A few thoughts about January 6, 2021


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States

The federalist society got what they wanted from trump, and now he's embarrassing, so they're cutting him off. Kind of a Trump move, honestly

EDIT: Amazing, love how twitter X is constantly breaking things. Anyway, a couple of federalist society lawyers published a paper saying that Trump is ineligible to run for any office covered by the constitution based on anti-insurrection clauses in the constitution


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where

The federalist society got what they wanted from trump, and now he's embarrassing, so they're cutting him off. Kind of a Trump move, honestly

EDIT: Amazing, love how twitter X is constantly breaking things. Anyway, a couple of federalist society lawyers published a paper saying that Trump is ineligible to run for any office covered by the constitution based on anti-insurrection clauses in the constitution
I would be very hesitant to take the Federalists at their word. These people are absolutely evil. This is the meet in a secret volcano lair and murder the #4 man for the crime of having a black son in law by dumping him in a pool of sharks with lasers attached to their foreheads levels of evil.
You're right they used Trump and they're throwing him under the bus, but he still has one more very valuable role for them - that for a squishy orange speedbump. What are they really saying here? They're saying, without legal recourse or due process, states have a blanket right to remove presidential candidates from the ballet with the only cause being the states believe the candidate "aided/abetted" enemies or caused an "insurrection".
Remember those two black Tennessee lawmakers who got expelled for an on the floor protest of a gun bill? Yeah the GOP said they caused an insurrection. And guess who's party they're from? Democrats. Well that's Biden removed from the Tennessee ticket.
Texas Governor Greg Abbot said Biden's border policy is helping migrants cross illegally - well they're enemies of the state aren't they? That's Biden removed from the Texas ballot.
Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastrino held a panel about the Covid Vaccine causing autism, and Biden's vaccine mandate being a work of Satan. Well that's aiding the enemies of the United States if ever I seen it. That's Biden removed from the ballot.

All without trail, without recourse, and requiring 2/3rds of Congress to pardon Biden. And you couldn't get 2/3rds of Congress to agree the sun is real or the earth is round.

This is the Federalist society playing the long game. They got the Supreme Court through Trump, but he had one more duty to fulfill. That of the sacrificial lamb that sets the groundwork for GOP states and swing states to never allow a Democrat presidential candidate on the ballot again.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010

22 years for attempting to overthrow the Government. That seems a little light. Why not...life? For high treason?
“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said. “Please show me mercy,” he said, adding, “I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.”

Though, no surprise he isn't made of sterner stuff.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

22 years for attempting to overthrow the Government. That seems a little light. Why not...life? For high treason?
Biatch ain't going anywhere for a long time either way. Let him and other pathetic wastes see and taste true despair.

“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said. “Please show me mercy,” he said, adding, “I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.”

Though, no surprise he isn't made of sterner stuff.
It's fun seeing the useless pawns beg for their lives.
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~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020

22 years for attempting to overthrow the Government. That seems a little light. Why not...life? For high treason?
While they're all going to be getting lighter sentences than seem appropriate, his history as prolific police informant might perhaps aftect these such outcomes.



Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Sorry if this already posted:
Let me guess, you believe this is Nancy Pelosi secretly admitting that she orchestrated Jan 6th?

You know, rather than the reality, that she's, as a responsible leader, saying in hindsight there was more she could have done to mitigate it?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Let me guess, you believe this is Nancy Pelosi secretly admitting that she orchestrated Jan 6th?

You know, rather than the reality, that she's, as a responsible leader, saying in hindsight there was more she could have done to mitigate it?
I can buy in this video, she is only conceding that much. The worst of it was done by the deep state with the apparent help of people like Ray Epps.

Trump told people to go peacefully protest and and now Jamie Raskin thinks it OK to over-turn the decision of the electorate if they vote Trump in 2024.

Scary times.



Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
While they're all going to be getting lighter sentences than seem appropriate, his history as prolific police informant might perhaps aftect these such outcomes.
I'm not sure the sentences are that bad.

