A Senior Dating an 8th Grader


New member
Apr 18, 2011
godofslack said:
RAKtheUndead said:
artanis_neravar said:
Also this is bordering on Pedophilia tell your friend to back off if he doesn't want to be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life
Bordering on? That's stone-cold, obvious paedophilia, and deeply disturbing at that.
It's most certainly not. That's nowhere near pedophilia, that's only slightly below average. There is a massive difference between a full fledged adult and a legal adult being interested in someone in grade 8. It's very important to mention this ISN'T a sexual relationship, that would most certainly be wrong, this is a relationship that exists purely in thought, and as a rule, anything that exists only in thought can not be amoral.
Actually a 13 year old and an 18 year old is pedophilia, if they have any kind of sexual contact at all.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
I'd be hypocritical if I disapproved of this because I, myself, am in a relationship where I'm five years older than my girlfriend and things are long distance. I have complete respect for her and won't try to be with her (actually see her) until she's eighteen. But, my relationship is only because I've known her for almost 7 years now (through her brother) and she's a great friend that I unwillingly fell for, and the other way around. But if I had only known her for a short while, none of this would have happened. And this is where I am a bit weirded out but your cousin and friend. I don't know how mature either of the two are, but maybe just talk to your friend and ask him a few questions, let him know if you have a problem with this or anything at all.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I thought you meant someone elderly with "senior".

Now that would have been massively creepy, this is just a bit strange.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
The age difference is kind of huge since they are still in [middle/high]school. Seeing as how she isn't at the age of consent yet, it could get kind of weird. Hopefully nothing happens that may cause a problem.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Jray1337 said:
To make a long story short, my cousin is dating my friend. Now let me add a few details. My friend is 18 years of age and a senior in high school, my cousin is in 8th grade, they have been dating for 2 months, and they have never seen each other in real life. Not even once. They live 2.5 hours away from each other and they met each other via a Xbox live party hosted by yours truly. I don't have much of an opinion on this but I do constantly tease them about the situation.

So members of the Escapist, I want to know how you feel about relationships between high school seniors and 8th graders. Or other similar relationships.

EDIT: To make this clear, they ARE dating. They just met each other via xbox live and now they are in a long distance relationship. And they Skype each other everyday. Whether they do this naked or not I do not know.
Be aware that this can go from "technically legal" to "very illegal" very quickly.

The difference between age 14 and age 18 is enormous. One is getting ready to go to high school. One is getting ready for the real world. One can't stay out past 9 (or whatever), while the other can drive anywhere. One is a child, while the other is legally an adult.

Now, later in life? The difference between 21 and 25 is mathematically the same, but it's not nearly as dramatic as the four years separating these two. And the inevitable break-up? He won't just be making a girl sad. He'll be pissing off her parents, too, who have to deal with all the fallout. And that could mean they come at him via the cops.

If your friend knows what's good for him, he'll wake up and run for the hills. He's playing a dangerous game.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
My first girlfriend had lost her virginity at the age of 13 to a 21 year old, colour me unimpressed.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I dated a freshman when I was a senior. Briefly. Back before all teenage girls were sluts. Though she later became a wicked slut. Sigh.