A Poly relationship

Silver Fox

New member
Aug 29, 2012
I would certainly try it if the opportunity arose, I mean, why limit the love to just one person when you can spread it around to more than that?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I think everyone's kinda thought about it before... Never really done it myself though. Seems like an interesting lifestyle, and I'm really not the jealous type. Then again I'm not really the ATTENTIVE type either so I kinda fail at the start line.

Relationships whether 2, 3 or more people take effort and I tend to find that people just won't give me alone time space without getting offended or thinking I'm being cold or inattentive to them, so I find it easier just to be by myself.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I was in one of those. My best friend married a bi-sexual girl so when ever she wants a man, or more accurately something with a penis, I'm the lucky winner.

But they moved to France and when your boodycall is an intercontinental plane flight away you come up with a more efficient solution.

A poly relationship is the only type I'd consider from this point on because I've tried Mono relationships and well, they all suck. Straight women, no offense to any straight women, but they're all horrible horrible people. Every last one of them, no offense. But if I was going to get involved with another straight girl I'd want another guy around so it'd take twice as long for her to drop her two faced manipulation techniques. Or at least throw her off guard while she figures out a 4 faced manipulation technique. And again no offense


New member
Sep 15, 2010
BabyRaptor said:
I'm Bi. Radoh could go either way based on whatever would amuse him at the time. The other one is decidedly straight, but would probably humor it just for me if I begged enough.
Edit: And yes, he's male too.

Wait, did I already know that you two were together? I mean, if so I clearly forgot, but do you know if I was previously aware of this?

I ask because, up til now I thought I was having a conversation about two different poly relationships rather than one poly relationship from two different members of said relationship.

Which, by the way - fuck yeah! ^^ Congrats to both of you - I'm always psyched when two people I know online get together.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2011
BOOM headshot65 said:
EeveeElectro said:
I couldn't imagine having a threesome with another girl and a boyfriend cause if she so much as kissed him I'd rip her to shreds.
If she kissed him? Peh. You aint got nothing on my girlfriend. If another girl so much as FLIRTS with me, then my girlfriend will first call her very unlady-like things[footnote]Including, but not limited too: ****, Slut, *****, etc.[/footnote], then will beat her. On my end, same thing. If another dude starts hitting on her, I will deck him and make sure he leaves with a limp.

OT: Just in case I didnt spell it out well enough above: No, No, No, No. Oh yes, did I mention HELL NO! If thats what you want to do, fine, but I will NEVER do that. Period.
To be fair, from the sounds of things, you two are perfect for each other. And I hope others don't succumb to your misguided wrath.


Little Miss Vampire.
Jul 13, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
FrostyChick said:
Well considering the chances of me find just 1 girl interested in me is astronomically low.
The chances of finding two are approximately 1 in G.

Awww! That's not true! You're awesome!


Sorry about that. I don't actually believe the chances are really that low. I just really wanted an excuse to use high level maths construct in a discussion semi-related to sex. ^^;

I was at one point offered to join one. But it would have gotten weird... Really fast.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Zen Toombs said:
Yopaz said:
Traditional relationship is the only way to avoid sin. Being in a relationship with more than one person at the same time should be illegal and should be punished with fines or jail in repeat offenders.

Yopaz said:
Nah, seriously, I don't see the harm, but I don't see the appeal either.
Think of it this way. You know those things you like? Now there's two of them. [small]or if you're bi, now there's both of them[/small]
Let me rephrase that last bit. I don't see anything wrong, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I guess I can see the appeal, but I've got a slight fear of relationship which I fear would get even worse in a polygamous one. My point still stands though, polygamous relationships are great if it makes those involved happy.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
BabyRaptor said:
I'm Bi. Radoh could go either way based on whatever would amuse him at the time. The other one is decidedly straight, but would probably humor it just for me if I begged enough.
Edit: And yes, he's male too.

Wait, did I already know that you two were together? I mean, if so I clearly forgot, but do you know if I was previously aware of this?

I ask because, up til now I thought I was having a conversation about two different poly relationships rather than one poly relationship from two different members of said relationship.

