Activision Joins the Anti-Used Games Crusade

Apr 28, 2008
Want people to buy new? Lower the price of games. Want to lower the price of games? Stop spending so much on game development. How do you stop spending so much on development? Just don't pour so much money into the epic graphix, that should save you a nice chunk of change.

And besides Activision, you have WoW. You have a steady supply of money, your fine. So forgive me about not giving a shit about you complaining about money.


New member
Oct 9, 2008

I love how everyone is using this as ANOTHER excuse to claim activision is the devil. Guess people don't care when it's every other publisher. The fact that Activision is folling suit with every other big name publisher on the planet should be no surprise to anyone. It only makes sense to follow the latest trend, doesn't it? And no, I don't agree with it at all. But I'm at least not childish enough to just jump on the "Activision is the Anti Christ" bandwagon in this case just because it's another opportunity.
Nov 7, 2009
Y'know, I don't have broadband or XBOX Live or anything like that, so this actually doesn't affect me at all. I've never had DLC or multiplayer. :/

So, yeah. This doesn't really bother me.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
See kids, this is why you shouldn't buy DLC (or Activision products for that matter). Doing so supports terrible things.

UnableToThinkOfName said:
Y'know, I don't have broadband or XBOX Live or anything like that, so this actually doesn't affect me at all. I've never had DLC or multiplayer. :/

So, yeah. This doesn't really bother me.
In that case it especially affects you. The games you buy will be stripped down and lacking in content unless you start paying through the teeth for the DLC packs that are stuffed with things you should be getting in the game itself.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well, there goes any credibility the antip-used game crusade had. Now they've got the evil overlord on their side.

I think Activision is severely missing the point here... or they would be if they were still trying to keep up the pretense of not being evil.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I cant see this really working for activision, I wouldnt be surprised if they have a code for something free with new copies of games then suddenly get greedy and decide you have to pay 20 bucks to use the code


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
You think $60 USD is bad.

$70 Canadian. With 1 Canadian Dollar = 97 U.S. Dollars.

Now that's getting jipped. Especially when most other games here come out at $50-$60 Canadian.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Good to see Activision are trying to improve relations with their user base as they promised. I couldn't care less about DLCs as long as they don't go the Assassin's Creed route of actually cutting out an important part of the game to sell it separately later. Because that's just a massive di*k move !


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I support this action. The more publishers on this route of carrot over stick approach to games distribution, the better. Americans are getting ripped off at GameStop anyway, and for 89 bucks AUD, the more content included Day One the better.

Now that Activision is on board, watch the smaller publishers follow suit.

Still not paying for Modern Warfare 2 until that suit is settled, however.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Starke said:
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Sixty USD, I'm not sure what that works out in Pounds Sterling, but, yeah. Especially since it hasn't come down in price since it was released.
£55 in the UK actually (I just checked) which is a fair bit more expensive than $60. In fact, are you sure that's how much it was? $60 is ~£35!

Autofaux said:
I support this action. The more publishers on this route of carrot over stick approach to games distribution, the better. Americans are getting ripped off at GameStop anyway, and for 89 bucks AUD, the more content included Day One the better.

Now that Activision is on board, watch the smaller publishers follow suit.

Still not paying for Modern Warfare 2 until that suit is settled, however.
So you like the idea of £15 map packs? Interesting.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
See I'm not adverse to DLC free with propper retail/full price/brand-spanking-new games, as long as the content is something I want. Like I kinda WANTED the Blood Dragon armor in DA:O, so I brought a copy to get it, plus it copies over to ME2 which was another nice thing (or will be when I get round to playing ME2).
But they have to make the stuff worth having on some level. If it had been "Buy this game new and your player gets a different hat" or some shit like that... well then piss off I'll get it where it's cheapest, unless I particually support the dev in question.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Autofaux said:
I support this action. The more publishers on this route of carrot over stick approach to games distribution, the better. Americans are getting ripped off at GameStop anyway, and for 89 bucks AUD, the more content included Day One the better.

Now that Activision is on board, watch the smaller publishers follow suit.

Still not paying for Modern Warfare 2 until that suit is settled, however.
Most likely they will just cut out stuff that they planned to release with the game and say it´s the DLC.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Gamers: Do the rational thing. DON'T BUY FROM ACTIVISION if you don't agree with their pricing schemes.


New member
Nov 1, 2009
Wouldn't adding exclusive DLC cost more money to develop? So, wouldn't the price of games be driven up more?

Hopeless Bastard said:
You people realize retailers are mostly responsible for the current pricing of new games, right? Even if publishers started selling new copies at lower rates to retailers, retailers would still price them at $50-$70 so as to maintain/increase the viability of their "used games" model.

Also, first sale doctrine is great for consumers. But its being exploited by massive corporations for extreme profits. To that point they're making it look like a legal loophole.

So, yea, this is an incredibly shitty situation for everyone except retailers. Even consumers are getting fucked, as they're essentially being forced to pay for pirate copies.
Hmm.. I didn't think that the retailers were to blame.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
THIS! I dont unterstand why so many people find it ok for the publishers to openly declare reselling a bad thing.

Corporal Bill

New member
Jun 23, 2010
Tarakos said:
This can only end badly. For gamers. For Activision, I'm sure they'll make millions. Maybe they will go through with the subscription idea for their multiplayer games.
For crying out loud.

I hate DLC

And they'll make it you can only be subscriber if its not 2nd hand