Alleged Obsidian Dev Lashes Out at Alpha Protocol


New member
Apr 26, 2009
RedMenace said:
Obsidian: people who "bestowed" upon us the KOTOR2 and NWN2. Is anyone honestly surprised by this development?
Thats the history of Obsidian in a nutshell ain't it? Great ideas yet flawed execution. It's sad that Modders had to finish KotOR 2 in order to turn it into the great game it SHOULD have been from launch.

Yet another chapter for the flawed company =/


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Damn it, I pre-ordered it and I'm just going to cancel the order. For once I'm glad a game was released in EU first instead of NA (yeah, I know I'm lazy for abriviating continents and that typing this explaination out is probably taking much longer)


New member
Jul 6, 2009
RedMenace said:
Obsidian: people who "bestowed" upon us the KOTOR2 and NWN2. Is anyone honestly surprised by this development?
So Alpha Protocol will be a great game once you buy the expansion? That's pretty much how NWN2 unrolled, almost unplayable (it just ran like shit) until the first expansion. It wasn't bad after that expansion, it took care of a lot of issues within the engine itself.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Despite all that's been said about this game i'm gonna at least rent it anyway because it still looks like fun to me.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
DeadlyYellow said:
I can't help but wonder if this will see a large mod movement to polish and tweak the game.
Like the KOTOR 2 Restoration Mod? I hope so. The restored content for KOTOR 2 us great.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
Woodsey said:
Bretty said:
horrible horrible game.

Another reason why WoW is still here. So many MMOs poorly executed. And it seems to be stemming from Devs who think they are amazing, when they clearly aren't.
How did you get from a singleplayer game to the state of the MMO market?

OT: I was really looking forward to this. It's a shame Bioware didn't have it.
Actually, some of it's biggest problems parallel the first Mass Effect game: Good story, terrible combat. The graphics definately could have used an update, but I never use visuals as the make or break for games.

If anything, I think that this is just more evidence to justify a forced absorption of Obsidian into Bioware so that the head of Bioware can go in and fix everything wrong at Obsidian (which sounds more like severe management problems than anything else).
DustyDrB said:
Well Obsidian doesn't have a long history of building their own game from the ground up. They have capable people, no doubt. But their best work has come in cases where another developer handed an IP over. Still, I expected better. I still want to try it, but now I want to see a lot of gameplay footage because all I'm hearing about is glitches and clunky mechanics.

Also, whoever this source is at Obsidian should have the guts to say these things to his own company and not the media. It sounds like he assumed his bosses wouldn't listen.
Their biggest problems have mainly stemmed from rushed and unpolished work. If the recent step-by-step instructions [] on building a game by Bioware are any indication, Obsidian could use a lot more direction when it comes to polish, and Bioware is fairly good at doing that.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well I can say for sure the advertising was crap. As for the rest, it seems the consensus is it isn't so bad. Time will tell.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Sega takes heat as well for constantly changing the design requirements, which meant the studio wasn't able to settle on features to build and polish, but the bulk of the blame is placed squarely on Obsidian's shoulders
Oh, really? Damn..that's sad. And I was hoping that I could blame this one on Sega.

And apparently some super-douche was in charge of the project as well? Poor, poor Obsidian...

Well I can say for sure the advertising was crap.
Agreed. The second I saw the cheesy clip, my spidey-senses were tingling.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Bad bad escapist, you forget to link to your source (codex).

The odds were against Obs making a polished game, but Destructoid gets no credit for doing an "honest" review.

9/10 for Fallout3 and fail to mention all the flaws that sound all too familiar in their AP review (for the record I think FO3 is ok, just not that great); Jim is such a sellout.


The really, quite jolly rascal
Nov 12, 2009
I have been playing it off-and-on since it came out. It managed to replace Red Dead Redemption as my "current game" :)

It's... bad... but good :) The truth is, the game doesn't feel "unfinished" and it's not particuly glitchy, or buggy. It just feels... cheap. It doesn't feel worth £39.99. If this game was made by a smaller company and released for £24.99, we'd be lauding it as a shiny effort from a new company who maybe need to spend more time on the animations and writing.

