Activision: Destiny Will Become The Best-Selling New IP in History


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Those are some grandiose plans there. Almost as bad as Dave Grohl proclaiming this new Foo Fighters album coming up to be "unlike anything ever done before".

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I don't doubt it. If the last console generation proved anything, it's that the lowest common denominator wants the same shooter year in and year out, and Destiny looks to do nothing significantly new in that regard.

Whatever. Let the masses enjoy their overblown spectacle shooter if it makes them happy.
Personally, I'm not touching it unless someone is paying me to.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
....In history? Ugh. Look, I'm looking forward to Destiny. I want it to be good, I want it to be well. But guys...maybe have your expectations be a little more realistic?


New member
Mar 16, 2013
I mean, sure, I see the appeal of a Halo-Borderlands-mix, not necessarily to me but to others, and I think the "shared world" idea is a really good one, but other than that... nothing I've seen so far striked me as truly groundbreaking and a lot looked all too familiar. You might want to lower your expectations a bit. Or does that mean it'll be branded as commercial failure if it only sells, say, 8 million units?


New member
Nov 15, 2012
Okay, I'm legitimately not sure what's going on with this Destiny thing. I've heard people talking about it and hyping it a lot, but I have no idea whatsoever what it will actually be beyond "new shooter, sci-fi, made by Bungie." Now, have I missed all the details, or are they just being intentionally vague about it? And if the latter, how are they expecting this to sell with a marketing campaign that, especially outside the gaming community, pretty much looks like they're just saying "Destiny. It's a game, so buy it, thanks."


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I had been starting to worry about ol' Bobby Kotick. He had been so quiet lately that he was starting to seem sane rational and subdued. I was afraid he was sick or something. Nice to know things are insanely and arrogantly back to normal.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Translation: We are going to run Destiny into the ground and milk it for all its worth, just like with Guitar Hero and Call of Duty.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
"You see what you need to do is set your expectations ludicrously high.
Because the power of belief is the strongest thing in the woooorld."

Not saying it can't happen, but c'mon, can't you save your dick-waving until after it's released and actually (possibly) does well.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Oh Kotick, you are just a fucking asshole a card, you!

I wonder if this is how all publishers see new IP:

"So, it has guns, it has burly men, it has a lot of explosions-"

"THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME OF ALL TIME"-so spoke the CEO, whilst his pupils changed into dollar bills.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
How is Smash Bros a new IP? Wouldn't that be like calling Halo Wars a new IP?

Also, I think he might have had more closely related, modern games in mind, such as the first Halo, CoD, Mass Effect, GoW or Uncharted.


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
Wow, Bobby, you have a very shiny crystal ball!
I wonder how financial projections are made on a yet unreleased game of which we know nothing about. Big sales are usually made based on high consumer expectations, and these expectations usually come from knowledge of the franchise (be it a previous game, a movie, book series, etc). I'm eager to see how this overly-optimistic projection actually turns out and what it does to Activision's stock price


New member
Jan 18, 2013
SomeLameStuff said:
Okay, who took the gag off Kotick again? Dammit people!

Seriously, has Kotick ever said ANYTHING that's semi-logical? At all?
Given how EA have been having a shit time lately he probably feels safe saying at least a few stupid things to the public.

Of course Destiny is going to sell well, the dudebros and 12 year olds will instantly love anything from 't3h creeayturz uv da haylows' and if Activision find a way to get the rabid Copy of Paste: Modern Sequel fans to jump over to their new IP it's going to be a success.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
It still looks a helluva lot like Halo to me... So no, besides is not on PC, so even more "no".

Lt. Rocky

New member
Jan 4, 2012
And you are the last person in the world who deserves it, Kotick. He's the kind of guy you look at for a few minutes, and then instantly realize why Occupy Wall Street happened. Christ, he's probably never even played a video game in his life.

Go back to downing some more expensive wine and making jokes about poor people you putz

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I think we can all see the problem here.
This is a man who's idea of success is creating a game which sells. This is a HUGE problem and is one of the main things wrong with the industry. There is absolutely no mention of attempting to make a game which is GOOD. Quality is clearly not important to this man, only profit.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Toadfish1 said:
St. Aidan said:
Sooooo.... Even the people who publish Destiny are treating it like its the second coming?? Great plan Activison, because believing your own hype as always work in the past.
Worked for Valve.
Valve has a history of releasing consistantly well above avarage games though, Activision Blizzard is the exact opposite.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I'm really surprised there was so little commentary when GTA:V came out that is was the first "record-breaker" out of the last 4 or so that weren't the successive installments of Call of Duty - now Ghosts of course is worth more in sales that countless other games put together, but it will remain to be seen if it's relative "failure" as compared with its precursors was just a blip or the first indication that Activison my have run Call of Duty (in it's modern form-the WWII games were effectively an entirely unrelated product and brand at this point) "into the ground" with annual AAA releases for over half a decade in a similar fashion to what was perceived to have happened with Guitar Hero.

It's possible that Kotick is also considering this possibility and hoping that this can be a new cart to jump onto for the next 5-7 years.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Grouchy Imp said:
Flutterguy said:
How many of you are all of a sudden willing to look into Destiny to see if it is worth buying?

Well played Kotick.
I'll pass. I was quite interested in Destiny until Bungie said in a pre-release statement about six months ago that it would be set as a persistent online world. Lost all interest as soon as I read that.

OT: So Kotick is already referring to Destiny as a franchise before the game is even out? Wow. The IP hasn't even sold one copy and this guy is already dreaming about how best to milk it.
It was created with a franchise in mind: one of the vidocs (or some video) for it mentioned that the game plan was to have the game develop over the course of its life (one of those constantly-evolving world sorts of claims), then have that be the foundation for the next released installment, or something like that. I'd have to find the video to remember exactly what they claimed.

OT: Well, if best-selling means moving the most units, they have almost no chance (PC release or not), even with the intended long lifespan of the game; those records have stood as long as they have for a reason. But if best-selling refers more to the monetary side of sales figures, the major part that makes moving the most units ever impossible - the price - is a point in its favor. And if Activision markets it well to an audience of more casual players (the reason why COD's sales figures were always so massive), even if that isn't the market the game itself would be geared toward (or at least, I hope not, as it looks like the type of game I would love to immerse myself in rather than just pick up and play because I need something to do when I have friends over or something), coupled with the fact that it's on both 7th gen and 8th gen consoles (though the lack of a PC version does hurt the cause a bit) - which is nice for people like me that have no desire to spend money on one of the new consoles (personally I'm planning on getting it for the 360) - and they might actually have a shot at making noise in the rankings, if not topping them.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
marioandsonic said:
Translation: We are going to run Destiny into the ground and milk it for all its worth, just like with Guitar Hero and Call of Duty.
Well, yes and no. That wouldn't help them break the record, as they have to do it with the first title alone. However, it's a new IP and it's a AAA publishing company, so we'll see about 5,000 different iterations that introduce little to nothing each time. Though I have more faith in bungie to not stagnate like a pool of piss behind a dumpster than the people that made CoD and Guitar Hero.