Tzekelkan said:
MW2 sold better than chocolate eggs on the eve of Easter, how could it get any more popular? Oh no, I think I know what they're naming it...
Call of Twilight: Modern Farmville?
Aw, you beat me to it...
How to broaden the appeal even more: release it for every platform known to man (consoles, PC, Macs, i-anything, browser games, etch-a-sketch, etc), and include all those characters from TV that people like these days (Jack Bauer vs House, the Twilight twats, every anime character ever designed, etc), and give out free candy with every purchase. Oh, and insert an automatic racist/homophobic/stupid quote generator for those twitchy 13 year old xbox live-tards.
Broad enough? Meh, could use some God of War-esque bosses, and maybe some WoW-esque addictive crap. Maybe add a leveling system to it, and mounts! And tits (I mean the Dante's Inferno and all...)! Oh, wouldn't that be great?
In all seriousness, CoD6:MW2 has about as broad of an appeal as possible, and the quality reflects that. Widening the appeal makes money, but it reduces the result to mundane crap that we have all seen somewhere else, only better. If Sledgehammer want to go through with it, good for them, but don't expect any money from me...