Activision Donates $1 Million to Veterans' Foundation


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Kalezian said:
Doug said:
Kalezian said:
why doesnt he have his bullet proof vest on?

god damnit, who cut the funding again!
The MoD just spent it on more Helicopters we can't fly because they didn't write the contract to include the activation codes (sadly, a true story).
yea, I read about that commander who complained they didnt have enough heli's to go around, then few weeks later got killed by an I.E.D., highest ranking officer killed since the Falklands?

dududf said:
Kalezian said:
dududf said:
uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC

Pretty much this.

Good PR won't fix all of the anger going around.
yes, because a video game is more important than helping people that really need help.
You seem like a intelligent person, so I assume this slipped your mind.

Activision doesn't give a flying fuck about disabled people or people in need.

It's all for sales, it's all about the game they are trying to sell at the moment. Good PR sells, this will sell.

All I was trying to convey.
so, then by that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who is currently making a dollar for dollar donation to Rotary International to help with Polio Vaccinations is only good PR against Macintosh, I get what your saying, no one ever has any good intentions whatsoever and any good thing they ever do is for publicity.

yea that makes a whole lot of sense if you think about it.
Don't get so freaken defensive I'm merely making a point.

Also, the Gates donation is seperate from their company, it's just them bleeding money for those in need.

I'm speaking from a COMPANY perspective, they want money, they need money, they do what they can to MAKE money.


New member
May 31, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Because I cannot grok the idea that someone would have a PC tower so big in a very uncomfortable place.
I can't believe GROK IS A WORD!!!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Malicious said:
Very nice of Activision to actually give something back to :p
yes activision.

Blizzard already dumps a large portion of its 2.4 billion a year (out of a total company 5 billion a year), so you cant call them evil, they afterall do at least redistribute money outside of the company.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
i can't help but feel they're doing this for publicity, but at the same time, out of all the lesser expensive ways (which probably would have yielded greater results, cuz honestly how many people are going to hear of this over $1 mil spent on tv ads)they chose to do this. So grats to you guys, well played.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Kalezian said:
dududf said:
Don't get so freaken defensive I'm merely making a point.

Also, the Gates donation is seperate from their company, it's just them bleeding money for those in need.

I'm speaking from a COMPANY perspective, they want money, they need money, they do what they can to MAKE money.
actually, if you go back and read the article, they MADE the organization, as a non-profit charity if has to donate a set % of total fiscal earnings per year, the absolute minimum is %5 I believe.

from a company perspective, they made a charity that will bring in zero profit.
Fucking 404 error gets me again.

Too lazy to type up entire post again, so I'm going to summarize.

First I already said that it was for PR. They will not profit DIRECTLY from charity, more for the INDIRECT income they get for the PR.

Also one more thing, don't think like a morally just person, think like a cynical bastard and you'll see what I'm pointing out. (Implying that I'm thinking like a cynical bastard to see what the company is thinking, not me as the cynical bastard, before you get a smug look.)


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Good PR motives aside, if it actually helps people, I can't really fault it. How many companies even pay lip service while Activision is spending a not insignificant sum in a charitable cause. It may be intended to untimately sell more games, but at least some of the money is going towards a good cause.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Activision doesn't give a flying fuck about disabled people or people in need.

It's all for sales, it's all about the game they are trying to sell at the moment. Good PR sells, this will sell.

All I was trying to convey.
This is basically what I was going to say, I doubt Activision really did it because they genuinely want to help.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Alright Kotick. You can take off the demon horns for today. But the pitchfork stays, since I assume this is just for good PR.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
So this is why they don't have dedicated servers. Ha, maybe some fanboys will take a breath between flamings when they see that it went to a good cause. Good on you, and it might even help make up for the Rememberance Day release (facepalm).

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Coldly, you could say that the reason Bobby's doing this is to help the economy, not people... and he does say that, really.

I give no salute, do with your money what you will, Bobby.


New member
Aug 3, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
uppitycracker said:
That still doesn't excuse what they did to the PC
I really, really, really hope this is a poor attempt at making a joke and/or trolling.

Because I cannot grok the idea that someone would have a PC tower so big in a very uncomfortable place.
Ahahahahaha, ahh Mr Funk, good call, good call.


OT: I dislike some of the comments made from Mr Kotick in the past, but this gesture is good in nature so he deserves praise. Veterans are human beings as well!


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Mcface said:
if my extra 10 dollars on MW2 is going to a vet fund, It will more than justify the increase.
The money they sent to the vets is the money that was once intended to be Grant Collier's paycheck. The MW2 extortion cash goes directly to Bobby Kotick, who i can imagine was vehemently opposed to this decision until somebody took a great deal of time to explain him the benefits of the likely increased sales to gullible idiots who believe that anything that supports "our boys" or whatever is a must buy.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
You know..

Novalogic did this years ago with Delta Force:Blackhawk Down.Proceeds from the sale of that game when to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

However,good on Activision for doing this.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
What? Kotick actually donated to charity? To help veterans? That's unbeliveable! That's impossible! FATAL ERROR! DOES NOT COMPUTE! OVERLOAD! OVERLO-

*head essplodes*


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Kalezian said:
Doug said:
Kalezian said:
why doesnt he have his bullet proof vest on?

god damnit, who cut the funding again!
The MoD just spent it on more Helicopters we can't fly because they didn't write the contract to include the activation codes (sadly, a true story).
yea, I read about that commander who complained they didnt have enough heli's to go around, then few weeks later got killed by an I.E.D., highest ranking officer killed since the Falklands?
That, sadly, is also true - but I was specifically refering to the fact that they do have about 15 more helicopters ready to go IF they had a activation codes that made them operate correctly. The original MoD contract didn't include them, see, so the supplying company (from America, I think) decided to withhold them. Clever MoD indeed, more penny pinching come back to bite them on the arse.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Not to be rude or anything, but concidering the szize of Activision, isn't 1 milion dollars kinda cheap?