John Funk said:
You know that we are getting chats and cross-region play after launch, right?
The region locking makes sense when you think about it - what they're doing with the special pricing models for places like Russia/South America, etc. It's already segmented, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was harder to implement normal cross-region play right off the bat with it. But they've said they'll be adding it for sure.
Oh i know, but it's still unknown when exactly. I remember Blizzard was quite keen on Soon(TM) even prior to merge with Activision.
I don't really see how the subscription based model for Russia/S.America would prevent cross-region gameplay tho. If you remember from a brief beta glitch, you had the message saying "Out of play time", so it is an option implemented core in game. I suppose they would be perfectly compatible.
If i recall correctly the reasoning was 1. Lag 2. Building tighter community. While 1st reason can be acceptable, it is still not the kind of protection die hard fans apparently want. Then again, i should be happy, i wont get my ass beaten by Koreans right away. Second is just silly along with other changes, can't build community by splitting it.
And those are just 2 issues out of many that people have with new I still think they should go back to sc1/wc3 sort of handling it, till they can provide full service.