Oh it also suffers from what I like to call Coin-op syndrome :) Sega and Capcom are the main offenders of this. Putting features in their games that would've been great back in the days of the Dreamcast, but that people have moved on from now. Like those little markers over the ladders... they're just so... arcadey and old. :)

I was looking forward to AP and I was going to pre-order it when it was coming out last year. The delays convinced me that the game was going to be... schizophrenic before it came out. But I thought it would be fun and damnit, it's fun :) It doesn't feel as much of a chore as RedDead does. Just don't expect it to keep you happy for 6 hours in a row. You'll be getting bored way before that :)

EDIT: And the idea is awesome. It's poorly implemented, but a spy action-RPG would've been good enough, but the "Kill important characters" thing that's in there too and the dialog system which requires the fast thinking... all are great ideas.
(To those who don't think it can work, ignore Mass Effect. Go back to Deus Ex. That's much more like this game.)


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Straying Bullet said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is fun even when played vanilla. Stalker is the greatest game series ever made and should be enjoyed by everyone, young and old.
Fixed that for you. :D

To be fair, the mods do make the game a million times more awesome, but even Vanilla STALKER is a ton of fun.

Anyhoo, I'm now suddenly very sad that AP turned out to apparantly only be a "meh" game. Damnit Obsidian, you guys had an excuse the last two times, I can't keep defending you guys after this one!


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Bretty said:
horrible horrible game.

Another reason why WoW is still here. So many MMOs poorly executed. And it seems to be stemming from Devs who think they are amazing, when they clearly aren't.
Alpha Protocol isn't a MMO... But it is a damn bad game!


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I'm having fun with it. It's a shame it has some flaws, but the game makes some interesting design choices that I just love.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
One the one hand every single element of the game is flawed and in need of improvement. On the other hand it's still one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a while.

Combat: It's clunky, and probably one of the things this person is talking about because it feels like there are plenty of pitfalls that could've been easily dodged. Fortunately, most of the problems go away on their own once you get a few skill points into combat skills. Some start out stronger than others. Rifles are probably the most consistent weapons, remaining useful throughout the game whereas pistols start out pathetically weak and later become almost overpowered. I haven't tried specializing in any other weapon type yet, so I can't really say anything about those.

The melee works fine, especially once you get Sagat's Tiger Knee-attack. If you combine that with resilience you can actually use melee most of the time.

Grenades work like they should. You hold down G and move your view to precision-place the grenade and then release to throw it. Unfortunately, grenades belong in the "gadgets"-category and take up the same slot as for instance stim packs. Switching between your various tools can get a bit annoying, especially if it has been your focus. Various gadgets include a tool that lets you reset alarms, EMP-grenades that shut down electronic locks and a sound generator which you can use to trick enemies into walking into traps.

So what's wrong with the combat? Two big things: For a long time your weapons will be highly inaccurate. The enemies will feel like bullet sponges simply because you can't hit them very well. This is especially annoying against some bosses with regenerating armor. You'll plink away on their armor for a while, and then they'll hide and regenerate it. What you're supposed to do is take steady aim on them to land an accurate critical attack, but it takes too long and doesn't really stop being an annoyance until the very end of the game.

Stealth: The stealth actually works, sort of. There have been complaints that the AI is stupid and sometimes won't notice you doing takedowns on people in the same room. And it's true. However, that doesn't make it any less fun! You're still spotted relatively easily so you'll need to make full use of abilities and studying enemy movement to get around. The biggest problem with the stealth isn't the system itself, but rather the level design making it close to impossible to use sometimes. Awareness sort of lets you see where enemies are, but often you'll get seen by someone who you could've sworn were behind a wall.

