InterAirplay said:
Already saw this, it's the cutest gaming-related thing I've ever seen. And I like how the father's comments indicate a better knowledge of how to be an adequate parent than any of the deranged yammering that the more misguided of our moral guardians like to indulge in.
A bad parent asks how the world can change to best accomodate their child. A good parent knows how to introduce a child to the world.
Could be the first time I've quoted someone who's been banned, but damn this guy speaks sense on THIS subject.
Don't try to wrap your child in cotton wool. Obviously don't sit em down at 3 and make them watch Hostel, but if they come in and you're playing something like Skyrim, and you think they're capable of knowing right and wrong, then talk to them, engage them, and maybe let them have a wander about.
As they said, she liked 'running around and jumping into streams'. that's kinda what I'd expect her to do IRL.
Did little boys not make gun shapes with their fingers and run around shouting 'BANG' before Modern Warfare came out?
I'm gonna gender stereotype here, but boys in particular are fascinated with violence and death, and most of their made up imagination games factor it in. 'you're DEAD' 'No I'm not you got me in the leg!', doesn't necessarily come from playing video games.
Also, the father explained what happened, and she's learned that you can't just do what you like when you're told 'no', even if you won't actually get 'sworded' IRL
That father's done more for responsible parenting in about 3 minutes of video that Keith Vaz, Arnie Schwarzenegger and Jack Thompson's entire careers.