Which, by the way - fuck yeah! ^^ Congrats to both of you - I'm always psyched when two people I know online get together.
Possibly? You probably knew of the first time we dated...We broke up for a bit and then ended up giving it another shot. And thank you! ^_^ I'm rather happy about it all, obviously.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Zen Toombs said:
Yosharian said:
Zen Toombs said:
Think of it this way. You know those things you like? Now there's two of them.
It doesn't work that way for most people

Unless we're talking about just casual sex, which as far as I've understood it we're not
We aren't. But Yopaz said that he didn't understand the appeal, and I was trying to provide an ultra-simplified explanation of why some people find poly relationships appealing.

And I wasn't just talking about sexy things. I was also talking about "two shoulders to cry on when bad stuff happens" and the like.
they're product ads, and you enter the catchphrase from the product. For example, to post this, I had to type in 'The Hopper from DISH'


New member
Sep 15, 2010
FrostyChick said:
Sorry about that. I don't actually believe the chances are really that low. I just really wanted an excuse to use high level maths construct in a discussion semi-related to sex. ^^;
I was at one point offered to join one. But it would have gotten weird... Really fast.
It's okay. You just sounded so sad, I wanted to hug you. I do that. ^^

And actually, for a good math joke (which it was), I'm pretty willing to forgive many things.

Speaking of math/physics jokes - the Schrodinger's Pussy joke on Critical Miss cracked me up. ^^

Dijkstra said:
Why does it matter if it's lesbian sex? You seem to be projecting some bizarre personal distinction onto others
Why would that make a difference?
I was trying to think of situations where everyone's orientation worked out. I can understand jealousy if not everyone is attracted to everyone else, but if everyone in the relationship is attracted to everyone else, and if everyone in the relationship is having sex with everyone else, then I don't understand why people would be jealous.

"I'm jealous that the person I'm having sex with is having sex with the other person I'm having sex with."

Does not compute. To me, that seems like the best anti-jealousy method. If you're a guy, and someone else is having sex with your girlfriend, and you find that other person attractive, and have sex with them, then what is there to be jealous over? Your sharing.

I'll use a non sex example:

My spouse and I own a PS3.

If I only get single player games that I like, then I can understand my spouse getting jealous about not getting to play any games. However, if we play Rockband, which we both like, then why would my spouse be jealous? My spouse is playing Rockband with me. And if my spouse plays some Rockband while I'm at work, I still get to play when I get home. So why would I be jealous?

Edit: Oh, and just because it's funny.

Dijkstra said:
Why does it matter if it's lesbian sex?
Because lesbian sex is awesome?

Except when you're I'm pregnant - then not so much.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Radoh said:
Bara_no_Hime said:
Radoh said:
I actually am in one right now, and apparently I'm super French because the other guy and myself get along quite well, being that we were friends long before the relationship.

The only real problem is I don't know what we equate to with each other in the relationship.
So, she's my girlfriend, and we're both her boyfriends, but what are the boyfriends to each other if they aren't dating?
**blinks in surprise**

Boyfriend? You're male?

**wide, hollow eyes**

I'm so disillusioned right now.

OT: Also... so you and the other guy aren't lovers too? I thought that's how Poly worked - everyone had sex with everyone. If it that wasn't the case, I thought it wasn't Poly, but Open.
What, you didn't know? I've announced it to the chat three times and have posted my face in three different threads, I even have a voice recording on that Voice Thread ScorchedCascade made!

And no, the other man is not my lover.
He's neither bi or limber enough for that to work.
Just so you know, that's called a hinge relationship. Its a subset of poly relationship that revolves around one person (the hinge) and two people attached to that one person. They are only attached to each other through that one person and are not themselves in a sexual relationship (though that doesn't mean they cant be friends).
An open relationship relies on two people being in a relationship and having meaningless sex with others, poly relations symbolize a deeper attraction, and a hinge relationship there is an emotional connection between the people on the edges even if their physical relationship is with the hinge.