Story: It basically goes like this: It's obvious stuff was cut. I won't go into specifics, but most of the characters feel like they are missing some dialog here and there, and sometimes their entire story arcs seems to be gone. Because of this, when the end game starts you can be faced with something that makes no sense at all. The story hinges on an assumption made by one of the characters at the end of the first chapter, making it blindingly obvious that content was cut. Most of the characters are well-acted and well-written, with a few exceptions (one unfortunately being Thornton himself, who sounds about as aggressive/suave as a plank of wood). The bottom line is: There are memorable characters in there, many of whom seems to have had their content cut. Here's to hoping there will be DLC to fix this.

The graphics, huh? I can't really defend the graphics very much. The environments look pretty damn good, but no more than contemporary games. The character models look dated, and there are a few glitches here and there coupled with the occasional camera twirl out of nowhere. Oh yeah, and it takes a long time for textures to load at the start of levels. Then again, who gives a shit? I still play old 8-bit games because they're enjoyable experiences. If you let graphics get in the way of your enjoyment then you're probably better off just watching Avatar or something.

I'll sum it up as a unique experience that you should give a try unless it's the basic premise that's keeping you away. Or you're a graphics whore.
I guess.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
well from what I've seen online, the gameplay leaves something to be desired but the story is good? idk I HAD interest in this game, but that's put on the shelf for now


New member
Apr 24, 2010
DividedUnity said:
I got this game 2 days ago and I havent put it down since. It doesnt deserve the harsh reviews its getting because its actually quite fun to play through. It has its flaws but there are many other games out that are much worse and have gotten better ratings.
For some reason "fun" doesn't matter in ratings anymore, now it's all "how many different MP maps are on the disc?", "How good does the bloom look?" and for a lot of sites that do reviews "Is it easy enough that I can do well in it? If not, it's getting a 6 or less". I've had more fun with games that got bad reviews (coughDeadlyPremonitioncough) than games that got perfect 10's (GTA IV, I'm looking right at you. You were The Sims with better graphics)

That's why I wish people would actually try games before they read reviews. If you play Alpha Protocol and have the time of your life, then read the Destructoid review, you can call bullshit. However, if you never played it that review will cloud your judgement of the game whether you know it or not.


New member
May 31, 2009
CloudKiller said:
Overall it's not a bad game but I enjoyed KotOR 2 a lot more.
But does it deserve the 2/10 treatment?

Cause from what I'm reading, the game is mostly fun but flawed.

I mean the first Mass Effect is coming to mind here. Every reviewer lauded it but, as much as I enjoyed it, the games difficulty couldn't keep up and a lot of the enemies/buildings were recycled way too much...


New member
Oct 19, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
DividedUnity said:
I got this game 2 days ago and I havent put it down since. It doesnt deserve the harsh reviews its getting because its actually quite fun to play through. It has its flaws but there are many other games out that are much worse and have gotten better ratings.
For some reason "fun" doesn't matter in ratings anymore, now it's all "how many different MP maps are on the disc?", "How good does the bloom look?" and for a lot of sites that do reviews "Is it easy enough that I can do well in it? If not, it's getting a 6 or less". I've had more fun with games that got bad reviews (coughDeadlyPremonitioncough) than games that got perfect 10's (GTA IV, I'm looking right at you. You were The Sims with better graphics)

That's why I wish people would actually try games before they read reviews. If you play Alpha Protocol and have the time of your life, then read the Destructoid review, you can call bullshit. However, if you never played it that review will cloud your judgement of the game whether you know it or not.
Yeah when I mentioned there were worse games out there that got better reviews GTA IV was one I had in mind. That game bored me to death and I traded it in the day after I got it. Its my opinion so I take it with a pinch of salt. The destructoid review, wheter you enjoyed the game or not was overly harsh. I agree with you that it is bad that this review will colour their judgement and will more than likely have people jumping on the AP is horrible bandwagon without ever playing the game. Their loss though, cause I had fun.