A Genie and 3 Wishes

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
What would you do if you found a Genie in a bottle that granted you 3 wishes? Rules are you can have any wish you want, except for more wishes. Also pick your words carefully, genies are known to be literal and will often taint wishes.

What would my three wishes be?

1) Time Control: The ability to alter time by being able to pause, slow down, reverse, fast forward, and skip to any period of time with it. Basically like the guy on Heroes.

2) Immortality: I will never die, feel pain, suffer injury, get sick, or age. I would also say that the only way for this power to end, would be through my willingness of it.

3) Shape Shifting: The ability to change into whatever I desire. Basically like the T1000, I will be able to change my body into any person or form I desire.

Now, I ask what your 3 wishes would be?


New member
Jun 3, 2009
well i would have

1) Immortality

2) God like power

3) An Awesome Hammer

Reasons for having these wishes is that I would demand people that I dont like including: Stephen Harper, Celine Dione, Spice Girls, The backstreet boys and other people who I personally rip their eyes out and eat their heart who I will call Dicksuck and McFucked in the Eye socket. And the hammer would be there to be awesome.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
1. That my third wish be exactly what I intend in my mind and not be corrupted

2. That I knew exactly what to wish for

3. (Depends on the answer to wish 2)


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Chicago Ted said:
1) Time Control: The ability to alter time by being able to pause, slow down, reverse, fast forward, and skip to any period of time with it. Basically like the guy on Heroes.

2) Immortality: I will never die, feel pain, suffer injury, get sick, or age. I would also say that the only way for this power to end, would be through my willingness of it.

3) Shape Shifting: The ability to change into whatever I desire. Basically like the T1000, I will be able to change my body into any person or form I desire.
How the hell did you know mine? Ninja...


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I would wish for everyone else's wishes to be reversed, then for all genies to be freed so no one could get their wishes back.

Sir_Charles_Puffybottom said:
well i would have

1) Immortality

2) God like power

3) An Awesome Hammer

Reasons for having these wishes is that I would demand people that I dont like including: Stephen Harper, Celine Dione, Spice Girls, The backstreet boys and other people who I personally rip their eyes out and eat their heart who I will call Dicksuck and McFucked in the Eye socket. And the hammer would be there to be awesome.
Would it be a BanHammer?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
1)Knowing when everyone will die, except for knowing when I will die.

2)Powers from Prototype

3)I'm going to have to agree with Chicago Ted and go with Time control. All the poker games I can win by telling my past self if I'll win it or not.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
1. A time travelling teleport device which I cannot loose
2. A super-skeleton key which works on doors, people a machines
3. More than one life (but not an infinite amount because risk is a spice of life)

Oh wait, this sounds kind of familiar... Might as well run with it and make that time machine my spacious home which can blend into any setting, and that skeleton key, I dunno, some kind of magic wand.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
1. The ability to turn invisible and things I touch invisible

2. World Peace. Gotta love originals

3. Fame

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
1) infinite wishes. (you'd be an idiot not to wish that, even if you have every thing)
2) Shape shifting like the Prototype guy but with specific items to morph into.
3) The ability to clone myself and my clones would do my bidding.

I wish I had more of an educated conclusion other than "that would be cool".


New member
May 22, 2009
1. The ability to do anything, effectively making the next 2 useless.
2. An ice cream cone.
3. Everything forever.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
1)Retractable black wings (Fallen angel style): these will give me the ability to fly. Here is a prime example of what I mean.


Chicago Ted said:
2) Immortality: I will never die, feel pain, suffer injury, get sick, or age. I would also say that the only way for this power to end, would be through my willingness of it.
Ahh perfectly explained, though in addition I can change my age at will. (Might be useful after all!)

3)Dimensional Control: So that'll be time travel, alternate dimensons and going to these at will, even so much as going to the worlds of anime, I can just imagine it now, me in the dimension of One Piece, that would be awesome.


New member
May 20, 2008
1.) Read Minds i always wanted to know what people are hiding.

2.) Xray vision @ #1

3.) Invisibility only when i want to use this ability this applies for the above two as well. @# 2

Ryuu Akamatsu

New member
Feb 26, 2009
1.)Omnipotence.....That's it, I think. Omnipotence IS being all powerful meaning being able to do anything. Just in case though,

2.) The ability to make the imagined real. It would be activated by saying "Shamalamadingdong" before the imagining and after to end it.

3.) A new pair of boots. Size nine please.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
1) A Pip-Boy that had the function of granting me, or a target of my choosing, any and as many special powers that I entered into the Pip-Boy and fully described. Said Pip-Boy can also remove powers it has granted, can only be used by me, and is telepathically linked to me.

2) The permanent ability to, when conscious, never be in an altered or handicapped state of mind (drunk, high, concussion, etc.)

3) When asleep, I am invulnerable to any kind of harm that could be inflicted on me.