A Poly relationship


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012
I'm very monogamous and straight myself, but only for the sake of romance, intimacy and simplicity. I'd rather know one girl really well in that way, basically.

If it floats your boat, have fun. I've heard of happy, healthy people doing it.


Sep 9, 2010
OT: Apparently I was and didn't know it. Cheating ****.

I wouldn't only because I have enough time trusting one person, let alone two.

BOOM headshot65 said:
EeveeElectro said:
I couldn't imagine having a threesome with another girl and a boyfriend cause if she so much as kissed him I'd rip her to shreds.
If she kissed him? Peh. You aint got nothing on my girlfriend. If another girl so much as FLIRTS with me, then my girlfriend will first call her very unlady-like things[footnote]Including, but not limited too: ****, Slut, *****, etc.[/footnote], then will beat her. On my end, same thing. If another dude starts hitting on her, I will deck him and make sure he leaves with a limp.

OT: Just in case I didnt spell it out well enough above: No, No, No, No. Oh yes, did I mention HELL NO! If thats what you want to do, fine, but I will NEVER do that. Period.
Because it's everybody else's responsibility to just know you two are an item first before engaging. >.>


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I'm a pretty jealous guy, so it wouldn't work for me.

There mere thought of someone else having my girlfriend is pure horror to me.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Never even been in a twosome, so I don't really see myself in a threesome. Never say never I suppose, but as I don't know how I'd behave when with just the one person, I have no idea if two (or more) would suit me. Probably not as I'm a very private person.

But hey, congrats on your newly founded relationship! =)

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
SaneAmongInsane said:
Because it's everybody else's responsibility to just know you two are an item first before engaging. >.>
Actually yes. Because in order to miss the fact that we are an item, they would have to miss the fact that we are holding hands, never more than 2 feet apart from eachother, always talking with eachother, and making goo-goo eyes at eachother, with maybe a kiss on the cheek sprinkled in, and in afew years the wedding ring on her finger. If they miss all that, it was either intentional or they were fricking blind.

EDIT: Oh yes, and the charm bracelet. She wears a charm bracelet with my name on it.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
chinangel said:
I have recently entered a poly relationship with another girl and a boy, and while I'm quite happy, I am curious: would anyone else ever consider doing the same? Entering a 3 way relationship?7
Why or Why not? What are your views on it?
Captcha: It's Super Delicious.
Yes...yes it is <3

And yes. My spouse and I tried it once. It fell apart because the third person secretly only wanted one of us, not both of us, but it was fun while it lasted.

Since then, my spouse and I have mostly stuck to more casual "friends with benefits" relationships with other people.

I wouldn't mind doing it again, actually. It's just so hard to find someone who is interested in a relationship like that and compatible with both me and my spouse.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Currently in one, and have preferred such most of my life. As long as my partners don't have jealousy issues, and are okay with the others' existence, then it can work quite well.

Bonus points if they're friends, and you get the fun of watching them together like mine are.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
I actually am in one right now, and apparently I'm super French because the other guy and myself get along quite well, being that we were friends long before the relationship.

The only real problem is I don't know what we equate to with each other in the relationship.
So, she's my girlfriend, and we're both her boyfriends, but what are the boyfriends to each other if they aren't dating?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
FrostyChick said:
Well considering the chances of me find just 1 girl interested in me is astronomically low.
The chances of finding two are approximately 1 in G.

Awww! That's not true! You're awesome!



Sep 9, 2010
BOOM headshot65 said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Because it's everybody else's responsibility to just know you two are an item first before engaging. >.>
Actually yes. Because in order to miss the fact that we are an item, they would have to miss the fact that we are holding hands, never more than 2 feet apart from eachother, always talking with eachother, and making goo-goo eyes at eachother, with maybe a kiss on the cheek sprinkled in, and in afew years the wedding ring on her finger. If they miss all that, it was either intentional or they were fricking blind.

EDIT: Oh yes, and the charm bracelet. She wears a charm bracelet with my name on it.

You two are really around each other 24 hours a day? You don't have jobs or even separate lives?

FYI, I'm inclined to believe everyone's fair game until they have a wedding ring on their finger. But, ya know, good luck with threats of violence to protect whats yours.



New member
Aug 21, 2010
All I can say is that I have three friends in a polyamorous relationship and they do it very well. They are very happy and I love visiting them. A polyamorous relationship is like any relationship, it takes work but if you're all in it together and happy it's just a relationship.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Radoh said:
I actually am in one right now, and apparently I'm super French because the other guy and myself get along quite well, being that we were friends long before the relationship.

The only real problem is I don't know what we equate to with each other in the relationship.
So, she's my girlfriend, and we're both her boyfriends, but what are the boyfriends to each other if they aren't dating?
**blinks in surprise**

Boyfriend? You're male?

**wide, hollow eyes**

I'm so disillusioned right now.

OT: Also... so you and the other guy aren't lovers too? I thought that's how Poly worked - everyone had sex with everyone. If it that wasn't the case, I thought it wasn't Poly, but Open.

