Admit what games you suck at.


New member
May 4, 2009
Weirdly enough, I can't think of any games I'm legitimately BAD at. I've always been very good at getting the hang of things pretty quickly, and as soon as I know my enemy, I'm very hard to kill.

To be fair, strategy games make me nervous. I've always been a defence-first type of person. In Dawn of War, I liked to build my base up, set up a perimeter of turrets and position infantry teams in craters between my base and the enemy's.

I quickly learned that this method does not work online. Unfortunately, Chaos Space Marines are somewhat unbalanced. The average marine is an overpowered monstrosity, and they can be churned out quickly and cheaply, rushing your base so you can't even hope to develop superior technology. My own space marines held them back at the craters, but for every squad that died, I had to get reinforcements across the fields to the crater, while the enemy just had a god-damn steady stream of them. Relief came when my ally came in with a few vehicles, mostly flamer-armed ones, but then we lost the game, because enemy #2 had been waiting for this, and rushed the ally's base while his men were reinforcing mine. That left me with two streams to cope with. I went down fighting...I have THAT to be proud of.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
I suck hard at racing games (I think Ridge Racer Revolution was the last one i beat without cheats) and real-time strategy (I love strategy games but am only any good at the turn-based variety).

I'm mweh on FPS but i'm not overkeen on them either so its no great loss.


New member
May 6, 2011
no genre in general i suck at, but i really did badly at games like Arma 2 or such with all the complicated buttons...


New member
Feb 21, 2010
I suck at rts'. I really love them but boy am I shit at them. I play multi-player a lot, but not with them, because i just get owned every time i go on it haha.

Supreme commander comes to mind, and I've never played starcraft but I don't need to play it to know I would get owned hard.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Blue Deity said:
All First Person shooters and racers, but then again I suck at em cause I never play em
Pretty much this, though rather than sucking at specific ones, I'm only good at specific ones. I'm good at 90's style FPS games, and can beat all my friends at Mario Kart, but other than that I shoot and drive like I've got no arms.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I cannot for the life of me play RTS games. I lent Command And Conquor (I forget which one exactly) from a friend once... couldn't even get past the first stage.
Also, as much I like the game, I can't really play Valkyria Chronicles either. Not sure why I'm bad at it, guess I'm just not very good at tactics.
Blazblue: Calamity Trigger was too difficult for me on the Normal difficulty. Then I only just managed to complete the Arcade mode on Easy. I like the game, but it doesn't like me...


New member
Sep 28, 2010
I just recently bought my first call of duty game (MW3) for the xbox 360. It is the first fps I am playing online and it is hard. For now I am always at the bottom of the ranking list. I am getting better at a slow pace.
I used to play alot of fps on the PC and was good at them but the controler is not my type of input device :). I do see it as a challenge to get better with a controler. So maybe in time I will be at the top.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I suck at COD, I simply seem to always raise my gun way too late. I'm not too good at RTSs either.


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
First and foremost:
davidmc1158 said:

Started with the old Command and Conquer. Found out I was the one being conquered. I get too caught up with a battle in one corner of the board and then get flanked by another set of units. Every. Stinking. Time.
Exactly this. C&C introducing me to the Rts-genre, while at the same time presenting me the 1st Genre I immediatly sucked at even for beginner-standards...and hardly got much better with time.

Also (and this 1 is hard to admit as One of the infamous self-proclaimed forgotten Tekken-Gods of past console Generations,
demi-god of MK 1-3 and...a lil more than decent Guilty Gear X-clobbernaut):

*sigh*...I just suck at BlazBlue!
I do love it, but don't even get the mid-long combos to work properly in practice.
So...I avoided online-matches...sticking with the cpu so I still can feel competetive
The Shame...
Sep 9, 2007
Pretty much any and every shooter bar the Half Life series, Killing Floor (Not that I play it much), Painkiller and Serious Sam First/Second Encounter.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
im terrible at RTS games. even with things like Warcraft 2, i was great at the custom paintball gametype, but the typical gametypes were the ones i could never win at. same thing with Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2, and Halo Wars. even when i felt like i was doing good, the opponents would suddenly just whip my ass.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I suck at plenty of games :p

Half of the fighting games
The majority of the FPS genre (can only hold my own in TF2)
and RTS. TBS is okay

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
I suck at League of Legends. I have played intermittently since Beta, got a nice Blue Adjudicator forum avatar, but I suck at the game.

In the chaos of combat, I occasionally lose my character in the myriad of colours, I make bad decisions regarding where to go and pick fights I sometimes can't win. I have to stick to face-roll characters like Malzahar to maintain a decent K:D ratio.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
I kinda suck at bullet-hell games, though it's probably because I am not motivated enough to remember shooting patterns where you are only save in some pixels.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Pretty much every RTS game under the sun. I used to be really bad at BlazBlue as well but I'm slowly getting better at the various combos, it felt awesome when I won my first match online, with an Astral Finish no less.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
I am (or was) rather good at RTSes. Back until around 2001, I managed to maintain a pretty rad BattleNET ladder score on Starcraft. Now I am merely reasonably good at them. Except for Age of Empires 3, which.. didn't sit with me for some reason.

I am quite decent all-round at FPSes, but hate most 3PS games, especially the retardedly oblong-cam 'over the shoulder' ones like Dead Space, which was, frankly, extremely disorienting.

I am average at fighting games, but anyone mashing buttons fast enough is average at fighting games, so I suppose by general gamer standards I suck at them. However some of them I suck more at than others, like Soul Calibur 3 and 4.

I can't make any excuses for my performance in Dragon Age though. When I first posted about the game I complained that the gameplay and level-up mechanics are unintuitive and impenetrable, and I completely missed out on any proper healers during my 3 day stint, but I have to concede after some distinguished thought that it is me who sucked and not the game.

And I am horrible. Horrible. At Super Smash Bros. But that may have to do with my lack of motivation to play the game well.