

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Alcohol is like a wife. Love it very very much, but I see it every day and it's always asking me to take out the garbage and our privet time hasn't been the same since I knocked it up...


New member
Feb 13, 2010
DividedUnity said:
Well that pic was taken quite a long time ago. I just never bothered getting a better one im not photogenic.

My friend has the same problem as you. Hes 18 but even though he looks quite old in the face hes quite short so he always gets hit for it
Ah, ok. That makes sense, I was wondering where the hell you live to get alcohol at 16 in clubs and pubs.

I never get ID'd when I've got my head shaved, which is pretty much all the time now, so that's a plus.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Wolf-AUS said:
DividedUnity said:
Well that pic was taken quite a long time ago. I just never bothered getting a better one im not photogenic.

My friend has the same problem as you. Hes 18 but even though he looks quite old in the face hes quite short so he always gets hit for it
Ah, ok. That makes sense, I was wondering where the hell you live to get alcohol at 16 in clubs and pubs.

I never get ID'd when I've got my head shaved, which is pretty much all the time now, so that's a plus.
Perhaps a bit off topic but in Germany at 16 you can legally buy wine and beer. It is only spirits and such restricted to over 18s. You can buy alcohol pretty much anywhere even in the cinema


New member
Feb 13, 2010
DividedUnity said:
Perhaps a bit off topic but in Germany at 16 you can legally buy wine and beer. It is only spirits and such restricted to over 18s. You can buy alcohol pretty much anywhere even in the cinema
Really? That would have been nice to know when I was over there.

Aylaine said:
Haseo21 said:
What is your relationship with alcoholic beverages?
None. There is no advantage to drinking.
You sound remarkably like my brain the morning after having a little too much.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
I was born with one kidney. My body can NOT process alcohol.

Therefore, I do not drink. Ever.

However, on the plus side. I get free sodas and water at all the bars I will go to in the future, having to drive my drunk friends home.

Kind of a bittersweet status for me.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Aylaine said:
So you feel that way after being plastered? :p
Most definately, but you need more !!! in your first post and then it probably should have been in all caps. After that, I would have been fairly certain you were in fact, actually my brain.

On topic, I recently listened to my brain, and I have not had anything to drink for a good 5/6 months, currently, I see no reason to go back to it. Well played brain, I think you have won.

Haha, that has to be one of the weirder posts I've done in a while :D


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
That one friend, you know, the one who causes trouble and you really should know better than to hang out with.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
We're not very good friends...I actually don't like it at all. I don't mind other people seeing alcohol though. I just won't talk to him.

Seriously though, I don't care for it, never have...and probably never will. Just can't get over the terrible taste.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Aylaine said:
I like your brain. We should go out sometime.

Someone once told me that, because I don't have many problems in my life, and I deal with the ones that I do get logically and quickly (none of that what if business) I don't see the ''appeal'' in drinking. In response, I said ''if you are trying to escape something by being drunk, you are definitely doing it wrong.''
I'm glad someone likes it, constantly getting in the way of things with his friend conscience.

Well, seems you're quite lucky to not have any problems, not everyone has that luxury and from personal experience with it, I can see how alcohol can be used to forget (every)things. In saying that, Alcohol easily got me into more problems than it got me out of.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
AbsoluteVirtue18 said:
I don't drink, I'm not old enough.
Doesn't stop most.


I don't drink. I'm not old enough. That's not the reason why, seeing as I could probably get alcohol within four minutes of showing up to school in the morning if I wanted to (and marijuana within 2 minutes). I don't use it because I'm straight edge.

The fact does remain that I'm not old enough though.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Aylaine said:
That's my main reason for not seeing any real advantage to it. Ontop of killing your liver, and making you more likely to make a mistake or do something you wouldn't already, you are also not really forgetting about anything. It just goes away for like a day, so in the end you don't really end up with anything. You're back to square one. Doesn't seem so bad, but if you constantly do it, eventually something will happen. Even if it's small.

All of my problems I solve easily, because I'm a logical thinker. I go by my feelings too, but I don't let them lead me into bad decision making. That's mostly why I can solve most of my problems on my own, and fast.
Plus it can really screw up the relationships you have with those you care about. I mean, I've had to leave home because of my mother's/soon-too-be-stepfather's alcohol abuse. That is the main reason I find alcohol a vile substance. Those other reasons are mostly secondary to me.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
The first drink I had was when I was three. I mistaken my Dad's Kirin for apple juice. I only drink for ceremonial purposes. Bourbon is nice, but I hate Vodka. It tastes like Axe Deodorant was sprayed into my mouth, along with some sugar water.