New member
Nov 16, 2010
i'm pretty selfish. while i applaud the progressive attitude, i doubt i could deal with sharing my significant other like the six billion years of evolution that i am.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
maxben said:
Just so you know, that's called a hinge relationship. Its a subset of poly relationship that revolves around one person (the hinge) and two people attached to that one person. They are only attached to each other through that one person and are not themselves in a sexual relationship (though that doesn't mean they cant be friends).
An open relationship relies on two people being in a relationship and having meaningless sex with others, poly relations symbolize a deeper attraction, and a hinge relationship there is an emotional connection between the people on the edges even if their physical relationship is with the hinge.
Okay, so then what happened to me was my open relationship turned into a hinge relationship that we (my spouse and I) thought was a poly relationship until the hinge posted on her Facebook page that she hoped to break us up.

Terminology is neat! ^^


New member
Jan 8, 2011
I have a hard enough time getting and keeping one girlfriend, let alone numerous haha.

BUT, if given the chance......nah, still can't do it. Couldn't deal with all of the jealousy, paranoia, etc, as previous posters have mentioned.

Too much stress ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
SaneAmongInsane said:
You two are really around each other 24 hours a day? You don't have jobs or even separate lives?
I would have thought "obvious hyperbole is obvious", but fine: No, we are not ALWAYS together, 24/7/365. I have college, work (gotta pay those bills!), chores, and homework. And we still live in seperate homes with our parents because its cheaper that way/my parents STILL dont trust us home alone together (ITS BEEN 1.7 YEARS AND I HAVE NO DESIRE FOR SEX, GODDAMNIT!!!) We will still go out by ourselves. That doesnt change the fact that its rather easy to tell that she is spoken for and that I am spoken for. Besides, we can take care of ourselves. If some guy wont take the hint that "Bracelet with guys name+girl being hostile to flirting=she is spoken for" he deserves to get clocked by her.

FYI, I'm inclined to believe everyone's fair game until they have a wedding ring on their finger.
Go ahead. Try telling her that. Try hitting on her. See what happens. Go on, I dare you. I double dare you.

But, ya know, good luck with threats of violence to protect whats yours.
*cracks knuckles* Now who said that what I said was a threat? >:) It was a promise, and I dont make promises I wont/cant keep.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Yopaz said:
-snip- I guess I can see the appeal, but I've got a slight fear of relationship which I fear would get even worse in a polygamous one.
Oh, I totally agree. If being in a relationship is X hard, being in a poly relationship is X[sup]2[/sup] hard.

chinangel said:
Zen Toombs said:
Yosharian said:
Zen Toombs said:
Think of it this way. You know those things you like? Now there's two of them.
It doesn't work that way for most people

Unless we're talking about just casual sex, which as far as I've understood it we're not
We aren't. But Yopaz said that he didn't understand the appeal, and I was trying to provide an ultra-simplified explanation of why some people find poly relationships appealing.

And I wasn't just talking about sexy things. I was also talking about "two shoulders to cry on when bad stuff happens" and the like.

they're product ads, and you enter the catchphrase from the product. For example, to post this, I had to type in 'The Hopper from DISH'
Um, I think you quoted the wrong person.

Also, I refuse to answer the "product placement Captchas". I just click the refresh till I see normal people words.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
BabyRaptor said:
Possibly? You probably knew of the first time we dated...We broke up for a bit and then ended up giving it another shot. And thank you! ^_^ I'm rather happy about it all, obviously.

When you first said it, I was like "wow, I had no idea!" And then I had this sense of deja vu like I'd had this conversation before, and I was like - wait, I remember talking in the Pony chat about Radoh being in a relationship with someone else in said chat. This was a while ago, so yeah, probably the first time you guys got together.

But yeah - fucking awesome! **hugs you both**


New member
Sep 6, 2009
imo polygamy is at its best when you have a pre existing homosexual relationship that brings in a 3rd wheel of the opposite gender for child making purposes.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Closest thing to a poly relationship I've been in, is going out with 5 different women, steadily, for a few months, before dumping all but one, cuz she was the only not annoying one...

Would I? Depends on the circumstances, if it was with two bisexual females, I'd be game, if another guy got involved there might be conflict, I'm not into men, and as such it would feel too much like being cheated on, which is not cool, but if I was also bi, then maybe I wouldn't mind so much, but hypothetical situations rarely apply in reality, I cannot exactly just start finding men sexually attractive, even if I wanted to.