Activision: Destiny Will Become The Best-Selling New IP in History

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
SomeLameStuff said:
Okay, who took the gag off Kotick again? Dammit people!
He's ashapeshifter. Have you ever tried to gag a shapeshifter?

Now if only he could master a convincing human form....

Stavros Dimou said:
so this thing will beat Mario who has over 100 sequels and is the only reason one company keeps selling consoles ?
Well, no. Mario isn't the only reason Nintendo keeps selling consoles. And that last one kind of hurts the point further.

But you'll note he said best-selling NEW IP. That means Destiny only has to beat the first Mario game in sales.

Whytewulf said:
But seriously, I think the industry is looking for new IP.
The industry's always looking for a new IP. However, even based on a lot of the comments here, I'm inclined to believe people are following this more because the guys behind Halo did it than the strength of a new franchise.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
The fact HAcKtivision is the publisher refrains me from even wanting Destiny, sadly.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I find myself hating this game, and it isn't even out yet. The level of arrogance involved is staggering. They already had the nerve to compare it Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, and now they're boasting about how it will be the best selling new IP in history. It appears that Bungie and Activision are run by the very dudebros they cater to.

Guys... you make 2nd rate multi player games, not art. There's nothing to be proud of. You'll make a boat load of money, and then everyone will forget you ever existed.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Another guy wanting to set unreasonable expectations and over hype their property? Sometimes I think Activision gets a free pass mostly because EA just manages to make themselves look so much worse by comparison.


New member
Jun 4, 2009

"We've already spent an ungodly amount of money on development and marketing so if we don't get earth-shattering sales our shareholders will be pissed."

Colt47 said:
Another guy wanting to set unreasonable expectations and over hype their property? Sometimes I think Activision gets a free pass mostly because EA just manages to make themselves look so much worse by comparison.
Hell, just a scant few years ago Activision was Satan incarnate of the AAA industry. Then around 2010 or so EA decided it wouldn't be outdone at being a soulless, alienating publisher and gladly adopted every terrible business policy it could.

Since then Activision has just seemed content to make buttloads of money off of CoD and WoW. Come to think of it I don't believe Activision has released much outside of the Transformers games in the last few years that draw the hardcore audiences attention.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
This looks like yet another generic military-science fiction shooter to me. Pass also.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
I have no doubt that Destiny will do well. That said, I cannot give an answer to the amount it will sell, as I left my crystal ball in my house in Whiterun.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Big words Activision, but I bet that you will eat your words a month after the game releases.

The fact that this game is a MMOFPS and doesn't release on PC still baffles the fuck out of me.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Companies who say that their upcoming product will be the best product ever are companies that apparently understand marketing.

People who believe an unseen/untested product will be the best product ever based on said company's statement? Gullible.

That's not to say this won't be the next big thing. I'd be lying if I haven't already shown several friends the gameplay of this game (you know, the one with the terribly forced dialogue) and am excited about it. But I'm also looking forward to Tom Clancy's "The Division" and "The Elder Scrolls Online" and I've only go so much time in a day.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I would love this game to bomb spectacularly now! It doesn't even sound like this comment was made with the real numbers in mind.

10 million is optimistic but reachable. Over 40 million is just silly, there aren't that many people who want to play a game like this.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
I was intrigured to check out such a bold claim, but then i read this is not coming for PC and suddenly my care-o-meter dropped to 0.

Whatever ActiBlizz *shrug* D3 was praised like tripple cunted hookers too and even though it sold it was "meh".


New member
Apr 23, 2013
Careful Activision. You're coming dangerously close to admitting that new IP can be successful >:)


Aug 25, 2013
Li Mu said:
I think we can all see the problem here.
This is a man who's idea of success is creating a game which sells. This is a HUGE problem and is one of the main things wrong with the industry. There is absolutely no mention of attempting to make a game which is GOOD. Quality is clearly not important to this man, only profit.
I want to belive that since we know 0 about this game, his logic is that the game is OMGWTFBBQ good, therefore it will sell like... Well, like nothing else has before, actually.

Buuuut then it doesn't sound like the kind of guy who uses much logic, judging by peoples comments.

Mooboo Magoo

New member
Aug 22, 2011
Flutterguy said:
How many of you are all of a sudden willing to look into Destiny to see if it is worth buying?

Well played Kotick.
I actually want the game even less now just so the game will sell less copies and he will have to eat his words with his stupid face. I'm kind of a cynical bastard though.

The game isn't coming out on PC though, so there is no way I'd get it anyway.
Apr 5, 2008
Grouchy Imp said:
Flutterguy said:
How many of you are all of a sudden willing to look into Destiny to see if it is worth buying?

Well played Kotick.
I'll pass. I was quite interested in Destiny until Bungie said in a pre-release statement about six months ago that it would be set as a persistent online world. Lost all interest as soon as I read that.

OT: So Kotick is already referring to Destiny as a franchise before the game is even out? Wow. The IP hasn't even sold one copy and this guy is already dreaming about how best to milk it.
Couldn't agree more. I'd say it was another "Amalur" train wreck in the making, counting chickens before they hatch and whatnot, but at least Bungie have a track record.

Also to add, it's not even coming to PC so that's a huge chunk of gamers (and gamers who like shooters), who couldn't play it even if they wanted to.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
synobal said:
Valve has never done this, valve's fans have. Valve has fans because they make phenomenal games.
That is a statement of opinion. IMO they haven't made anything worth more than a rental in like 16 years. Also SiN episodes is better than HL2 in every way from where I'm standing. just sayin.

OT: Shut up Kotick I really want Destiny to be amazing and to be rewarded with high sales, but if you keep yapping you will only hurt sales. And the last thing I wan't is for Destiny to sell horribly then have Activison use that as "proof" that people don't want new IPs.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
I just can't see it happening, (as others have pointed out) its not being released for the PC even if its a smaller market its still a market and then when they made this comment to Destructoid, I lost any interest in Bungie.

We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game ? almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo ?cause nobody wants to.

Now, with this generation of consoles more of my friends have stopped buying a console and bought a PC because they don't want to bother with consoles anymore and they wanted to use digital services like Steam and GoG, I just can't see it meeting these claims.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Big Talk but Gameplay speaks louder then empty words buddy and so far I've seen very little of it from Destiny, not that I think it will be bad I always give a game a fair chance, but that said I don't have much faith in the game industry anymore and with good reason...

So yeah, tell me that when I hear from all my trusted reviewers and friends about how amazing Destiny is...

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Riiight, fastest selling new IP of all time, while initially launching only on the 360 and PS3. Good luck with that.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Flutterguy said:
How many of you are all of a sudden willing to look into Destiny to see if it is worth buying?

Well played Kotick.
Indeed, this has turned me from intreiged to losing interest, if Activision is so arrogant about how successful it will be then it can only mean bad things for the consumer. Also the whole always online requirement has already stubbed my interest, maybe in the $10 bin if it still works then.

Grouchy Imp said:
I'll pass. I was quite interested in Destiny until Bungie said in a pre-release statement about six months ago that it would be set as a persistent online world. Lost all interest as soon as I read that.

OT: So Kotick is already referring to Destiny as a franchise before the game is even out? Wow. The IP hasn't even sold one copy and this guy is already dreaming about how best to milk it.
Same here, the whole "it'll be the best game ever until we turn the servers off and make your disk into a coaster" kinda killed any interest in it for me.