22 years for Tarrio is okay, because he has to take responsibility for helping organise and orchestrate events. For most of the the grunts that were not involved in any serious violence, a short (months - a few years) custodial sentence or even a suspended sentence also seems okay.

There's no point jailing people forever unless their crime is exceptionally serious or the chances of them reoffending is very high. Ideally, the function should be that people learn a useful lesson to do better next time: both the criminal sentenced and others who may emulate him. Tarrio will probably be released early (if Trump wins the election, likely he'll be pardoned), but losing a big old chunk of the best years of your life is pretty damn painful.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You actually do believe that deep state conspiracy nonsense ?
He does and not the first time gorf has done this, and it won't be the last.

Most people at January 6, that led, started, or participated in the attempted coup should get 15 years minimum and 25 maximum. Make them hurt real bad and set an example on what happens when you try dumb shit like this. These fools still swear loyalty to Trump, even though he dropped faster than a hot potato and threw them all into the sharks.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Trump told people to go peacefully protest
After making them go berserk and pointing them to a target

and now Jamie Raskin thinks it OK to over-turn the decision of the electorate if they vote Trump in 2024.
As opposed to Trump who thought the 2020 election should be overturned just because he didn't win?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I'm not sure the sentences are that bad.

22 years for Tarrio is okay, because he has to take responsibility for helping organise and orchestrate events. For most of the the grunts that were not involved in any serious violence, a short (months - a few years) custodial sentence or even a suspended sentence also seems okay.

There's no point jailing people forever unless their crime is exceptionally serious or the chances of them reoffending is very high. Ideally, the function should be that people learn a useful lesson to do better next time: both the criminal sentenced and others who may emulate him. Tarrio will probably be released early (if Trump wins the election, likely he'll be pardoned), but losing a big old chunk of the best years of your life is pretty damn painful.
It also similar to how to properly deal with drugs. Putting low level dealers in jail will stop nothing. Taking out leaders is more effective

I do find it laughable that the tough on crime party is asking for leniency. If the criminals were anything other than MAGA, they'd be asking for the death penalty


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I can buy in this video, she is only conceding that much. The worst of it was done by the deep state with the apparent help of people like Ray Epps.

Trump told people to go peacefully protest and and now Jamie Raskin thinks it OK to over-turn the decision of the electorate if they vote Trump in 2024.

Scary times.

What.. like how Trump thought it was OK to overturn the decision of the electorate in 2020?

If it was okay for Trump, it's okay for Raskin to do it.

Ray Epps was MAGA. He wasn't Oathkeeper etc. These other groups used the MAGA protest to attack the House. About 100 people out of the 80, 000 protesting that day did the worst of it

I'm not willing to say Trump asked the Oathkeepers to attack the capital on Jan 6. I'd need to see better proof of that. But someone on Trump team? Yeah, they probably asked them. If you want to say the deep state was involved, then the deep state, in this case, is run by Trump


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
After making them go berserk and pointing them to a target

As opposed to Trump who thought the 2020 election should be overturned just because he didn't win?
Y'know what you do if you really think Trump committed an insurrection? You charge the guy with it. No one ever has.
What.. like how Trump thought it was OK to overturn the decision of the electorate in 2020?
Peacefully protest an apparent stolen election, which is what does appear to be what happened.

Ray Epps was MAGA. He wasn't Oathkeeper etc. These other groups used the MAGA protest to attack the House. About 100 people out of the 80, 000 protesting that day did the worst of it

I'm not willing to say Trump asked the Oathkeepers to attack the capital on Jan 6. I'd need to see better proof of that. But someone on Trump team? Yeah, they probably asked them. If you want to say the deep state was involved, then the deep state, in this case, is run by Trump
Ray Epps appears to have been a deep state plant. You don't encourage people to break the law, causing them the chant "Fed, Fed, Fed". It's called incitement. Yet he had Jamie Raskin yelling people must leave this "poor schmuck" alone. And the deep state that appears to have just colluded to have Trump killed? Trump doesn't control those guys.
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