TheDutchin said:
stabbymcstabs said:
I have no idea why you would even go into a fight like this, its just a last ditch effort from activision to try and get some flak on EA,hoping to make more people buy their game. I got a message for you Activision "It aint gonna work", just pointing this out to the community shows that your one of the people who bitches when you get called names, running up to your mum and cying about it.
Harden up and work on your titles, theres no need to bicker about meaningless disputes like this. Hell if you had taken more time to work then ***** you wouldnt have this sort of problem would you?
erm... did you confuse activison and EA........
it was pretty evident that activisions CEO was the one who said "lets stop the bickering"...
misremembering the article while posting or BF3 fanboy/CoD hater, hopefully it is the former
Yea sorry about that some of it is ponted at the wrong company (i have short term memory loss)
But the messgae still stands in a way. For both companies
EA brags about their game being superior.
Activision acts polite and calm trying to be the good guy
(this is completely false, when could activision ever be good, they fired I.W's creators just from greed)
EA responds with the same gesture
im my mind EA has the right to brag (but not too much)
Im not saying im a EA fanboy and a cod hater (I have both series and play and enjoy them equaly) Its just Activision has alot to do if they want to run against them. Instead of recycling a already made game and renaming it as a sequal, take a page from EA and take some time to create a game insted of running your developers into the ground by forcing them to make a game every year and expecting it to be the turn of the century you want it to be.
Because its not going to happen.