Alright, hands up. Let's be honest here.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Not 100%, but I'm probably moving out this year. Unlike the 20+ people here though, this is more to be expected, since I'm only 18 and haven't finished school yet.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Nope, I'll never have to worry about falling into that particular trope.

Of course, that's more because none of my family has basements, but that's besides the point.

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
Yep, I do. But in my defense, I'm only sixteen years old, so I think that it's justifiable for at least a couple more years.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
No. I live in my bedroom in my parent's house. The idea's the same though I guess.

Not sure when I'll move out. I have to find a job and save up money to live on my own first.

At the moment, I'm in community college, so at least I'm doing something productive until then.
Epic Bear Man said:
I wish my home had a basement. ): You know how awesome it'd be to have a room that big?!
I know that feel. My room is so TINY. :(


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Redlin5 said: many of us literally live in our parent's basement?

I'm 21, working three jobs and trying to get into university in Vancouver to take a 4 year film course to get my degree and get into the industry. I'm here because the rent is cheap although I may move out and room with three friends I know from High School. Still waiting on that one to see how that'll pan out.

The point is my sister pointed out to me the other day the truth of it. I'm living in my folks basement.

I want out. I want to be independent and doing my own thing. Working two retail jobs and one Pizza job is boring. x.x

Anyway. Just wondering how many others here are in a similar situation.
HA! You live in your parents basement! You sir, are a loser of the highest caliber, who has no future and will die alone.

In all seriousness though, I used to live in my parents basement until about a month ago, when my Aunt moved in and relegated me to the guest room upstairs. Otherwise it's essentially the same story as you

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Actually I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum.

I live on my own (apartment) but my mother is getting so far along in the years that I'm facing the unhappy prospect of eventually having to move in with her to help take care of her (my father died 9 years ago). We get along fine but there are times we grate on each others nerves so much that I'm profoundly grateful that that fateful DAY hasn't arrived.

My practically non existent social life will be well and truly sunk when I do.

But you take care of your family. Period. The truth is that my siblings and I have reached the point of worrying whether she'll be alive next year. Or the next. I went through this with my father and he lived 10 years beyond the beginning of such anxieties. Hopefully she'll live just as long or longer.

Still not looking forward to it. Nope.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Th3Ch33s3Cak3 said:
Bubble burst denied
I know you don't need a degree to get into the business. What the school offers is a window into the industry in the city of Vancouver. Plus having a degree on the wall means that with a little bit of education I could become a *shudder* teacher.

The experience that comes through doing 4 years of nothing but film can't hurt either. It might not matter at all whether or not I have a degree but the skills that will come with it will be useful.

Also I don't believe I ever said I was going in to become a director.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
High schooler here. So, no. And it's not gonna happen until I get married. Maybe.

Captcha- push the envelope

You expecting me to be Bill Gates, captcha?

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Hell, no. But living with my parent's is harder then living by myself due to them living off the grid. Running water, flushing toilet, gas heat, full time power, walking distance of work, yeah this shit is much nicer then my parent's place.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well, not in the basement, but yeah... There's kind of a long story behind it though.

And if you're aware of my age the stereotype solidifies even more.

[sub]And once again I'm confronted by my current (going on 10 years now) situation... *sigh*[/sub]


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I am the sole occupant of the whole spare house they own next door.
My giant bedroom/game hall is currently the only piece of civilization in the thing and my dad and I are renovating it. Once it's a fully armed and operational battle station I'll actually be paying them rent and sharing the place with 2-3 friends.

It's the only upstairs space, so sort of like a glorious reverse basement?

I dunno, I don't have a problem with it. I serve my purpose watching over things, fixing things, renovating, cleaning, etc. I'm also like Mission Control for my not-so-internet-capable family, coordinating things, checking information, relaying messages, etc.
All the while I'm going to school and occasionally working.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
If I wasn't at university 180 miles from home I'd still be living in the same room I had my entire life. I'm two months shy of nineteen though, so I'm not really ashamed of it. My parents are thinking about moving house though, since I'm the youngest... I never really thought about it, because that house kinda creeps me out a bit (despite not even being an old house), but I will really, really miss that house. I was born in it, it's home.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Nah... I have an apartment with a couple of roommates... though I miss not having to pay rent, not having shitty neighbors, having my room to myself and actually having food in the fridge...

so yeah living on your own kind of sucks...<.<


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
I'm still in high school, so I'm kind of forced too by law (in some cases)

Although, I would probably want to live in the attic than in the basement, especially ones that have a fold-able ladder you have to climb. Zombie-proofing plans 101!


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Colour-Scientist said:
I moved out of home for college when I was 17 and I haven't really moved back since.
I don't think I could live with my mom again, our relationship is so much better when we're not living together.
pretty much this for me.

I love my family, but I cant be around them for more than 3 days straight.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Nope. I live with three of my friends in a house about 10 minutes away from my university.

Now, do my parents pay for a massive chunk of my expenses? Why yes. Yes they do. Almost all of it, in fact. But at least I have my own place. Except not really, since my parents pay my rent.

BUT at least I'm not living in anyone's basement.

Except I might as well be.

I need a better job.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I live with my parents for a few reasons:

1: No rent. It's paid by helping with the family business. Sure it means 3-4 16 hour days in the Summer and Winter, but other than that it's usually something I can help with over the phone.

2: Close to work. I live 10 minutes away from my job, no matter how fast I drive. I could drive 80 on the highway and 55 through town and it would take me the same time if I went the speed limit... mainly due to lights and signs.

3: Most of my friends have moved out or, hell, most of my friends are married. Also, I would need to know that my roommate wouldn't skin me in my sleep, or at the very least wouldn't mooch off me. And I would rather not live by myself.

I do however NOT live in the basement. My room is on the second story... across from my parents' bedroom. Which makes having any lady-friends over very awkward.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Ryotknife said:
Colour-Scientist said:
I moved out of home for college when I was 17 and I haven't really moved back since.
I don't think I could live with my mom again, our relationship is so much better when we're not living together.
pretty much this for me.

I love my family, but I cant be around them for more than 3 days straight.
As I said, I live upstairs in the house next door, and I still manage to not see my family for weeks at a time.
If I did see my family all the time...I'd be gone.

thejackyl said:
I do however NOT live in the basement. My room is on the second story... across from my parents' bedroom. Which makes having any lady-friends over very awkward.
Also handily solves the lady-friends problem. I have girls up here at all sorts of random times, and my family never knows and never questions.
The girl I had living with me for 6 months was here for a week before anyone even went "Who's car has been in the driveway for a week?"

They didn't have to pay for any of our stuff, so they didn't care.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Not the basement, but me and my boyfriend are currently living with my mother and father for a couple reasons.
We don't have the means to live on our own, and my parents really need help financially at the moment, so I'm happy to stay here for a year or two and help them while we appropriate a place to live.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Yes I live with my parent's although it's less like a basement and more like an apartment room along with wide view of the surrounding area.
No I don't give one flying fuck if people care, I get free accommodation,food,water,power and company and I never moving out.....ever [maybe if I was offered the same benefits but in better condition but even then].