Edit: Oh, and I meant to say this before I got distracted by Radoh's sudden gender-ness:

I don't get the jealousy thing. Yes, your SOs are having sex with other people - your other SOs, whom you also have sex with. If you're a straight guy, and you're dating two women, who have lesbian sex with one another and straight sex with you - what's the problem exactly? And if you're a bi guy, and you're having sex with a straight woman and another bi guy - again, why be jealous of them having sex too?

I'll admit, I don't really get the whole jealousy thing at all, but moreso when it's in a poly three-way situation.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Radoh said:
I actually am in one right now, and apparently I'm super French because the other guy and myself get along quite well, being that we were friends long before the relationship.

The only real problem is I don't know what we equate to with each other in the relationship.
So, she's my girlfriend, and we're both her boyfriends, but what are the boyfriends to each other if they aren't dating?
**blinks in surprise**

Boyfriend? You're male?

**wide, hollow eyes**

I'm so disillusioned right now.

OT: Also... so you and the other guy aren't lovers too? I thought that's how Poly worked - everyone had sex with everyone. If it that wasn't the case, I thought it wasn't Poly, but Open.
What, you didn't know? I've announced it to the chat three times and have posted my face in three different threads, I even have a voice recording on that Voice Thread ScorchedCascade made!

And no, the other man is not my lover.
He's neither bi or limber enough for that to work.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Again in the words of Dr. Suess:
I would not could not on a boat
nor in the rain or in the dark or on a train
Not in a car, not in a house, I only want one spouse, not in a box not even if she were a fox (as in sexy).
I would not do that here or there. I would not do that anywhere.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
OT: Also... so you and the other guy aren't lovers too? I thought that's how Poly worked - everyone had sex with everyone. If it that wasn't the case, I thought it wasn't Poly, but Open.
No, they're not....Yet. I'm trying, though.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Traditional relationship is the only way to avoid sin. Being in a relationship with more than one person at the same time should be illegal and should be punished with fines or jail in repeat offenders.

Nah, seriously, I don't see the harm, but I don't see the appeal either it's not for me. Each to their own. However do not legalize polygamous marriage. The law proceedings in a divorce would get infinitely more complicated.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Would I ever do it? No, most definitely not. It's not so much the jealousy thing (although that's definitely a factor) and more of the fact that I'd rather only have to focus on one person, not many.

Truth be told I don't have positive feelings towards poly relationships. I don't see the appeal, and frankly if any of my friends were interested in going for one I'd try to talk them out of it most likely. The way I see it, poly relationships are either a) an excuse, or name, to hide the fact that a person doesn't want to just have one sexual partner, in which case I'd make the argument that maybe dating or a relationship really isn't their thing, or b) a way for one partner in the relationship to feel better about themselves or "try out" others to see if they're missing anything, usually at the expense of the other partner.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Radoh said:
What, you didn't know? I've announced it to the chat three times and have posted my face in three different threads, I even have a voice recording on that Voice Thread ScorchedCascade made!

And no, the other man is not my lover.
He's neither bi or limber enough for that to work.
Nope, I missed that somehow. Then, I've been avoiding the Pony chat until I watch the season 3 opener. I don't want to get spoiled beforehand.

As for the threads - I guess I just didn't see it! Which is weird, because we usually frequent the same threads.

I... I feel like someone just finished my crossword puzzle for me.

ANYWAY... not bi? That sounds... awkward. Do you not have three-ways?

Captcha: the dennis system
I don't know about you, but that sounds dirty to me.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
I read that as Pony Relationship and was about to comment on how that might be unhealthy. Your avatar didn't help.

Then I read Poly instead of Pony. I don't have much to say on that matter, I haven't considered it and I'm not sure my opinion would hold any weight.
I too read that as Pony. XD

OT: Whatever makes you happy OP. I don't have any say on the matter.

As for me, if I ever entered a relationship, I'd want it just between me and her. Not saying a poly relation ship is wrong, I just find the idea of having a relationship between only me and my girlfriend appealing to me.

Captcha: one hit wonder.

There's a sexual innuendo in there somewhere. I just know it.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Nope, I missed that somehow. Then, I've been avoiding the Pony chat until I watch the season 3 opener. I don't want to get spoiled beforehand.

As for the threads - I guess I just didn't see it! Which is weird, because we usually frequent the same threads.

I... I feel like someone just finished my crossword puzzle for me.

ANYWAY... not bi? That sounds... awkward. Do you not have three-ways?

Captcha: the dennis system
I don't know about you, but that sounds dirty to me.
Well then I guess you don't want me spoiling that Twilight kills Celestia and usurps the thrown by banishing Luna to the moon again.

Well, it's actually a pretty long distance relationship, I'm not opposed to the idea of a threesome but the other boyfriend is not a fan of the idea so he probably wouldn't plan a vacation for one.
Also the girlfriend part of the equation would be far more interested in just sitting aside and watching me bend him over.