So white police officer Amber Guyger has been found guilty of murder [] for the killing of her black neighbor Botham Jean.
I don?t even know how to begin to find the thread on this subject from last year, but I recall opinions running high, people fervently advocating on both sides of the ?guilt? issue. Well, she was found guilty of MURDER, the intent to kill clear to the jury of her peers, ?fatigue? and ?honest mistake? out the window, nope, she murdered that man in his own home. The best I?ll give her is ?gross and lethal incompetence,? a trait I?m not willing to waive for someone [once] paid to protect and serve. She got what she deserved; sentencing to start soon. Apparently, murder can come with a sentence of 5 to 99 years; I won?t opine as to what sentence I think she should or will get, I?m just glad it?s now a matter of public record that she is a killer.
I don?t even know how to begin to find the thread on this subject from last year, but I recall opinions running high, people fervently advocating on both sides of the ?guilt? issue. Well, she was found guilty of MURDER, the intent to kill clear to the jury of her peers, ?fatigue? and ?honest mistake? out the window, nope, she murdered that man in his own home. The best I?ll give her is ?gross and lethal incompetence,? a trait I?m not willing to waive for someone [once] paid to protect and serve. She got what she deserved; sentencing to start soon. Apparently, murder can come with a sentence of 5 to 99 years; I won?t opine as to what sentence I think she should or will get, I?m just glad it?s now a matter of public record that she is a killer.