Activision Donates $1 Million to Veterans' Foundation


Tank Ninja
Feb 19, 2006
CarrionRoc said:
Considering that Activision has made MILLIONS off of the Call of Duty series giving 1 mil to the Veteran's Foundation seems like a really low number.
I think the appropriate phrase is Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. They didn't have to donate anything. They also didn't give one million to a Veterans' foundation they created one, which would indicate that they would continue to donate to it.
Feb 13, 2008
Much as I can commend the person who suggested and gave the money, I think the major backlash here should be against the fact that ActiBlizz are having to set this up in the first place.

If the Army (and by rights, the Government who called them out) can't support veterans, it's a poor show when it's gaming companies, maligned by all and sundry, are the ones stepping into support those who have fought for our freedom.

I'll not deny that it's a great thing for servicemen, but the cynic hats will be going on over the timing. And double over the men they're recruiting to their side.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Well, I never thought any game publisher as evil. It is a profit business, after all. So, I didn't blame companies for canceling promising titles. This reaffirms my faith in big game companies even more.


New member
Nov 1, 2009
Slycne said:
CarrionRoc said:
Considering that Activision has made MILLIONS off of the Call of Duty series giving 1 mil to the Veteran's Foundation seems like a really low number.
I think the appropriate phrase is Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. They didn't have to donate anything. They also didn't give one million to a Veterans' foundation they created one, which would indicate that they would continue to donate to it.
hear hear. when you donate to charities, do you put half your pay slip in? no. is it still worth doing? yes absoloutely.

well done Activision. Double well done for putting money towards a aim we can all support, troops need and deserve jobs having been through all the shit they do. double double well done for doing it without really waiting for the real storm to kick off.

the bad media has only just started for MW2, and if it takes off it makes me feel slightly warmer inside that Activison made this donation before it seemed like they were doing it just for a political gimmick. hell i can actually belive they did it out of the warmness of their cold, dead hearts.

in fact $1,000,000 coming from a company which had no need to give anything away is a absoloute miracle. standing ovation to Activision.

(now fix the sodding steam issues and activate dedicated servers so we can shut these whiney PC ****ers up!)


New member
Mar 28, 2009
1 million isnt that much, WoW makes 195 times that a month.

then again blizzard is almost its entire own company, with an entire "Fuck off or we will fuck you up" clause in the contract to buy activision


New member
Oct 9, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC
I really, really, really hope this is a poor attempt at making a joke and/or trolling.

Because I cannot grok the idea that someone would have a PC tower so big in a very uncomfortable place.
i... really have no idea wtf yer talking about there haha.....


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Kalezian said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Well at least Activision is trying to not be evil anymore. (Also, is that an ARMY DOG?)
yes, that is.

why doesnt he have his bullet proof vest on?

god damnit, who cut the funding again!

but OT, way to go Activision, now you will give the PC fanboys more ammo with "They could of used that money to put in dedicated servers!!111!!11oneoneoneeleven!"
That post is full of win sir!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
toapat said:
1 million isnt that much, WoW makes 195 times that a month.

then again blizzard is almost its entire own company, with an entire "Fuck off or we will fuck you up" clause in the contract to buy activision
Indeed. Its just enough money to get them press without being enough money to harm their profit margin too much.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Vlane said:
How nice of them.

I still hate the company though.
Pretty much my thoughts on this, this is a great thing that they're doing, but Activision itself (more specifically, Bobby Kotick) still pisses me off.

Though now I'm debating at whether or not to buy Modern Warfare 2. Probably borrow it from a friend.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
if my extra 10 dollars on MW2 is going to a vet fund, It will more than justify the increase.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
I really appreciate what Activision is doing. I know a lot of guys who want to get out but can't because of the economy, so they stay on another 4-6 years. While I still dont fully trust Activision, I think this a step in the right direction for their immage.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
Slycne said:
CarrionRoc said:
Considering that Activision has made MILLIONS off of the Call of Duty series giving 1 mil to the Veteran's Foundation seems like a really low number.
I think the appropriate phrase is Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. They didn't have to donate anything. They also didn't give one million to a Veterans' foundation they created one, which would indicate that they would continue to donate to it.
Oh, THEY made one. Ok, I didn't see that. I thought they donated to the Foundation of American Veterans or a group like that.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
Is this money only going to American vets or British ones too. After all, our guys have fought alongside American troops in nearly every conflict in the last century.
If it does then go Activision, if it doesn't, still go Activision but not as much


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Kalezian said:
dududf said:
uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC

Pretty much this.

Good PR won't fix all of the anger going around.
yes, because a video game is more important than helping people that really need help.

I hope they add a way for regular people to donate soon, I would gladly put some money to a good cause.

also, let me quote this guy real quick:

uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC
Im not sure what your trying to say, helping people doesn't matter because they supposedly muffed up a game? That by making a charitable organization that more than likely will file for 501c, that is a non-profit organization for those less legally inclined, means they shouldn't help people during a time where unemployment is on the rise?

let me get this right, because they 'messed', I use these ' because I have yet to see how exactly the game is bad, your game up, they shouldnt do something good.

let me re-post this:

It was more of a joke than anything, but I'm glad you were able to over analyze it so hard ;) take a look at that picture for me really quick, i think it applies just a bit both ways.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Kalezian said:
dududf said:
uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC

Pretty much this.

Good PR won't fix all of the anger going around.
yes, because a video game is more important than helping people that really need help.
You seem like a intelligent person, so I assume this slipped your mind.

Activision doesn't give a flying fuck about disabled people or people in need.

It's all for sales, it's all about the game they are trying to sell at the moment. Good PR sells, this will sell.

All I was trying to convey.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Kalezian said:
why doesnt he have his bullet proof vest on?

god damnit, who cut the funding again!
The MoD just spent it on more Helicopters we can't fly because they didn't write the contract to include the activation codes (sadly, a true story).