Alright, hands up. Let's be honest here.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Yeah, but I'm still in high school. And my parents have still been trying to kick me out for years.



New member
May 3, 2011
I'm living in my childhood room, but not the basement, we have too much shit down there.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
well I was doing pretty good after college, for about 8 months I had a steady job, good apartment, a game here and there things were looking good, then I got laid off and couldn't find another job so I had to either risk the last of my savings on rent/living costs in the hopes of finding a job in one month which if I didn't I would be broke and living with my parents or move back in with my parents right away(they didn't really have a problem with it). So yeah I'm living at home again don't have a job right now (been about 2 1/2 months). BUT I did get hired for a job this summer so things are looking up.

So in conclusion no I am not living in my parents basement I am living in my old room upstairs.

To be honest though the world has kinda changed since the last generation without a degree of some sort it is very unlikely that you will find a job that pays anymore then minimum or slightly above, and with a degree you have so much debt that it is harder to live on your own


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
I live in the front room of the house and the bright young age of 18.
Not really sure what I'm aiming towards in this little mini-basement of mine.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
I'm 27, and I still live at home. I'm not in a hurry to leave. My parents are both in their mid-70's and not in great health. I'm going to have all the time in the world to live without them when they're dead and gone.

It might be cold to say, but I'll also be better off financially if I'm inheriting this place without possessing any other.

Perhaps if my family was more traditional, there would be a problem. But this house belongs to everyone equally. No one has any more authority than another.


A Mistake
Jun 24, 2011
I still live with my parents, although my bedroom is on the top floor... Does that still count as living in my parent's basement? o_O

I'm planning on moving out this year however.

I was recently laid off, but I'm graduating from community college in the second week of March. I've already got interviews lined up in relative jobs, and the pay is adequate (better than retail anyways).

And I'm super excited :)


Inner Working Reviewer
Nov 18, 2009
23...unemployed 3d Animator with a 4 year college degree.. and not even a retail job will interview yeah living in the "basement" per se lol


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Nah, my mother threw me out on my ass onto the street and told me she'd rather see me live there than back home. So now I live with the boyfriend.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I'm only in high school so yeah I live in my parent's house but it's kind of expected of me to do so.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Th3Ch33s3Cak3 said:
Film degree????
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but those 'degrees' are kinda bull.
List of directors that don't have these 'degrees' (off the top of my head)

Peter Jackson
Quentine Tarantino
David Fincher
Woody Allen
Christopher Nolan
Terrance Malick
Alfred Hitchock
Steven Spielberg(he got one eventually, but started making films without one(I think?))
Stanley Kubrick
Akira Kunosowa(I don't remember how to spell his name, but if you're getting this 'degree' you know who he is)
Danny Boyle
Mendes(don't remeber full name, he directed Skyfall and American Beauty)
Satijah Ray(once again, spelling. You should know who he is)

Unless your going for the more technical aspects(editing, ect...) I an't see how your directing degree will help.
Lmao dude you get a film degree to learn not because you need it to qualify for a job.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Not the basement. Someone else is living in the basement. I'm living in my parents' living space until I graduate.

It works like this: While in school, I pay no rent/board. During the summer, I pay $500 monthly.

It will remain like this until I graduate.

After graduation, I will keep a $500 room and board for two months. After that, it becomes $5000 monthly.

So I'll be shoving off quickly.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
I sure fit the bill, I'm 21 and living with my parents while I attend university. Thankfully they don't expect me to pay rent, so my cash goes directly to my student loans, I should be able to pay majority of it off before I even graduate. So yeah, I'm not goign to pass up a deal like that.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I just realized those wormy things in your avatar have faces on them.. 0_o

Nah Moved out at 19 after college, worked at Symbol and UL during and got hired by Intel before I was even done, but had to finish school for it to be solid. It was, moved from NY to MA, owned my first home at 24 as a joint venture with a friend, he got married bought me out. (which benefited me immensely as it was before the crash)

And here I am, 34, living with my g/f and paying half of our ridiculously under priced $850 rent. Currently saving for a decent down payment for a new home.

Yes Captcha, it is indeed Super Delicious.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Moved out when I was 20, and still in college. Haven't moved back.

Lived in absolute SHIT HOLES working for less than 1 1/2 x minimum wage or on waiter's wages until I finished med school. One place had rent of $250/month. Think, for a second, about what type of apartment might have rent of $250/month in a city where people actually live (shivers).

I used to joke, "Okay, go down the barren highway, and after the second strip club (first one's in a remodeled bank, second one's in a modified double-wide), you'll see a convenience store with a brothel... I mean 'massage parlor' on the second floor. Turn between there and the giant shady flea market. If you hit the third strip club, you've gone too far."

There was literally a grisly murder (dude got stabbed 47 times) three buildings down from where I lived.

I worked for what I got, climbed up scraping and clawing, and did what I had to do to stay out of my parent's house, and I'm better for it. Living in your parent's house is fine, I guess, while in college, and I suppose it's not entirely unacceptable to stay there for a year afterwards. Then it's time to grow up. If you hit 25 and you're still there, you need to change your mindset, because you're not growing as a person.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Let me tell you a little story (a true one).
Waaay back in 1985, the split second I turned 18 my mom & her husband said "Well we can't collect Social Security in your
name any more, so we're moving to another state--without you. Hope ya have a nice life kid. Oh, wait, we don't actually
care what kind of life you have."
So at age 18, thankfully employed though with a minimum-wage job, I *had* to move in to a filthy, roach-infested
tenement, where many of my 'neighbors' were illegal immigrants with 9+ people living in a one-bedroom apartment,
every cent I made going to basic necessities. Despite excellent grades & excellent SAT's and ACT's I couldn't go
to school because I simply couldn't afford it. After a few months of this I said, "Screw it, I'm joining the military.
Only to discover that a screwed-up medical record somewhere prevented me from joining.
During that period of my life, I did occasionally get to hang out with friends. Who would sometimes ***** about
having to live with their parents. They always shut up when they saw me looking at them.

Soooo, if your parents are cool enough to let you live with them:
1-Thank them.
2-Do everything you can to help out.
3-thank them again.
4-Stay for as long as is appropriate for everyone concerned.
5-Did I mention to thank your extremely cool parents?

Oh, and if anyone gives you crap for living with your folks, tell them from me to go
have sex with a porcupine.


New member
Feb 12, 2013
Don't have a basement, but still the same thing. Spent the past decade living at home with my mom after having... well, let's just say I put myself in a hole when I was younger, and I'm still trying to dig myself out of it 15 years later. Been hit with numerous job losses over those years, which is catching up to me now that I'm 33. I'm having to stay with my dad and step-mom at the moment, due to shit falling apart with my other half of the family, and if I can't find a magical "fix shit" button very soon, I'll probably be on the streets. (or rather forest, since I now live in the boonies)

All in all, knocking over gas stations or running off to be the naked woodsman is a future I likely have to look forward to anymore.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am 21 and live in my own room (shared with my younger brother) in my parents house. I plan on staying just a little under a year more before finally having enough money saved up to pay for housing while I going through a 3D modeling course in either Vancouver or Toronto. Two unfortunately expensive cities.

In the meantime I am paying for all of my food, half the power and internet bills, and the gas I take up using my parents car/truck during the winter.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Moved out at 15, spent a year living with my mom because I couldn't get a job between high school and university, moved out after that year. Getting a job is really, really hard, so I can't say I blame those of you living with you parents.