done and Done, thanks


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
Nagisa94 said:
I enjoyed the Strawberry Panic anime a lot more than the manga. The plot in the manga seemed way too rushed.
I decided to check out Strawberry Panic (both versions) and while you're right that the anime is better than the manga, the manga didn't leave many good impressions to begin with and it only went downhill from there. The anime did, however, salvage the series in my mind with some at least cute gags and the like.

Thanks, keep on contributing


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
mireko said:
Spritemaster said:
I enjoyed Chatting/Amber Teahouse, not so much on Iono-sama, and I'll check up on them Miko/Witch's.

As for Kashimashi, I actually thought it was rather cute in an odd, Ranma 1/2 esque way, and when I did step back from the absurdity of it all, I realized I was genuinely concerned about the relationships taking place. It took a stab at an unusual genre i.e. gender bender, and approached it with good intentions and an enjoyable story.

Sasemeki Koto though... well, they had some interesting characters and good writing, which didn't help some of the TEDIUM, on the complete lack of a moving plot. Seriously, it took for freaking ever for the story to even get moving. Yes, this isn't uncommon, and I say all hail pacing as much as anyone, but it just didn't hold my interest after the eighth or so episode.

I'll check out Ai Hano and Simoun in the meantime.

Thanks a bunch, you've been very informative
Yeah, Sasameki Koto is a little problematic like that. At some points it seems like the author is just throwing in obstacles so the story will last longer. It's made a little more annoying by the fact that the anime only covers a small portion of the manga's plot. Still, the manga is maybe a little better. I've been suspended for "endorsing piracy" before, so I won't discuss scanlations.

Aoi Hana has a much too short anime adaptation as well. It's good, but it doesn't resolve things. To get the rest of the story, you pretty much have to read the manga.

You could also try Candy Boy, which is an odd little anime (9 episodes, with the DVD specials). It started out as an online series on niconico, but it eventually got a DVD version. Despite the title, there are only four characters in the entire show, and they're all female. It's sweeter than I was expecting it to be. I wasn't expecting it to be sweet because, well, they're sisters. But still, there it was.

Kisses, Sighs and Cherry-Blossom Pink was a nice surprise too. It's a collection of short stories, but I really liked it.

[sub]You may be noticing from my suggestions that I'm not into the older, more depressing Yuri manga, this is mostly because I don't have any specific desire to feel incredibly depressed for the rest of the week.[/sub]
Ok, just went through first few chapters of Aoi Hana, good impressions so far. Characters are well defined and aren't to over the top for this rather sober story. I'm enjoying it, will check up on anime now, thank you


Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
Frylock72 said:
Therumancer said:
Spritemaster said:
Alright, I need specifics on this one. And I will only be asking this of the shoujo/romance crowd. I've looked through close to 50 anime of this genre, and maybe being a guy is part of the problem on this, but I have to know opinions, and on a large scale.

If you would, please name at least ONE shoujo anime (even live action versions of them will do) that were greatly improved by the fact that they were, in fact, animated. In other words, show me a romance anime that is superior to its manga origins, or would be able to be done as well in manga or written form. Please respond with what you can, and know I'm keeping an open mind on this. I'm not trying to make a hate storm, but I am trying to make or break a point. Thank you.
Fushigi Yûgi: The Mysterious Play

To be honest I think this series was far better in an animated form than in Manga form. I also seem to remember how there was a "thank you" of sorts included in the Anime for the quality of the TV series, which was in the form of a note pinned to the back of one of the stock characters (I kid you not). I believe this series also was responsible for the penetration of the Shoujo "genere" into the US audience.

If your specifying romances, as opposed to simply material aimed at girls, then I personally think "Revolutionary Girl Utena" wouldn't be valid for this list. While the movie definatly DID have a romance plotline and a lot of lesbianism, the TV series really didn't, ironically you could say it ironically stands out as an anti-romance of sorts. All the referances to the Rose Bride, and some of the imagery and positioning involved, to be honest there is very little going on here that is romantic as Utena's heart belongs to her prince, and well... we know what happens there. The last episodes also pretty much shatter any illusions about the series really having been a girl on girl love story, of course I won't spoil that, but I will say that a lot of people who talk about this series seem to have absolutly no idea how it all ends and what the final reveals are. The movie continuity however is something else from the series all together though, and is more along the lines of what a lot of people seem to think the TV series was about.

Just my thoughts, but at any rate I'd say "The Mysterious Play" is probably a Shoujo romance anime that outdid the manga, especially when you consider it's success internationally.
Oh wow, I completely forgot about this anime. Thanks for the reminder.
You... You MONSTER!

Just kidding, it is a good series that can be easily forgotten at times. I should know, when I was watching the anime, I took a one week break and forget what I'd been doing.

Enjoy your memories now...



Telegram Dictator
Apr 11, 2010
On an added note, I'd like to put out that I've seen very little shounen ai/yaoi in this discussion, which saddens me slightly, but also confirms that pulling off a good, memorable yuri/yaoi relationship is difficult in both the anime and manga medium. I still regard Loveless as a good experiment in this field, but I've yet to be wowed by a yaoi in general.