PsychedelicDiamond said:
Anyway, my favourite is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It's very much a "Hollywood celebrating itself" movie which the Academy generally seems to like so I think it has a decent chance.
Last night, I watched Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and posted thoughts on it today in the ?Last Movie You Watched? thread. Do me a favor and read my post and tell me what I missed; I thought this film was awful. It had all the makings of and potential
for a great film, but it failed across the board in my humble opinion, and while I couldn?t care less about Oscars, I?m am absolutely astounded it?s been nominated for as many as it has been. Best Actor/Supporting Actor, fine; DiCaprio and Pitt did a great job, but what they were asked to do and the context in which they were asked to do it was a bland, boring mess. Best Picture?? Get the hell out of here?